Chapter 5

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I had another nightmare and I woke up screaming, and it was dark and I panicked briefly, then I heard someone coming. Ethan came into my room and hugged me, "shh its okay" he said as he hugged me. I cried was my life going to be like this forever, would I always be scared. I just wanted to forget everything and not be like this. He stayed with me as I fell back asleep I hoped he didn't leave again. I am not sure what it is but this big house made me nervous and I still didn't know Ethan that well. 

I woke up the next morning and he was still in my room that made me happy, I needed to use the bathroom. I had to wake him up to get off the bed and I didn't want to but if I didn't I would have an accident. "Ethan I need to pee" I said and he opened his eyes and moved I think he was still thrown off the fact I could talk. I know I didn't say much but I was to scared and I am not sure that will ever go away. When I came back he was still sitting on my bed and I sat beside him, I had a feeling he wanted to talk to me. "Ryder are you okay?" he asked me, I nodded but didn't say anything. "I know you don't want to talk to me and that is okay but I need to know did you see something you shouldn't have?" he asked me and I nodded again and he hugged me. "Let's go have breakfast" he said and I liked that he wasn't pushing me and I wanted to trust him enough to tell him. Once we were downstairs he started to make breakfast, "anything you want in particular?" he asked me, "No" I said and he found some eggs and bread, and a meat of some sort. I mean being along all the time I never had much and mommy never cooked for me. She did have pizza a lot so I lived of that mostly I liked pizza. "I guess you wouldn't know if you were allergic to anything?" Ethan asked me. I shook my head I didn't even really know what that meant, "is there anything you can't eat?" he asked me sensing my confusion, I shook my head again I didn't know. "Okay well we will just have to keep and eye on you then" he said as he made the meat in the oven and cooked the eggs. I watched him and his phone rang he answered it.

"Shaw" he said and he didn't speak for a few seconds just listened, "I will have to get back to you on that" he said. "I will ask but like I said I will call you back" he said as he hung up, I looked at him and he said "later" and I didn't push it. We ate breakfast and I really liked the meat it was good, "what is this?" I asked him, "bacon, have you never had it?" he asked, "no its yummy, mommy didn't cook ever" I said and he shook his head. "Ryder I want to ask you some questions but if you don't want to answer you don't have to okay" he said. I was nervous about these questions but I nodded I wanted to trust him. "Did you mommy take good care of you?" he asked, "she wasn't home a lot, I was alone sometimes it was for a long time" I said, "this really bugs me. I am sorry Ryder that is terrible, I know you probably didn't know any different and you loved your mommy very much" he said. "I did, I miss her" I said, "I know but she should have given you away if she didn't want to keep you. I just wish this didn't happen to you" he said. I didn't know if I should say anything at this point. "Do you know who your father is?" he asked me, "no" I said I didn't know anyone other than mommy, "did you ever leave your house?" he asked. "No, the only time I did was with you" I said and he sighed, I felt like I was making him mad. "I am sorry" I said with tears, "there is no reason for you to be sorry bud, I am just trying to process how someone could do this to a child" he said. "Mommy didn't mean to she would cuddle me sometimes, but she worked a lot" I said. "Do you know what she did for work?" he asked me, "no mommy never talked about it" I said, I didn't want to say to much here. "Okay I think that is enough for today, thank you for answering my questions" he said. I nodded they weren't as scary as I thought they would be he never asked me about that day. 

I wanted to know who was on the phone but he never told me and I wondered if the questions he asked me were for that person. I watched as Ethan did the dishes, "I think we should get you washed up, give you a real bath what do you say?" he asked, "okay" I said curious what he meant by real bath. We went upstairs to the big bathroom and he filled the tub up with water and added something and there bubbles lots of them. Ethan helped me out of pj's and I climbed into the tub. The bubbles were fun I really liked them, and he helped me get clean and it felt nice. The soap smelled good, once he was done he wrapped me in a big fluffy towel and we went to my room to find some clothes. Once I was dressed he knelt down to my level, and said, "I need to go to work today for a little bit. I am going to need to bring you with me are you okay with that?" I nodded I didn't want to be left alone but I was also scared because I knew that captain guy was there and he scared me.

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