Chapter 34

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I was going to be a big brother I was really excited about this but also very nervous. I didn't know if I was going to be a good big brother or not, what if I didn't like it. Ethan and Zoey were getting married soon too so that was another thing. A lot was happening for our family and it is all a lot to take in. I did wonder where I was going to go to school now, I am glad I wasn't going back to that other school. Zoey came in to my room, "you good sweetie?" she asked me, "I am good" I said, "do you want to talk about today?" she asked me, "not really I don't need too" I said, "okay honey dinner is going to be ready soon" she said kissing my head. I knew one thing I was going to be okay I had the best parents in the world. They might not be my real parents but they were there for me and that is all that mattered.

We had a quiet evening at home and both my parents tucked me into bed, I fell asleep thinking about a new baby. How would it change the dynamic of our house, I just hoped it didn't make Ethan or Zoey love me any less. Axel and I fell asleep quickly and I didn't have any nightmares, they have been getting better. I still had a lot of things that I needed to deal with and I was trying to work through them. It wasn't easy to forget them though they were still out there and still in my head. I woke up to Axel he was licking my face, "Axel" I said trying to push him off, and he barked, Ethan was there. "Time to wake up bud we are going to a new school today" he said, I didn't know how I felt about that. I dressed quickly and went downstairs and Zoey gave me breakfast. "I am going shopping for things today with some friends" Zoey said, "Okay but Zoey please don't buy to many baby things" Ethan said. I laughed what was considered to many baby things.

Ethan and I left and we drove to my new school, he went with me I like how he did that. We went to an office building and met with a man, "Ethan Shaw so good of you to come" the man said he was older but seemed nice. "Thank you, Principal Edwards this is my son Ryder. He had some trouble at his old school" Ethan said, "my school is a little different, I would like to observe Ryder in a classroom setting to see where the best place for him is" Edwards said. "Alright" Ethan said, but this worried me. Observe me like I was some sort of lab rat, I didn't know if I was going to like this. I followed Ethan and this principal into a classroom the only one there was the teacher. "Hello Ryder honey" she said, I wondered where all the other kids were, "before we get him into a classroom we want to see what Ryder knows and then we can see what class is best for him" the principal said. Ethan looked at me and I didn't know what to expect, I was told to sit at a table and they had me write the alphabet. Easy I had done this at my last school, then I was asked to count to 20. Okay I did that, then I was given a book and it had a few words on each page. I read it to them I think that is what they wanted me to do, "interesting he is very smart for a 4 year old" the principal man said. I did everything the teacher gave me to do and I actually liked it she was making it fun and she seemed nice.

We left the classroom and were back in this principal's office, "From what I observed today, Ryder is very intelligent and I believe he is at a grade 1 level. Given that he is only 4 I am worried about putting him in that classroom setting. I would like to move him up to the kindergarten class" he said. "If you think he is ready for that" Ethan said, "I do and he will learn a lot more too" the principal said. Ethan looked to me, "you okay with this buddy?" he asked me and I nodded. "Ryder I understand you have difficulty trusting adults and given everything you have been through I don't blame you. I want you to feel as comfortable as possible here so if you ever have any concerns you can always come to me" he said. I nodded but I was hoping I wouldn't have to I didn't exactly trust him. We went to a different classroom and I was introduced to the class. I found a seat and watched Ethan leave, I was nervous but I was hoping everything would work out.


I have to admit I was not sure about him being in a class with kids who were older than he was. I just needed this to work out there were not many more schools to choose from. I headed into work and sat at my desk, I just needed an easy day, nothing to extreme. With the wedding in a few days, Zoey being pregnant, and Ryder I had enough on my plate. I could tell he was nervous about the whole school thing. I also knew he was unsure about being a big brother I could see it in his eyes. I knew it was because he thinks he is going to be replaced and that we wouldn't love him as much. That would never happen Ryder would come first to me always and Zoey knew that, I knew she felt the same way.

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