Chapter 25

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We were getting no where on finding Ryder it has been almost 24 hours since he has gone missing. I knew the first 48 hours were crucial in finding him, but we had nothing to go on. Collins was coming up dry watching the house too. Either that or they were onto him and keeping Ryder locked up somewhere. I needed answers or something hell at this point even a ransom would be good. I mean if this was a kidnapping case than why I haven't I heard anything I was beginning to worry he would not make it the next 24 hours. I swore as I waited for anything an update or even a clue. 

I decided to go and join Collins I felt like Clyde Cooper was my best lead and I was determined to get something from him. Once I arrived Collins was not surprised to see me, "I have nothing boss, no movement nothing. Its like the house is quiet" he said, "like no one is home?" I said, "yes but I haven't seen anyone leave" he said. "They could have left when you fell asleep" I said, he looked worried, "I know that I am asking a lot here Collins but this is Ryder and he has already been through so much.

"I know Captain I get it and I am sorry, I wish I could do more here" he said, "I want to knock again see if I can get him to crack" I said. "I will back you up boss you know that but what is your angle" Collins asked me. "I just need to get into that house, I need to be sure I feel it Collins he is in there I know it" I said. "Okay I will follow your lead" Collins said.


I wasn't able to get back to the window the next morning as I was dragged out of the room, "Mikey get him downstairs and make sure he stays quiet that cop is still watching our house" Clyde said. I needed to get this cops attention but before I could do anything Mikey yanked me down the stairs and I almost fell as he was not exactly being gentle. I felt my ankle twist and I cried it hurt as he pushed me down to the ground. "So much as one word and I will cut out your tongue" Mikey said. Why was this kid so mean, he couldn't be more than 14 years old and he already had a mean streak. I was more afraid of him then I was his father, would he really cut out my tongue? I cried I was so scared and I knew I needed to stop being such a wimp, I could get myself out. I could at least warn the cop somehow, I was left alone in the basement it was damp and very cold.

I tried the door to the stairs but it was of course locked, and I couldn't hear much on the other side. I needed something anything, this basement was dark and it had no windows so that was out of the question. I heard the doorbell this could be my chance, I listened but I couldn't make out any of the voices. I wanted it so badly to be Ethan, I felt like if I banged on the door he might hear me but I was too scared. My body wanted to do one thing but my mind wouldn't let it as I stood there in fear. If I was going to do it I needed to do it now or I would lose my chance, I saw the doorknob move and I moved backwards down the stairs. Clyde came towards me, "I am never going to get anywhere with that damn detective breathing down my neck. Why don't we send him a little message" Clyde said as he grabbed my arm forcing me closer to him, he smelled bad and I needed to get out. I kicked him in the shin and he swore as I turned into him and kneed him in the groin. He went down letting my arm go, as I ran up the stairs, I had no idea where Mikey was but I didn't see him. "MIKEY!" Clyde called from downstairs and I needed to be fast. I went to the front door and I opened it slightly but Mikey grabbed me and slammed it shut. "Tsk tsk little baby, not smart" Mikey said and I screamed loudly, if Ethan was still out there he would hear me. Clyde came up behind me he put a knife to my throat, and I stopped screaming. I wasn't sure what he was going to do, as a knock came on the door, "Dad" Mikey said, "Fuck" Clyde said as he pushed me to the basement door but I refused to let him shove me back down, "ETHAN HELP" I screamed and I was fighting back this time. I was punched in the face and it caught me off guard as I fell and it was not good, as it was downstairs. 


I heard a scream a loud one and I knew something was wrong, I knocked again and they were taking there sweet ass time. I was growing impatient and then I heard it "ETHAN HELP" I didn't even hesitated as I kicked in the door. I saw Ryder falling down the stairs and I shot Clyde I could have probably just taken him down but I reacted. I heard Mikey gasp as Collins came in and arrested him and I booked it down the stairs to Ryder. He wasn't moving, "Collins!" I yelled, "they are coming Ethan don't move him" Collins said. I want to so badly just to scoop him into my arms but I knew he could have some sort of spinal injury I just really hoped he didn't. I could hear the sirens outside and I wanted them to hurry the hell up. Zoey ran down the stairs, "Oh my goodness" she said as she put a C-collar on him and together we put him on a back board. "He is dead Zoey" Olivia said and I wondered if she had something to do with this too.

"Okay let's go" Zoey said and I followed her as we drove to the hospital, Zoey was doing way to much for me to understand. "Ethan I am worried that he might have broken his neck" she said, "okay and if he did?" I asked, "depending on the severity of the break he could be paralyzed" she said. "Fuck!" I said this was the last thing that I wanted and now I am glad I killed that son of a bitch. We made it to the hospital and Dr. Finch took him in for an X-ray right away and I just prayed that he was going to be fine. I needed him to be fine. 

It felt like forever, and finally Dr. Finch came out, "He has a very serious concussion and we are still currently waiting for him to wake up. There is also a fracture in his L4 vertebrae and as of right now he isn't showing any reflexes in his lower extremities. I am hoping that once he wakes up that we can figure out if there is movement. I can't say he is paralyzed for sure yet as he is still unconscious. I am hoping he wakes up soon and we will go from there" Dr. Finch said. I nodded to numb to say anything as I followed her to his room. I sat down beside him and grabbed his hand as I prayed silently. I heard other people enter the room but I didn't care at this point. I was pissed off at myself for not going in sooner. I knew he was in there and I should have just forced my way in. None of this would have happened if I had just gone when I first heard the fighting upstairs. I knew he didn't have a damn cat.

"Ethan" my mother said, "not now mom okay" I said, "okay honey but I am truly sorry" she said. I knew she was sorry and it wasn't her fault, Ryder would never have ended up in this mess if I didn't choose to go back to work so soon. I felt like my whole world just came crashing down on me and I didn't know how to fix it. "He is strong he will pull through" my mother said as she grabbed my shoulder and squeezed. I needed to physically see him be okay before I could believe that right now he as in a damn coma and could possibly be paralyzed. All because I fucking hesitated and didn't go with my gut. I could have prevented all of this and now look at him hurt once again.

"Ethan" Riggs said as I broke down, "I am sorry man, Tyler is pissed you killed his brother. Mikey is in Juvie for now but I am not sure he will be for long" Riggs said. I didn't care if Tyler was pissed I was pissed too, Tyler should have died right alongside Drake. "He better be okay Riggs or I will tear Tyler apart myself" I said. "I know we have a huge mess on our hands just hang in there Ethan he is strong" Riggs said as he left. Zoey came next and she sat beside me, "I am so sorry babe" she said, "its not your fault" I said, "I know but  I know how much he means to you and seeing you like this hurts me" she said. "Him being hurt like this hurts me, he is just so small and he might never be able to walk again and who knows if he will even wake up from this coma" I said. "He will babe I know it, he might have been through a lot but Ryder is a fighter" Zoey said. "He asked me yesterday morning if you would be moving in with us" I said. "What?" she said looking at me confused. "I love you Zoey and I would love nothing more that to wake up next to you every morning. Please move in with us" I said. "Okay" she said and I kissed her hoping our love would bring Ryder back. I had at this point just asked the love of my life to move in and I should be more excited about it but my mind was with my son. I wanted so badly to just make him open his eyes and to look at me again. 

Dr. Finch came in and looked at me, "Ethan I just went over the MRI and I want to take him in for a surgery. I think I can reduce the fracture and possibly get rid of the paralysis. Now it is experimental and it might possibly not work. He is young though and I feel he will be back up and running in no time. However it is your choice in the end" she said as she left the room. I looked to Zoey she was a paramedic she knew all about the medical jargon. "Its up to you Ethan, I am not sure I like the idea of it being experimental. He is only 4 years old but I feel he is a fighter and I think he could make it through. If we don't do it he could be paralyzed forever and being only 4 years old I could never imagine" Zoey said. I wanted what was best for him and I know he would not thrive being in a wheelchair and not walking. Ryder was strong I did believe that but I am not sure how strong he could be confined to a wheelchair the rest of his life. I think I wanted to give him a fighting chance. I was going to do they surgery she said it was experimental so there is a chance it wouldn't work but there is also a chance it would. 

The next few hours went by so slow it felt like I had been stuck in the same moment forever, the only thing I felt was Zoey. I knew if she was here she would pull me through, but Ryder was going into the surgery soon and I was a complete mess. Was I making the right choice here? If I didn't do this would he be paralyzed? Would he be able to thrive being in a wheelchair? Will he be depressed and alone? All these questions kept running through my head and I hated that I didn't have the answers. I just needed this surgery to go well and for Ryder to wake up and smile at me with this little brown eyes. 

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