Chapter 37

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I waited for what felt like forever they said she was coming but was she not here, why was she not here. I didn't understand why they said she was coming if she wasn't I just really wanted to meet her. I sat with Riggs in the waiting room, "she is coming bud" he said, "when?" I asked, "when she is ready" Riggs said. "This is taking forever" I said, "have some patience dude, I know being 5 is hard" he said. "I just want to meet her" I said, "I know, and you will, look here comes your dad" Riggs said. "Hey bud, want to come meet your sister?" he said, "YES!" I said and he laughed as I followed him to where mom was with her. I climbed onto the bed, and she was perfect she was so little. "Wow" I said, "smaller than you expected right?" dad said, "yes she is tiny, does she have a name?" I asked, "we were trying to figure that out do you have a suggestion" Zoey said. "I do but if you don't like it, that is fine" I said, "let's hear it bud" Ethan said. "I like the name Lacey" I said, both my parents looked at each other and Zoey smiled, "I love it Lacey May Shaw" Zoey said. "Why May?" I asked, "she was born in May, and it was my grandmother's name" Zoey said. "Cool but you don't need to use Lacey" I said. "It's the perfect name little man" Ethan said, and I smiled.

I was so excited that they used my name and I felt important knowing I named her. "Do you want to hold her?" Zoey asked me. "Yes please" I said as I snuggled in close to mom and she put Lacey in my arms. It was the best thing ever, she was perfect, and I kissed her forehead. "He is going to be the best big brother" Zoey said, "yes he is" Ethan said smiling at me. I loved her so much already and I couldn't wait to watch her grow up. I didn't want to let her go but apparently, she needed to eat, and Zoey had to feed her milk. It was all very interesting to me; my mommy never did that for me. At least I didn't think she did, I don't remember much from being a baby, but I do know I was happier now. Riggs finally came in with Wyatt and Travis, "congrats guys she is beautiful" Riggs said. "Thanks, her big brother named her too" dad said and I smiled, I was proud of that. "What did he name her?" Wyatt asked he was the one I was still not sure about, but he was smart I liked that. "Lacey" dad said, "I like that great name kid" Riggs said, and I smiled at him. "You guys going to be here long? Olivia is already trying to get me to hire the perfect paramedic relief for you" Travis said. "Tell her I will be back before she knows it" Zoey said, "you're not working?" I asked her, "no I am going to stay home for a bit take care of you and Lacey" Zoey said. I smiled that made me happy, I didn't know if I would like a stranger taking care of me.

"What do you say little dude want to come have a sleepover at my place?" Riggs asked me, I knew it was already arranged I just hoped it turned out okay it made me nervous. "I don't want to leave her" I said. "We will all be home with her before you know it bud, I promise you will get to see her lots" dad said. I nodded and kissed her one more time before I left with Riggs, and he promised me a pizza. Once we arrived at his house, he phoned in the pizza order, and I remember the last time he did this. "I am worried" I said, "I promise this time I will make sure it is the pizza before I open the door" he promised. "Okay but I am going to hide" I said, and he laughed, "fair enough" Riggs said as we found a movie to watch we decided on the cartoon Home, and I was very excited about it. It had an alien in it, and I thought that was pretty cool, the pizza came, and I hid. Everything turned out okay and we ate pizza and junk food while we watched the movie. I fell asleep on the couch, and I felt him pick me up and carry me upstairs. I fell asleep thinking about Lacey and how much fun her and I would have together.


That was the most exhausting thing I had ever done, but the result was amazing. Ryder already loved her so much and I was excited to see their relationship grow. He even picked out the perfect name for her and everything was perfect. I had the 2 best children ever and my husband was pretty great too. I mean he was asleep right now while I did all the work and was in pain but hey, I was happy to do it. Lacey was currently feeding again she sure liked to eat this girl was going to be chunky. I had already decided that I wanted to pump as well as breast feed so that Ethan and Ryder could help me out. I was going to try and only feed her breastmilk, but I knew how much of a challenge it could be. I burped her when she was done and lay her beside me in the bassinet as I tried to get some sleep. Of course, in the hospital that was never an easy thing to do because the nurses were coming and going every 5 minutes. It was 8 am the next day and I knew Riggs would take Ryder to school. I just hoped we would be home with his new sister at some point today. Just as I said that my doctor came in and said that everything looked good, and we could leave. I woke up Ethan by throwing something at him, "what oh I am awake" he said. He helped me dress our daughter in her outfit and we packed her into the car seat. She looked so small in there I was worried it wouldn't work. "It will be fine love" Ethan told me as he kissed us both. 

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