Chapter 45

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Today I woke up knowing I was testifying against Mikey and this time I wasn't going to stay silent. I wasn't afraid of him anymore sure he was bigger and he treated me like shit. This didn't matter anymore I was done and he threatened Lacey so he needs to pay for that. I dressed in the outfit Zoey had picked for me and went downstairs, "ready bud" dad asked, "yes I am" I said confidently because I wanted him to suffer. Zoey had gone to work and Lacey was staying with Stephanie. "Get him Ryder" Lacey said, "I will try" I said hugging her before I left. I wanted nothing more than to keep her sheltered from all the hate out there. She was only 4 but she is the same age I was when I had started dealing with so much. So far her life is good and I intended to keep it that way. Even if I needed to suffer more to make her happy I would.

We made it to the court house and I walked in confident because I was ready to put Mikey down for good. There was never anything I could say or do when he was teasing me but now was my chance. I was called up to the stand and sworn in, I didn't expect the questions to all be about me. I mean yes he tried to kill me but why was I the one on trial. "Did you attack Mikey in school the day before the bomb was left?" The lawyer asked, "yes but only because he threatened my sister" I said angrily, "so you would say you escalated the situation?" The lawyer said, I looked over to my dad he looked annoyed too, "no I didn't ask him to send me a bomb" I said, "maybe not but we have no proof he did send said bomb" the lawyer said. Finally the other lawyer objected because they had proof he made the bomb. This was taken into account and he stopped asking me questions, the nice lawyer who objected asked me questions about why he bullied me. How often he bullied me and things he said. I told her everything not holding back staring at Mikey the whole time because I wanted him to know I wasn't scared anymore.

I stepped down and the jury went to deliberate or whatever they do. " I am proud of you bud" dad said, "thanks I wasn't going to let him beat me anymore" I said, "good because you are none of those things he said. You are smart confident and loved by so many Ryder" dad said. I hugged him and we were sent home the jury was having a hard time. I mean what was so hard about saying guilty for being an asshole. He tried to kill me and they didn't seem to care. I never understood jury and why they had trouble agreeing like he was guilty in my mind. If anyone deserves to go down it's Mikey, his uncle Tyler was already paying for his role in trying to kill me. He was locked up in a padded room and left alone. I am not sure that was punishment or not but I guess not having anyone to talk to was hard.

For me I was used to it I had 3 years of my life not talking to anyone it's a miracle I even know how to talk. I can thank no one but myself for that and of course the TV because I learned from that. It took a few days for the jury to come up with a decision and Mikey was found guilty. He would spend 15 years in prison and I was okay with that.

I never understood why the summer always went by so fast. Every other season dragged out but not summer it was done in a flash. Joel and I did lots this summer and we were even able to live it bully free. No one bothered us and it was nice to actually enjoy myself a little bit. Zoey was due with baby soon and I was excited. Lacey on the other hand was not she didn't want the attention taken off of her. I promised her everything would be okay and a new baby wouldn't be so bad. School was starting tomorrow and I wondered how it was going to go. With Mikey gone I didn't know if his friends would still bother me or if they still cared. I knew at least I had Joel and we would be okay if we stuck together.

Lacey was also starting preschool and she was nervous but I knew she would be alright. Lacey was a sweet girl and didn't have a dark past so I'm sure she will make friends. Axel was at my feet like always when I went to sleep. He was the best dog and best gift I ever received. I fell asleep wondering how school was going to go.

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