Chapter 24

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I was beyond pissed off my mother couldn't watch him for one day! I mean what was she doing while he ran out of the house. I didn't understand how he was able to escape I am sure Axel would have barked. Another thing my friends just handed him off to someone random like what the fuck was that! I needed answers and fast because who knows where Ryder is right now he could be in danger. I needed to find him before something bad happened to him. I was working the scene trying to piece anything together, then I saw my mother. "Ethan" she said, "mother I don't have time" I said, "I know but I lost Ryder" she said, "I know and trust me we will talk about it later" I said, "okay how did you know?" she asked me, "he showed up here looking for me. Next time I suggest not watching the news, if there is a next time" I said. "Oh so he is here thank goodness" she said. "He was here and now he is missing" I said, "oh so you lost him?" she said giving me a look. "No, I was trapped inside the building and when I was being rescued some cop took him and if you don't mind I need to find him" I said as I left her. I was on a mission and I knew the first place to go.

"Let me go with you" Riggs said, "no I might do something that I would rather you not see" I said, "Ethan I will not let you plus we don't even know if Tyler is involved" Riggs said, "he has to be I know it this is not just a coincidence" I said. "I really hope it is" Riggs said. I drove us both to the high security prison, I really hated this place but I needed answers. Once we walked inside I showed them my badge and said "I need to see inmate Tyler Cooper", "sure captain but he has a visitor now can you wait" he said. "No" I said, "okay sure come with me" he said and I followed him. As soon as Tyler saw me he stood up, "detective to what do I owe the pleasure" he said with a smirk. I grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against a wall. Riggs held the other guards back. "Where is my son?" I said with anger, "I am not sure what you mean, I don't have him" he said. "Not directly but you hired someone tell me who it was" I said, "you have no proof detective now if you will kindly let me go" he said. "I am watching you Tyler and if you so much as harm a hair on his head I will end you myself" I said. "I would love to see you try but like I said I don't have your damn kid" he said. I didn't believe him and I knew this person visiting probably knew something.


I didn't know where we were but we stopped in front of a house, the man grabbed me and pulled me out of the car. He was hurting my arm, and I tried to wiggle free but he only grabbed me tighter. Once we were inside the house he tossed me on the floor, there was another kid. "Who is this" the kid asked, "doesn't matter watch him while I go somewhere and Mikey he does not leave this house understand" the man said. "Sure thing dad" Mikey said, and I was scared more of Mikey than the man. I wasn't sure what was going to happen and I didn't want his father to leave. I curled in a ball and cried, "aw the little baby is crying" he said kicking me, I tried to move away. "You don't get to run from me kid, I am in charge when my dad is not here" Mikey said. I wasn't going to question him, he scared me and he was much bigger than me, "get up" Mikey said. I didn't want him to hurt me so I stood up, "now move it kid upstairs" Mikey said, and he pushed me almost knocking me over. I walked towards the stairs and he pushed me again this time I tripped and hit my face on a step. I wasn't going to give him any satisfaction as I made it to the top. He pushed me hard into a bedroom and I fell onto my knees, "stay in here kid and don't try anything stupid" he said as he closed the door. 

I was alone so I cried and wished Ethan would come and find me, I knew this wasn't a good place and I wanted to go home. I knew it was dumb that I left the house and Ethan's mom is probably worried about me. I know Ethan is worried, I just hopes he finds me soon or Mikey might kill me in my sleep. He scared me a lot and I wasn't sure what was going to happen, I heard a door slam and I peeked my head out to see. "Mikey where is he?" the man asked, "upstairs dad" Mikey said, "go up there and keep him quiet you here do whatever you have to" the man said. Mikey ran upstairs, and I tried to make a break for it but he was faster and he grabbed my hair pulling me into the bedroom. I heard the doorbell, "Detective what brings you here" the man said. "Cut the bullshit Clyde where is my kid?" Ethan asked, Ethan he was here I needed to get to him. "Eth" I started to say but Mikey put his hand over my mouth and nose I couldn't breathe. I needed to do something or he was going to kill me I stepped on his foot and he yelped a bit but didn't let go. I bite his hand and he screamed, "you little piece of shit" he said as he yanked me back before I could reach the door. I just needed Ethan to hear me just my voice but he hit me hard and everything went black.

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