Chapter 11

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I felt like we were getting no where, and that we were never going to catch them, I knew we couldn't just arrest them. I am pretty sure if we walked into his house and arrested him we would probably be attacked by some of his men. Either that or his lawyer would say we have nothing. I mean they are right we have nothing but the confession of a 3 year old kid who was terrified and in hiding. I had no idea what I was doing and I needed my best friend. I sent him an email not even sure if he would get it or if he would reply but I needed him to tell me what to do. I needed him to assure me that I was good at my job, because right now I had no idea. My phone rang "Riggs" I said, "they are onto us we are under fire" Collins said, "fuck well can you get to Drake? I mean I am on my way" I said as I hung up not exactly sure what I was going into.

I made it to a giant warehouse and my guys were hiding behind cars, "Drake!" I said, getting his attention, "Come to arrest me?" Drake said, "I have actually, you can either come peacefully or we can end this right here and now" I said, "Ha you have nothing and you know it, I will find that little boy and kill him. Then I will kill all of you" he said as he walked away. "You just threaten me?" I said, "what are you going to do about it?" Drake said and I looked at Collins he nodded I knew he had my back. I ran at him and tackled him to the ground. One thing I had over Drake was my training and even though he was bigger I was stronger, I had him pinned and I cuffed his wrists behind his back before he could even do anything. "Your under arrest for threatening a cop, you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you can't afford one then we will appoint one to you do you understand" I said pulling him to his feet. He spat on my shoes, and I shoved him into the back of squad car. Collins was able to get Tyler he made the mistake of coming out to try help Drake.

Now we had them in custody but for how long, I needed to convince a judge that they were behind these murders. I also knew that once I did this Ryder would be the only one who can put them away forever. My heart went out to the kid because if he didn't do this then they walk away and I couldn't have that happen. Everything was riding on the shoulder of an almost 4 year old kid and that was saying a lot.


I could tell he was processing everything and I knew that when that day did come it would be hard on him. We were walking back to the car when Ryder stopped, he was looking in the window of a pet shop. I wasn't sure about a pet but I knelt down, "want to go look?" I said, "yes" he said and his face lit up. We walked into the pet shop and he took everything in, we took our time looking at everything. Once we were at the back he stopped and I saw the puppies, I knew this was going to be hard. They were German shepards and I knew he had a stuffie but was I ready for a dog. I knew how loyal this breed was and it would essentially help me keep Ryder safe but he was not even 4 yet what did he know about taking care of a dog. I knew I was most likely going to have to train it and I am not sure I was prepared for that. They still looked really young and that meant a lot of work for me. I walked up to the owner of the store, "how much for the puppies?" I asked, "They are 500$ a piece but they aren't ready for 2 more weeks" the man said, "oh but you have them there for people to look at?" I said, "yes just temporarily we are letting the mama have a break, if you like you can put a deposit down and we can call you when they are ready" the man said. I nodded and put down a deposit I knew I could always change my mind later, "Ryder bud lets go" I said, and he was sad but he said bye to the puppies and followed me to the car.

"I want one" he said, "I know but those ones are to young and they aren't ready to leave their mom just yet" I said as I clipped him into the car seat. We drove back home and he went straight to his toys in the living room, I unpacked the groceries I bought and put a lasagna into the oven as I opened my email, I had 2 from Riggs, I opened them,

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