Come Be My Teacher Pt.9 (AU)🔥

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The next night Jennie was applying a facial sheet mask to her face and getting ready for Tae's first sleepover, when the front door of her apartment clicked open. She wasn't expecting Tae so early, who at this point knew the door's code, but that's who she found. She hid behind the door and covered her face as he entered. "Sorry! I didn't know you were coming now."

Tae laughed, took off his shoes, placed his overnight bag on the floor, and bent down to get a better look. "Ah...a baby cat!" He smiled at the animal imprinted on her beauty mask. "Rehearsal for Bang Bang Con ended early. I texted you."

"I was in the bathroom I guess. Wednesdays are my spa nights."

He lifted her chin with his finger. "Give me one too. We can have spa night together."

Cut to them, sitting on the couch watching TV, Jennie wearing a kitten and Tae wearing a bear mask. As a K-pop video played in the background, Tae asked, "Did you see my V Live?"

Jennie nodded. "I liked what you said about the current situation. That really showed your sweet, beautiful soul." He put his arm around her and asked her to translate what he said in English. "You said when things get hard, stop for a while and look back and see how far you've come. Don't forget how rewarding it is. You are the most beautiful flower in the world."

She turned to face him and made a cute flower pose, putting her palms under her cheeks. He flashed her a lovely smile and gave her a half heart on his cheek. "Next time we tape something, I'll do this to show I'm thinking of you," he said adorably.

Jennie patted his thigh to show her appreciation. She was in a good mood. The weather in Seoul was getting warmer by the end of spring. Businesses and indoor gathering places were still closed due to the lockdown. But she was at the point where it didn't depress her as much as before. Her relationship with Tae was beginning to blossom and she was looking forward to seeing how it would progress. Ah....spring...blossom...get it?

When his phone rang, he took it out of his pocket and answered. "Yeo bo se yo...Ah..." He continue talking for a few minutes, looking annoyed. When the call ended, he frowned at the screen before putting it away.

He was silent for a good ten minutes. Jennie gave him some time to get out of his funk, glancing at the TV, then back at him. Finally he blew his face mask off with a strong puff of air. She playfully slapped his face to help the moisturizing serum hydrate and nourish the skin.

But Tae was having none of it and brushed her hand away. "What's wrong?" she asked, treading carefully in case he didn't want to share.

"The Map of the Soul tour is officially cancelled."


"And Bang PD is making us do a reality show called 'In the Soop' next week."

"In the forest? You'll have to tell me all about it." Jennie hoped her bright voice would brighten his mood.

Tae sighed. "I don't even want to go. We should be working on our new music. A new album. Not a vacation."

"You have time for that later." His eyes met hers and his melancholy look reminded her of some videos where he just looked "off". 

"Also...I won't see you." A silent beat. "Come with me."

Jennie gasped. "Oh, I don't know. This seems like a very private activity."

"I'll hide you."

"Are your stylists going?"

"No but you can be a cameraman." He started to sing, "'Travel with me...'"

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