Chapter 15

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I had the news on just in case I mean I knew it would be on there. Ryder didn't come out of his room, and I didn't blame him. Today was hard on him and having to stare at a man you were terrified of was hard. To top it all off he found out this man was his father and that changed everything. This 4-year-old boy has not had it easy for his short life so far, first being neglected by his mother. Then watching her die by the hands of his father and then having to tell strangers about it. I wanted to just hold him until his past left his mind but of course I couldn't do that. I couldn't erase the memories, the only thing I could do was create new one's happier ones. Make memories so powerful and meaningful that he forgot all the bad ones.

Riggs walked in and made his way to the couch and plopped down. I gave him a look, "both convicted life in prison no parole" he said. "Why do I sense that there is more?" I said, "well when he walked out he said "tell my son I said hi and to watch his back" Riggs said. "He seriously is threatening a 4 year old, I mean what can he do from prison?" I said really hoping nothing. "I don't know, I'm not sure who he has left backing him up. Collins told me that he shut his empire down and confiscated all the drugs. He said a lot of people were relieved but you never know" Riggs said. "It's all complicated I just hope Emily can figure out if I can still adopt him. I know things became a lot more difficult for her. It's also hard on him he's so little and I feel like everything was a lot for him today" I said. "He's tough though he will pull through, where is he?" Riggs asked, "he's in his room" I said as that is where I left him. A part of me worried when Riggs asked that so I went to check, he was curled in a ball hugging Axel and both of them had fallen asleep. I decided to let him sleep for an hour before waking him for dinner, I didn't want him up all night.

"You coming back to work?" Riggs asked, "not right away no, but I'm not leaving town this time so I can help a little" I said. "Good because I can't handle the stress" Riggs said, "baby" I said as I went to the kitchen. I needed to figure out what to feed Ryder. "You have like no food " I said, " I usually live alone so I buy the basics and order in" he said, "well then you order food for him to eat, I need to go check on my house. Riggs do not let anything happen to him" I said. "I won't" he said and I truly hoped I could trust him. I really did care for Ryder and he changed my life the thought of him not being in my life scared me. The thought of him getting hurt scared me too I just wanted to shelter him from all burdens and make sure he was always happy. I made it to my house and the progress was great, I knew we would be able to move back in soon. I wanted to get out of Riggs's house and just get Ryder home. I spoke to the men working on my house briefly and they assured me that we could move back in 2 days time.


I must have fallen asleep but I woke up to the doorbell ringing, I didn't know who it could be. Axel ran out of the room barking and I followed him, I froze in place, Riggs was on the floor not moving. I didn't see Ethan and there was a man standing at the door, "hello Ryder" he said and I tried to run but he was faster than me. Axel was barking but he was still small and the man pushed him into a room and closed the door. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me towards him. I screamed, where was Ethan? Why was this happening? I couldn't get away he was too strong, and I was thrown into the back of a van. It was white and had no windows and the door was locked. I was trapped but I had no idea where I was going, I cried I wanted Ethan.


I made it back to Riggs's place and his door was wide open, Axel was barking in the bathroom and Riggs was on the floor. Ryder was no where to be found, "FUCK! Riggs! get up" I screamed at him shaking him. "Oof what the hell happened?" he said, "you fucking tell me! Ryder is gone" I said. "I am so sorry, the delivery guy knocked me out, I mean I don't even know what happened. Ethan I am so sorry" he said. I knew he was but right now I was beyond pissed off, and I needed answers. "Get as many guys as you can out there searching, did you see what kind of vehicle he had?" I asked, "a white van, you know the kind with no windows in the back" he said, "that is not good okay get Collins and everyone on it" I said. Riggs called it in and I climbed into my truck and drove off, I had no idea where I was going but I had an idea. I drove to the fire station I didn't know if Olivia was working but I was going to get some answers from her. I walked in getting a look from Travis and he followed me, Zoey and Olivia were both in the ambulance. "Ethan" Zoey said, "Olivia where the hell is my son!" I said, Zoey and Travis both went white, "Excuse me" she said. "Don't play dumb your boyfriend gets arrested and then Ryder goes missing! Tell me where he is or I will make sure you join your boyfriend" I said. "First off you are nuts and second I don't have a boyfriend" she said. "Really is that why Tyler was parked outside my house for 2 days before he was arrested in you car. I know you are involved in this somehow so you either tell me or you can go join him your choice" I said. "I have nothing to do with your son going missing detective and I don't give a shit about Tyler" she said. I knew she as lying I could see it in her eyes, "Travis you have a replacement for her?" I said, "I can get one" he said, "good, Olivia you are under arrest" I said reading her rights to her. "I didn't do anything!" she said, "you tell me who took him and I forget this ever happened" I said as I pulled her outside. "If Drake had anything to do with it and he doesn't have Tyler then he asks Spencer" Olivia said, "Spencer what?" I asked, "Spencer Vega" she said, and I let her go, "if you are lying I will be back" I said and she went back inside. I called Wyatt, "Ethan we are looking for him" Wyatt said, "that is good Wyatt get me everything you can on a Spencer Vega" I said. "Yes boss" he said and I knew he would have the answers quick.


The van finally stopped and the door opened, I screamed as the man grabbed me, I couldn't fight him off he was to strong. "Shut up kid" he said, I screamed again, I saw houses someone would hear me right. "HELP!" I screamed, and he put his hand over my mouth and his hand was so large it covered my nose too and I couldn't breathe. I struggled against him but it was no use, then he placed me on the floor of a small room. He closed the door and I was left in the dark, I banged on the door but it was no use. I didn't think he was coming back, I sat down and cried, where was I? Was Drake doing this? who was this man? Was Ethan looking for me? All these questions running through my head, no one to answer them as I lay on the cold floor crying.


Wyatt was able to get me the information I needed and I drove over to Spencer's house but of course he wasn't home. I also didn't see the van and I wondered if Olivia was lying to me, then I noticed the smoke, "really another god damn fire!" I said, I called it in to dispatch and ran inside the house. Of course the fire was already hot and I had no idea where he could be. I saw a closed door and I ran to it opening it, there he was on the floor crying. I was so grateful he was alive, I picked him up scaring him a bit. Once he realized it was me he hugged me tight, "hide your face in my chest Ryder" I said and he nodded as I tried to get us out. I couldn't get through the door I came in and the fire was coming from all angles, "ETHAN!" I heard, "Travis back bedroom!" I yelled back and a few minutes later the firemen came, Travis took Ryder from me and we ran outside. Zoey was there with Olivia and she looked horrified, "I am so sorry, I really didn't know" she said. "You saved him so just make sure he isn't hurt. If you work with me rather than against me Olivia it would be better" I said. "Of course, detective I really am sorry I never liked what they were doing. I thought once they were in prison it would stop" she said. "So did I, but here we are" I said looking to Zoey. "He is okay Ethan, no injuries and he didn't inhale a lot of smoke he is just scared" Zoey said. "Okay thank you" I said as I put Ryder in my truck and drove away, I needed to get him home and just make sure he was alright. My team was looking for Spencer and I hoped they found him soon. Drake was failing every time he will never get Ryder not as long as he is with me. I will always be there to save him no matter how many fires he plans to set.


I was back with Ethan, I was so glad he found me and I knew everything was going to be okay. He was my real life superhero and whenever I needed him he was there. I still don't know who took me but my dad saved me and I loved him. Once we were back at Riggs's house he hugged me and said he was glad I was okay. I nodded as Ethan gave me food and sat with me on the couch he was close to me. I didn't want him to leave me ever again, I held onto him with one had and ate with the other. I made sure to sneak a few bites to Axel too, he deserved it. Ethan and Riggs were talking about trying to find someone and I finished eating and fell asleep in Ethan's arms, he felt safe and warm. I could hear them talking a little but I tuned them out as I closed my eyes hopefully not to be woken by a nightmare.


"Another damn fire, I am not sure why they want him to burn" I said, "me either but I am glad Olivia told you" he said. "I am too honestly, let's hope there are no more hiccups, did Collins find him?" I asked, "yes and he was not happy, he will be joining his boss very soon" Riggs said. "Good we will be out of here in 2 days" I said, "its fine I am used to it now" he said, "still 2 days, then I want to take Ryder on a trip" I said. "Oh man another one?" he said, "yes but this one more fun. I was hoping Zoey would come with us" I said. "Well I just hope you come back to work soon" Riggs said, "You will be fine and I promise to help you out, first I need to make sure Ryder stays safe and has so good memories to go with the bad ones" I said. "Good luck man and Collins, Wyatt and I will try our best to round up all the threats" he said. "Good, I am going to take him to bed and crash with him" I said, "alright, I will clean this up" Riggs said. I carried Ryder to his temporary room and helped him into pj's so he was more comfortable, he slept so soundly it was insane. I cuddled in the bed with him not wanting to let him go for any reason, I was afraid that if I left hi, he would disappear again. I needed him to be here with me always, I would need to talk to Zoey in the morning. I wanted her to come with us on this trip because in all honesty I haven't stopped thinking about her and I need her.

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