Chapter 26

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I watched as they wheeled Ryder down the hall for this experimental surgery, I had no idea if I made the right choice. My mom was sitting with me Zoey needed to get to work and she didn't want me to be alone. I of course was still upset with my mother, and I still felt like this never would have happened if she just watched him properly. "Ethan honey I am so sorry" Gloria said, "I know mom, but I can't help but feel like this is partly your fault. He should never have been able to leave the house. I just don't understand what you were doing" Ethan said. "I was cleaning the kitchen and watching the news. Ethan I am sorry, I heard the dog bark, and I knew something was wrong. I checked the entire house and then I realized he left, and I had no idea which way he went. I knew he saw the news and he was worried about you I am so sorry" she said. "It's fine I guess what is done is done, let's just hope this surgery goes well I will never forgive myself" I said. "Ethan he is a strong boy, look at everything he has been through already. Look at what you helped him overcome, no matter what I know he will love you forever. The way he looks at you and opens up to you is pure love and admiration. I know the 2 of you will be just fine regardless of what happens" Gloria said. I sighed I knew she was right I loved him too and regardless of what happened with this surgery I would still love him just as much.

It was taking forever for an update, and we ended up having a few visitors as we waited, Travis, Zoey, Riggs and Collins all stopped by. I was talking to Riggs now he was filling me in on everything that went down. "So, you killed Clyde and Tyler is even more pissed, the guards are having a hard time keeping him in line. I did tell them he is not allowed any more visitors since he is sending them after Ryder. His current talk is getting anyone to listen and to kill you so just be careful. Mikey was put into foster care, and he is a real pistol he is currently in therapy for everything his dad put him through. If it doesn't work, he is looking at a long road ahead in Juvie and then possibly jail. He has a very fowl mouth for a teenager and all of it talk of cutting out Ryder's tongue" Riggs said. "Awesome just what he needs another enemy, I am also not worried about me Ryder is my main priority. Tyler can bring it on I will be ready for anything he throws at me, for right now all I am worried about is that boy. If he turns out to be alright, then I will worry about everything else" I said. "I get that we are all praying he pulls through" Riggs said, I noticed Dr. Finch and she was walking towards us this was it the moment of truth.

"Ethan the surgery went well we won't know the results obviously until he wakes up but we were able to repair the fracture. We did test his nerves and muscle reaction and there is some activity there. We are hoping it was a success, for now we are still waiting for him to wake up, he will be back in his room shortly" she said. I nodded so far it was a success I was just anxious to get back to him. I didn't want him to wake up alone, Riggs left as I walked into my son's hospital room and sat down. I talked to him, "hey buddy I am here, I am so sorry that this happened, I should have just gone with my gut. I wish I had come in sooner; you were so brave to take them on Ryder. I am proud of you no matter what your dad is proud of you" I said. Holding his hand and sitting as close as I could without hurting him, he was still black and blue from everything he went through. I didn't even know how long I was sitting there with my eyes closed when I felt arms wrap around me. "I heard it was successful" Zoey said, "we won't know till he wakes up, Zoey this is killing me" I said. "I know love, but he is strong, I have moved some of my stuff in but I was hoping you could help me with the rest. I know that it will and can wait until Ryder is better" Zoey said. "Okay, I am sorry I haven't been there for you" I said, "nonsense I totally understand. I will be fine you concentrate on this little boy and his problems first" Zoey said, I pulled her closer to me and kissed her. This woman was everything and more and I wanted her to know that "I love you Zoey and thank you" I said, "I love you too Ethan, and I am here for you and for him always" Zoey said. I could have sworn I saw Ryder smiled but I wanted so badly for him to be okay that I could have been imagining it.

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