V's Birthday 🔥

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When Jennie Kim opened the door to the penthouse apartment she shared with Kim Taehyung, she was met with uproarious laughter and different male voices. The aroma of barbequed meats hit her nose and the clinking of glasses could be heard. Tae's face lit up when he saw his girlfriend and helped her put the birthday cake she had just bought into the refrigerator.

"Jennie, you're here!" Jungkook exclaimed, refilling his glass.

She took a seat next to Tae as he put his arm around her. Their heads turned when they heard Yoongi, slurring his words. ""Somebody get her a drink already!"

Tae jumped up and moved to the counter. Jungkook turned to Jennie and said, "I have a secret..." He looked around and giggled. "I had a drink. I feel nice."

Jennie covered her mouth and snickered. This could be fun. I'm about to witness drunk Bangtan.

In front of her appeared a shot glass of a clear liquid that smelled like apples. "Thanks!" she said, glancing at Tae. He sat down, took his glass, and linked arms with her while they did a love shot.

She licked her lips from the sweet alcohol and set the drink down on the glass table. Scanning the room, she noticed how the other members all had glassy eyes and relaxed looks on their faces.

"So what are we celebrating?" Jennie asked. They stared at her for a second before she blurted, "Just kidding! Happy birthday, Tae!" She gave him a kiss on the cheek and a side-hug while Jimin took a picture of the couple with his phone.

"Want to play a game?" Namjoon asked. "Uno...369...007, what do you guys feel like?"

"Let's play 'Truth or Dare,'" Hobi suggested.

"How old are we?" Namjoon asked unseriously.

"Jimin-ssi!" Jungkook yelled, unnecessarily loud. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" Jimin replied.

"I dare you to do the choreo for 'Run BTS' without tripping or falling."

"But that's one of our hardest dances!"

"You're a pro!"

Jimin moved to the living room where there was an open space by the couches. The other members hyped him up with shouts and whistles. After Jimin completed the steps for the chorus, he put out his hands to steady himself. Then he took a step forward, wobbled and stumbled. He slipped and fell on his back, looking up at the ceiling. Jennie almost instinctively came off her seat to check on him.

"Wow, the ceiling is beautiful," Jimin said serenely. Laughter filled the room as he slowly sat up. "What's my punishment?"

Jungkook flew off his chair and in one quick motion, knelt in front of Jimin and flicked his forehead. Thwack! Jimin covered his face from the pain which made everyone roar with laughter again, clapping their hands. Jungkook helped him get up slowly. Jimin's face was paler than usual and he held his stomach.

"Oh. I have to call my mom. It's her birthday." He carefully walked down the hallway.

"Jennie, truth or dare?"

She turned to see Yoongi talking. She gulped. Out of all the members, Yoongi was the most intimidating. On one hand, Jennie was concerned what kind of probing question he would ask, but she was also afraid she would lose the dare. That flick looked painful. "Dare?"

"I dare you to answer a BTS trivia question." Yoongi paused to think. "We have a lot of song titles with only one word right?" Jennie nodded, immediately thinking of some titles, like "Dynamite" and "Run."

"Okay! Name five songs with numbers in the title. You have ten seconds..." he started the countdown.

Hurriedly her mind raced to think of an answer. "Oh! '134340'...'2nd Grade'...'2,3!'...'Cypher Part 3'...and...and..." She giggled nervously. Her heart was beating fast behind her ribcage and her mind was racing, thoughts jumbled up. Everyone looked at her in anticipation.

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