Chapter 8

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As I lay beside him in this tiny ass hospital bed I could feel him shaking, he was struggling. I tried to keep him calm the best I could. He woke up screaming and I hugged him tighter, "its okay buddy I am here" I said as he cried into my chest, I just didn't know how else to help him. His little body shaking as he cried and I just wanted to take all his pain and suffering away. I knew the only way to do that was for him to talk to me but would he? I knew if he did say something we would be in witness protection and that no one would know where we were. I knew I would be cut off from everyone in my life and I was not sure if I was prepared for that. On the other hand if I just let him be and didn't force him to talk the people who are currently targeting him could and most likely will kill other people. Either way sucked for me because this little boy would suffer. 

I only ever had to send one person into witness protection and they ended up losing everything they had. Once the court date was set the minute they stepped into the court house they were killed so I wasn't exactly keen on the system. Ryder was starting to calm down a little and I noticed he fell back asleep. All I wanted was for him to be okay and I would do anything at this point. I would go off the grid if I had to but I am hoping he could just tell me just a name or something and all this would be over. Of course I knew it was most likely just getting started and I knew now that I was in this no matter what. 

Dr. Finch came back in and looked at the sleeping boy in my arms, "you can take him home Ethan" she said and I nodded as I signed the discharge papers. Riggs left me my truck so I had a way to get home. I really didn't want to wake him up so I slowly moved him and picked him up as I walked him out to my truck. I placed him in the car seat and he stayed asleep which I thought was a miracle, his head fell to the side and I closed the door and climbed in. I made sure to drive carefully as I made it back to my house. As soon as we pulled into the driveway he opened his eyes. "We are home bud" I said and I helped him out of the car and we walked inside, he sat on the couch and looked at me with tears. I hugged him tight, "I am here for you, I am so sorry Ryder. I should never have left you, I don't know what scared you but I am so sorry" I said and he shook his head and hugged me. I know he wanted to talk to me but he was scared and I hated to have to press but I needed to know.

"Ryder did you see those men again?" I asked his little eyes looked into mine and he nodded. "Did they lock you in the penguin house?" I asked and again he nodded, "please tell me who they are so I can help you" I said and he went white, I knew he most likely wouldn't tell me but a part of me hoped that he did. "Are you hungry?" I asked him and he shook his head, I knew he was but he didn't want me to leave him. "Ryder I am not going to leave, I am just going to the kitchen okay" I said and he nodded as he let me go. I made nachos it was something easy and I knew he would like them. I placed them in the oven and he was playing which I thought was a good sign. I noticed a car parked across the street that I haven't seen before, I didn't want to think anything of it but giving the circumstances I needed to check it out. I noticed the plate and I called Wyatt as I took the nachos out of the oven and set them on the table. Even though Ryder said he wasn't hungry he was currently eating them.

"Hey boss" Wyatt answered, "Wyatt run a plate for me, DNJ 0955" I said, "okay" Wyatt said and he was typing I could hear it, "belongs to an Olivia Stone boss" Wyatt said, "find out what you can about her and call me back" I said as I hung up. I knew it wouldn't take him long but I was hoping Ryder would talk to me. "I knew you were hungry" I said and he smiled at me, I mean I could at least make the kid smile. I could tell he wanted to talk to me and I knew that I wanted to know. I left the question out there now I was leaving the choice up to him and I wouldn't push anymore than I have. Even though I so badly wanted the answers, my phone rang, "Shaw" I said, "Olivia Stone is clean as far as I can tell, she has no record. She is a paramedic works with Zoey so maybe she or Travis knows something, I mean her address is not even remotely close to yours but maybe she is visiting someone" Wyatt said, "okay its fine I am just paranoid I guess thanks for checking" I said. "No problem boss oh and the captain was called down to headquarters" Wyatt said. "Good I hope they fire his ass" I said as I hung up and Ryder was still starting at me. I grabbed some nachos before he ate them all and we just sat in silence for the time being.

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