Chapter 12

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After I had Ryder tucked in I checked my email again and I couldn't believe what I was reading.

Not sure if you are even getting this but um Wyatt found out something huge, so Drake Hunter is Ryder's father.

I felt like I was punched in the face this could not be happening. I needed this to be squished he could never find out ever. I needed to call Riggs and talk to him I had a burner phone. The number would come up as blocked I called my best friend.

"Riggs" he answered, "tell me this is some sort of joke" I said, "Ethan I wish I could man, Wyatt and I are the only ones who know and I told him to bury it" Riggs said, "good keep it that way Drake can never find out and I mean never" I said because if I wanted to adopt him then his father could not be involved. " I feel like it won't be good if he was to ever find out either, who knows what would happen to Ryder" Riggs said, "nothing good make sure it stays buried" I said as I hung up. I just couldn't believe this it made things way more complicated and I didn't know if Ryder should know. I knew how much Drake scared him and he called me dad today so if he discovered that his real father tried to kill him twice it would be a disaster.

This has my head spinning would it mean I couldn't adopt him. Would Emily need proof his father wasn't in the picture. Did Drake already know? I knew sleep was out of the question here and it scared me to think he could take Ryder away. If he did how long would he keep him alive? Would he keep him alive? This just complicated everything. I checked my email again and Emily had replied,

In order to adopt him you need to be his guardian for 3 months. If everything checks out then we will get the paperwork signed. Since he was never in the system he has no birth certificates which means he is property of the state and I'm sure they will have no problem letting you adopt him. We will chat in a bit good luck

Well at least we didn't have to involve his father I felt like this was a good sign. I really hoped he never found out but honestly I was never that lucky. I finally closed my eyes it was just after 2 am and I was exhausted. I knew I would be up in like 4 hours when Ryder was awake but so far he was nightmare free.

It was morning but I lay in my bed I was thinking about everything. As much as I loved Ethan I couldn't do what he wanted. I would never be able to tell anyone what I saw. I was so scared he was going to get me even if he was in jail. A part of me wanted to leave then I wouldn't have to tell anyone. Would Ethan forget about me or would he always come looking. What were my chances of living in the wilderness alone or maybe I can live with monkeys or lions. I started to cry I didn't want to leave Ethan but I didn't want to tell a jury my story either. At least I slept through the night, I needed to get up because I had to pee but I didn't want to wake Ethan. I felt that if I was going to leave then he couldn't know. I would need to do it fast and quietly.

I snuck out of bed and went to the bathroom and then I found some clothes. I wasn't sure if they would be warm enough but I needed to go quick. I looked and didn't see Ethan I figured it was a good sign and I opened the door, he was there carrying wood. I lost my chance, "sorry bud I thought I could get this before you woke up" he said. "It's okay, I just panicked a little" I said, "what should we have for breakfast this morning?" He asked me, "bacon" I said and he laughed. "Alright how about pancakes too?" He said, I nodded I might have to do this differently. Or maybe I should just stay and tell him how I feel? Would he understand that I can't do it, as he made breakfast I tried to hide the tears.

He was way to observant and he sat with me on the floor, "Ryder are you okay?" He asked, "no I can't Ethan. I don't want to tell my story I know I have to but I can't please don't make me" I said "that is not up to me bud if you get called up to testify you need to tell it. I wish I could do it for you I really do but it's just not possible. Ryder I know it's scary but I will be with you ever step of the way I promise you" he said. "I know but if I run away then I don't have to tell it" I said, "if you run away I would be very sad, I love you so much and I will do everything I can to protect you. If I could wrap you in a bubble and make sure he would never hurt you I would. I promise you this I will do what I can in order to help you on the stand. I will see if I can get you to do it without him in the room and just for the judge and jury. That is all I can do" he said. "That means I still have to tell it, can I tell it to you only and you somehow tell them. I don't want to see him Ethan I can't he scares me I see him in my dreams" I said. " I know bud let me see what I can find out okay, but please for me don't run away" he said. "Okay" I said and he hugged me before going to finish the pancakes I was excited to eat them.

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