Blue: For Us 1 (AU) 🧨

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Hi Readers, I decided to do something a little different with this story. This fan fic (10 chapters long) will close out "Veautiful Days" and then I will mark it as complete. I don't plan to write anymore and so I want my last story to be more interactive. You're so good at leaving comments, asking questions, giving your honest opinions, etc. Therefore "Blue: For Us" is being published as a rough draft and I will edit per your comments (not saying I'll change everything you suggest but will take into consideration). Just want to end my writing, knowing I tried my best and leaving with a beautiful story that makes sense and has a happy ending...

So you are invited to be "beta" readers of this AU story of Tae and his stylist, Jennie, who have to endure the hardships of dating in a crazy K-pop industry. This story is spicy at some points (kind of a slow burn) and there is some angst. If it's not your cup of tea, feel free to skip this one...

Anyways, thanks for over 10,000 reads so far! Never would have imagined this reaction when I started my Taennie fan fic 😄

🎵 Cause I-I-I'm in the stars tonight...

The song, "Dynamite," can be heard over the loudspeakers, filling the soundstage with the catchy, retro song. The set looks like a scene from the 1970s, complete with a donut shop, a record store and a disco sign, all in vibrant pastel colors. BTS, the worldwide famous K-pop group, sit in swivel chairs in front of vanity mirrors discussing the recording of the music video so far.

"Jungkook, you look great in the opening," Jimin compliments, as a stylist combs his hair.

"Jin, you look so handsome," Hobi says, as another stylist holds a can and sprays his hair down.

"Tae, glasses look great on you! Can anyone survive your wink?" Jungkook adds, as he gets a touch-up on his foundation.

"Yoongi really went all out with his dancing," Kim Taehyung says with a grin at his hyung. Tae's stylist, Jennie Kim, wearing a face mask, a fitted black shirt, black jeans, and a black snap back, picks up a brush and takes a section of Tae's honey golden hair in her hand.

Yoongi, sounding like an old experienced man, explains, "The camera work was really cool. It stayed in place while we interacted with it to get the retro feel."

For a few minutes the discussion continues with random thoughts of the song, each member expressing their opinions, sometimes cutting each other off or finishing each other's sentences like a family would do after so many years together as a group.

"I hope the fans like the song. They'll be surprised it's in English," Namjoon says from his chair.

"It's a good pop song," says Yoongi as he fixes the wide lapel of his buttoned shirt.

"The song of the summer," Tae declares. Jennie smiles to herself as she was thinking the same thing, even though it is August and almost the end of summer. She tries to make eye contact with Tae but he looks off into the distance.

Jin pipes up. "Hopefully 'Dynamite' will blow up on the charts." The Bangtan members laugh. "This song will blow you away." More chuckles from the members. "When I die, I want dynamite at my funeral so I can go out with a bang!" Jin does his windshield-wiper-laugh as the others groan.

"What do you think of the song, Jennie?" Tae asks.

All eyes are on Tae's stylist. Bangtan and the other staff workers are used to Tae being friendly to Jennie, but it still catches them off guard when he specifically gives her his attention. His big, brown eyes meet hers in the mirror.

"I think it's easy and simple and positive. It sounds like you're trying to convey the message of healing and comfort to your fans," Jennie says confidentially as she runs her hand through Tae's hair with a smile.

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