Come Be My Teacher Pt.5 (AU)

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That Sunday, the doorbell rang in Jennie's apartment. She opened it and saw Tae standing there with two large shopping bags. His attractiveness was pleasing to her sense of sight. When am I going to get used to his good looks? she asked herself.

"Hi!" they said to each other smiling. He entered the apartment and took off his shoes. Her eyes took in his casual outfit of a white long sleeved top and black jeans with holes in the knees. She was used to seeing him in Vuitton, Gucci, or Celine in pictures and videos. In person he was casual, but he was so handsome he could pull off any look.

Jennie followed him into the kitchen as he talked about what he brought her. He set the bags on the table and took out a package of toilet paper.

"I never gave you a housewarming gift," he said. Then he explained the other gifts in the bag, things from his hometown like local snacks and a souvenir hoodie. Jennie was mesmerized by how he made everything sound so interesting. She could listen to his deep, smooth voice and watch his cute facial expressions for hours. How did he have this effect on me?

"How's your family?" she asked in English, knowing this was technically a tutoring session.

Tae took the seat next to her and said, "God...I mean good."

She chuckled and quizzed him more. "How many people in your family?"

""He looked up at the ceiling. "Four. And me. Five."

Jennie wanted to continue the near-flirting from social media. "And girlfriend?" she asked, pumping her eyebrows. He looked surprised. "Hmm?" She added to the question by making fists with her hands and putting them by her face, turning them back and forth, and making cute baby noises.

He laughed. Just like when she did cute aegyeo the other night after he said "my song just started." She wondered if he would ever explain what that meant.

Finally Tae responded, "No girlfriend." He smiled shyly then looked away. Wanting to change the subject, he took out his Galaxy tablet. "Ah...I write words to a new song, Jennie."

She leaned closer. "Can I see?"

He read them out loud as she looked at the screen. "'The day I get to meet you, Sunday. The day I waited for, Sunday. Time, please run a little faster.'"

"Wow! You're working on two songs now. That's impressive."

Tae looked at her intensely. "Our producer, Pdogg, said is helpful if artist has someone to inspire him. A...mousse."

Jennie pulled her head back. "Oh...a muse."

He nodded. His new song was about seeing someone on Sunday. Today was Sunday. Jennie was someone. Could I be his muse? The way he was staring at her pointed to...maybe. His gaze and the giddiness she felt that she could have that effect on him made her very nervous so she looked away. She asked, "Did you think of a melody yet?"

He straightened up in his chair. "No. Can you help?"

Jennie pulled her hair back and let the waves fall on her shoulders. She twirled a strand of hair in her fingers as she thought. "Well...I saw that video you posted at your house."

She was referring to him dancing and singing to Postmodern Jukebox's retro 50's prom style cover of "Closer" by the Chainsmokers. Tae had mimicked the dance moves and she loved watching his body sway.

"Have you seen other Postmodern Jukebox songs?" she asked as she pulled out her phone.

Tae shook his head. "Other songs? Like 'Closer'? Like old music?"

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