Chapter 28

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I woke up it was still dark but I wasn't tired anymore, I knew it was still early. I debated on walking Ethan up but I didn't know what time he went to bed. I crept out of my room and down the stairs, I let Axel outside. I waited for him to be done and let him back in as I sat on the couch and pet him. "Axel I am scared" I said and he licked me I wish he could be there with me at this court thing. I cried again because I didn't know if I could do this I knew that I didn't want too, why was this happening? I needed to figure out what I was going to do because talking about it was not going to happen. I needed Ethan to understand that I just couldn't do it I mean I am still a child I am only 4 this was just all way to much for me.

I noticed the light turn on in the hallway and I looked up Ethan was coming downstairs, "morning bud, I thought I heard you" he said as he sat down beside me. "Ryder are you okay?" he asked me I shook my head and cried a little harder. "I am so sorry please talk to me tell me what I can do to help you please" he said. I didn't say anything he was doing what he could for right now and I just wasn't ready. I didn't know how to tell him but I felt like in a way he already knew. "How about we make Zoey some breakfast and bring it to her in bed?" he asked me and I nodded. "Perfect" he said as we both headed to the kitchen, Ethan pulled stuff out to make eggs and toast and I grabbed the bacon. "Right can't forget that now can we" he said as he put it in the oven. I pushed the toast down in the toaster and buttered it when it popped up, Ethan cooked the eggs. I grabbed some orange juice and filled a cup only spilling it a little bit, as Ethan poured the coffee. Once the bacon was done we plated it all and Ethan carried it on a tray upstairs and I followed.

"Morning Zoey" Ethan said as he placed the tray in front of her, "oh wow this is so perfect, Ryder did you help?" she asked me I nodded. "It looks amazing thank you, but I think there is way to much bacon here for me" she said. I smiled and took some off her plate and she ruffled my hair. I think I liked her even more she was good to me. She was a lot nicer to me than mommy and she actually talked to me. "Ryder I wanted to show you this, it is your adoption papers, Zoey and I decided we wanted her on it too. So it now states that Zoey is your mother and I am your father are you okay with that?" he asked me. I smiled and nodded as I hugged them both. I couldn't be happier I now had a mom and a dad who loved me.


After we brough Zoey breakfast in bed, I was hoping I could go and figure things out with this trial. Talk to the judge and maybe get him out of this whole mess, I knew he wasn't going to talk. I also knew that this damn shit was just making things worse, I needed to fix it and now. "Zoey you think I could head to work for a few hours?" I said "Of course Ryder and I can go shopping and maybe go to a park?" she said, he nodded and I knew Zoey would take good care of him. I gave them both a kiss and headed out the door, I put Ryder's car seat into Zoey's car.

Riggs was surprised to see me, "hey I didn't think you would leave him" he said, "he is with his mother he is fine" I said. Riggs's eyes grew wide and he gave me a weird look, "what?" I said giving him a look back. "His mother?" Riggs questioned me with curiosity, "yes Riggs his mother Zoey" I said and Riggs gave me a fist bump. "Its about damn time" he said, "whatever Riggs, tell me where we are on this Mikey case" I said. "Well the court date is in 2 days, and it is to determine where he goes.  I mean he is only 13 so he can't be tried as an adult or anything but I guess the judge wants to know if he spends some time in juvie or if he goes into foster care" Riggs said. "Thirteen years old and threatened a 4 year old to the point he is terrified for his life. I damn well hope something happens" I said. "I do too but this would require Ryder to talk" Riggs said. "I know that but I am not sure he will and I hate this so much, he isn't even talking to me so I doubt he will tell anyone anything. Who is the judge?" I asked him, "I think for this case it is Judge Mathers" he said. "Fuck he is a hard ass and I really doubt he will listen"  I said, "well it doesn't hurt to try right?" he said. "Yeah I mean I don't have a choice, I don't want him to testify" I said. "Good luck" Riggs said as I left and drove to the court house I was hoping Judge Mathers was there and that he would listen. 

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