Chapter 13

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It was finally time, we were heading back home and in all honesty, I was more afraid for him everyday. I didn't know how this was going to go, being so far away I have been so out of the loop on this case. I have no idea who the lawyers were or the judge even is and how this is going to go. I knew it was being treated as a full criminal case and if they were convicted we could be talking life without parole and for his sake I hope this came true. I knew I would need to go back to work but leaving him with anyone worried me. He may have opened up to me and really honestly doesn't stop talking. I just feel like with everyone else he shuts down and won't express himself, and after the trial I feel like it will only get worse. I found him in his room he was packed but he was just sitting there petting Axel. "You ready?" I asked him, "I am ready to go home but I am not ready for this trial" he said. "I know bud I am not either but we are going to get through this together I promise" I said and I hugged him as I took his suit case and loaded it into the car.

We managed to get to the airport and I spoke to the security and explained the situation I phoned ahead of time they were expecting me. "Yes sir right this way" the security officer said and we followed him to the front of the line. Getting a lot of looks from people, "yes Mr. Shaw we have a private flight for you" a woman said and I nodded handing her our passports and we were taken to our flight. Axel was getting nervous so I had to pick him up to many smells in the airport, and him being german shepard he was antsy. We made it on the flight and we took off shortly after, Ryder was smiling but I could tell he was nervous, once we were in the air I called Riggs, "Riggs" he answered on the second ring, "we are on our way" I said, "okay but um you won't be able to go home" he said. "What why?" I asked, "well um your house was sort of set on fire" he said, "Riggs!" I said. "I didn't do it man, but Travis did say it was arson, so I guess even from prison he is sending a message" Riggs said. "Is it still standing?" I asked, "yes Travis says its not to bad but there is a lot of water damage and smoke, so um yeah" he said. "I am coming to your house then" I said, "what?" he replied. "I need him to be safe and with the 2 of us he will be plus we have Axel" I said. "Who or what is Axel?" he asked me, "Ryder's dog, now we will be there in an hour" I said and hung up before he could protest further. "Everything okay?" Ryder asked, "its fine but we won't be going home right away" I said, "how come?" he asked, "our house had a little fire" I said. "Oh no, was it in purpose?" he asked, "yes" I said I wasn't going to lie to him, "I thought they were in jail" Ryder said, "they are but he has lots of people who work for him we are trying to track them all down" I said. "I am scared" he said, "I will always protect you" I said and he smiled. 

Once the plane landed we exited out a back exit just to be safe. I clipped Ryder into his car seat and we drove to Riggs's house even though I wish we could have gone to mine. I knocked and he opened the door and ushered us in quickly. "What's wrong?" I asked him, "nothing I just don't want anyone to know you are here" he said, I felt like he was keeping something from me. I needed to find out, Ryder was busy playing with his puppy I looked up my best friend. "Spill it" I said, "spill what?" He added, "I can tell you are keeping something from me I know you well enough" I said. "Okay you're right, Drake was released on bail and he's free right now" he said. I sighed, "is that why my house was set on fire?" I asked, "we think so but we have no proof" he said, "and we are just hoping he will show up for his trial?" I said annoyed at the situation, "his lawyer assured us he would be there, but I'm just not sure he is safe as of right now" Riggs said pointing to Ryder. "He is fine he won't leave my sight" I said. "Okay um but where is he" Riggs said, "Ryder" I yelled, "yeah" he said he was in the bathroom, "nothing bud your fine sorry" I said. This was going to be harder than I thought especially since he was finally starting to come out of his shell with me anyways. 

Well now I needed to break the news to him I sat down on the couch and watched him play with his pup. "Can we take him for a walk?" Ryder asked, " I'm sorry bud we can't, we are going to have to stay inside until the day of the trial" I said, "oh um why?" He asked, "it's just not safe for you to be outside, I will have Riggs take Axel for a walk I'm sorry. I just can't risk it" I said, " it's okay I understand" Ryder said and he went to play with toys. Riggs had Axel on his leash, "that is the most I've heard him talk" Riggs said, "talks all the time he is very smart, I hope this is over soon I'd love to get him into school" I said. "Yeah um did I mention I don't like dogs?" Riggs said, "too bad he needs a walk, and make sure he does his business" I said pushing Riggs out the door.

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