Chapter 43

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It was so hard for me to just sit here knowing Tyler had done something to my kid yet again. I honestly this time would kill him myself, I was pissed. I never did understand why that jury only killed Drake, when Tyler was just as much to blame for the whole thing. I waited for Zoey to come she was going to sit with him for a bit, I just didn't want him to wake up alone. I wanted him to have one of us with him, he was still in surgery though and I really hoped they could help him. He had a brain bleed, and this scared me because I didn't know the chances of him having any problems later on. I saw Zoey coming towards me and damn it she had Lacey with her, "I told you to come without her" I said. "She knew I was coming here, and honestly she misses him just as much as we do. This is destroying her she cried all night" Zoey said. "I know ugh, I need to go for a bit can you watch over him" I said, "Of course, where is he?" Zoey asked, "he is still in surgery, but it should be done soon" I said, "that poor boy" Zoey said, "mommy where is Ry?" Lacey asked, "he will be back soon honey he is just with some doctors right now" Zoey said, "they are making him better?" Lacey asked, "I hope so princess, you be good for mommy I will be back soon" I said hugging her and kissing my wife as I walked away.

I needed some details first, so I headed to the police station, "hey boss I am surprised you are here" Riggs said. "Really? that son of a bitch almost killed him, and you are surprised I am here?" I said. "First you need to calm down, Tyler did not send the car after him, I asked him about that and even though he laughed he wasn't responsible. Second the bomb was Mikey's idea, and it didn't even work. Third he is already in prison so what is it you think you are going to do?" Riggs asked. "If you really think I am going to sit around and do nothing you don't know me at all. It is so typical of Tyler to blame someone else for his problems let alone his teenage nephew who he threw under the bus. My question to you is why is that little shit not behind bars?" I said, "We are working on that, Wyatt is having a hard time getting any evidence that Mikey is behind it. All we have is the word of Ryder's best friend which to be honest is not much to go on" Riggs said. "Fucking hell, I will get behind this you are both useless" I said and walked away. I mean I didn't actually think my entire team was useless but if sure as hell felt like it right now, they couldn't even arrest at teenager. 

I drove over to the foster home Mikey was staying at and knocked on the door, a women answered. "Hello detective what can I do for you?" she said, "I am looking for Mikey" I said, "what has he done now?" she said looking a bit annoyed, "what hasn't he done is he here?" I said, "yes let me get him" she said walking away and Mikey came down the stairs. He looked at me and tried to run, "Mikey Cooper! you get your ass back down here and talk to the detective" his foster mother said. I liked her and he seemed to listen to her and he came back down, "Mikey why?" I said, "why what?" he said super smug, "you know damn well what, you sent a bomb to my house" I said, "you have no proof of that" he said, "what if I told you I did have proof, in fact it is being processed right now" I said. "I'd say you are lying" he said, "Mikey tell the officer the truth, did you plant a bomb?" the women said, "no ma'am" he said, I could tell he was afraid of her. I might be able to use this to my advantage, "Ma'am you realize that he has been talking to his uncle in prison and doing all his dirty work for him. Not only has he tried to kill my son on multiple occasions I feel like they are up to something" I said. "I see well detective if he says he didn't do it then I am going to have to take his word for it. I understand how frustrating it is and I am sorry about your son" she said. "Why do you even care he is not even really your son" Mikey said. "How dare you! there is nothing that doesn't make him my son, I don't care if he isn't adopted, he is mine and I love him" I said to him. "Whatever detective he is trash and deserves to die for killing Drake and you deserve to go to hell for killing my dad" Mikey said.

That did it and it set me off the edge, I grabbed him and arrested him right there despite all the protests from his foster mother. I was going to get him to talk, he was going to tell me everything. I took him to the station, I received a text from Zoey, Ryder was out of surgery, and it was touch and go right now. I sighed, I needed to be there for my son and here I am stuck dealing with this scum. "Ethan" Riggs said as he noticed me bringing him in, "he threatened me and I know he is behind everything" I said. "We tried this already his foster mom had him out so fast" Riggs said. "She was there when I arrested him" I said tossing him into a holding cell. "Tell me Mikey what is your plan?" I said. "Like I would ever tell you that! ha you have nothing and you are fishing" he said. "I might be fishing but you and your uncle are going to pay for everything" I said. "Oh yeah my uncle is a piece of trash I admit that but Ryder deserves everything coming to him" Mikey said. "Why? tell me what he did to you?" I said, "it is his fault my dad is dead! plus I hate looking at him" Mikey said, "I killed him not Ryder, and if you have a problem then you take it on me not my son. Some would say the same about you, looking at you is no picnic either" I said sort of regretting it. "HA, I know that and the only way to hurt you detective is to hurt him and I will get him mark my words" Mikey said. "You are going to jail now Mikey I have this whole conversation being recorded and you are threatening me and my son" I said. "Whatever I will get out again and then you will all die!" he said, and I left him while Riggs had him processed.

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