Chapter 35

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I couldn't believe how fast the school year went, I mean it was December and Christmas was just around the corner. Zoey and Ethan decorated the house with everything Christmas it was beautiful. Mommy never did anything for Christmas except hang a few candy canes on a tree, I don't even think it was a Christmas tree. I loved this so much more, I had a feeling it was going to be a good Christmas. School was over for now and I was with Ethan's mom she insisted we go shopping. I had no choice but to go with her, and she was literally watching me every second. I guess she didn't trust me, and I know that was my fault. I had no intention of leaving again, I learned my lesson and I trusted Ethan to do his job and come home to me at the end of the day. 

We spent the entire day shopping and I was tired and hungry, it was snowing and I loved how it made everything white. The roads were busy and very icy so Ethan's mom was driving slow, I just wanted to go home. "Are we almost there, I need to pee" I said, "um I am not sure honey I can't see a damn thing with all this snow" she said. That couldn't be good right were we even headed home? "Maybe you should call for help?" I said, "no its fine I think we just need to cross this bridge" she said. We never had to cross a bridge to get to my house before, I wasn't sure she knew where she was going. "Ugh this snow is the worst" she said, now I was getting scared because she had no idea where we were. "Um Gloria are we lost?" I said, "no of course not I just oh no" she said as the car started sliding on the ice, this was not good. I saw the lights and they were headed right for us I screamed and felt the impact of the truck. We slid further and it felt like we were falling. I wanted to wake up from this horrible dream, I kept screaming and I felt us hit the water. That I knew was bad because its cold and the water would be cold, the car was going to sink. "GLORIA!" I screamed at her but she wasn't moving, and I panicked, the water was coming in. I was stuck in a car seat and I needed to get out I unbuckled the seatbelt and tried to wake up Gloria but she was not moving. 

"Okay don't panic just think" I said but I had no idea what I was even thinking about, ugh I was scared and I ended up peeing my pants but I mean I was wet anyways. I didn't want to die like this I needed to get out, I tried to open the window but it wouldn't work. The car was sinking fast and I was going to run out of air soon, the water was also cold and I couldn't swim. Then I saw red it was the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes. All of a sudden I was warm, and my mom was there, "oh honey are you okay?" she said, hugging me, "I think so, Gloria?" I said, but she wasn't there. "She was taken in another ambulance honey, but are you sure you are okay?" she asked me. "Yes mommy" I said and she hugged me as Ethan drove up in his truck. "What the hell happened?" he said. "Your mom was lost, and she couldn't see in the snow, we slid and then were hit by a truck and splash" I said. "My mom is she?" I asked, Zoey shook her head I didn't know if she was alright, "I will take Ryder home you go see your mom" Zoey said. Ethan nodded hugging me before leaving. We drove in the ambulance and Zoey's partner dropped us off and we went inside, I immediately hugged Axel. I was just glad that I didn't die, "Zoey who saved me?" I asked her, "Travis jumped in, he brought you up" Zoey said. My dad had some good friends out there and I knew that they would all risk their lives for me. I still wasn't sure why they would do that but it felt nice knowing I was now surrounded by people who loved me. I may always have a dark past but my future was looking brighter every day.

Ethan never came home and Zoey was tucking me in, "is dad coming home?" I asked, "I am not sure sweetie, but its late and you had a rough day" she said. "Mom is Gloria going to be okay?" I asked her, "I hope so sweetie, goodnight Ryder I love you" Zoey said as she kissed me. "I love you to mom" I said and I lay down and closed my eyes, I was worried about Gloria.


I paced the hospital no one was telling me anything, Travis saved my son's life I owed him big. My mom was hurt and it didn't look good, her side of the truck to the impact of the damage. I waited to hear anything at all Riggs was with me. "She is going to be good man, she has to be its Gloria" he said. "I am not so sure, I mean I am worried Riggs" I said, "I know me too but Gloria is tough" Riggs said. Just then a doctor came out, "Ethan Shaw?" he said, "That is me" I said, "I am very sorry we did everything we could, the damage was just so severe" he said. I fell to my knees this could not be happening. I wanted him to say I am just kidding she is perfectly fine, but he didn't Riggs put a hand on my shoulder. How was this even happening? How was I going to tell Ryder that the car accident he was just in killed his grandma? How was this going to impact his life more? Why did my mother have to die? Well this Christmas was going to suck, I felt numb as people passed by me. "Come on man let's get you home" Riggs said, "how? like she is the most stubborn woman I know how did she die?" I said, "I am so sorry man, we are all going to miss her" he said. I knew he meant that he grew up at my house and my mom loved him like a son too.

I made it home and Zoey could see my face and she hugged me, "babe I am so sorry" she said, "why Zoey?" I said as I sat on the couch, she just hugged me and I let the tears fall. It had been a long time since I cried but being with Zoey I knew it was okay and she made me comfortable. "Dad?" I heard his little voice and I looked up, "hey bud you should be asleep" I said as he sat beside me. "Dad are you okay?" Ryder asked me, "I will be" I said hugging him, "grandma died?" he asked, "she did I am so sorry bud" I said, he cried too and I hugged him tighter. "I am sorry you had you there" I said. "I tried to wake her up, she wouldn't, and the snow was making it hard for her to see. The truck didn't see us" he said. "Shh its okay buddy, she did what she could to protect you" I said knowing that she most likely died for him. "I am sorry dad" he said, "Why?" I asked him. "Your mom died and I know how you feel and I am sorry" he said, Zoey started to cry at this point. She hugged both me and Ryder, and I picked him up and carried him to bed. It was late, I rubbed his back until he fell asleep. As I left his room, I realized he still missed his mom even though she was horrible to him. Even though Raya was not a good mother she did try to save him in the end by telling him to hide. She never did want Drake to find him, so her last word to him was hide. In her own way it was I love you please be safe, well Raya he is safe now, and I am sure my mother is talking your ear off. 

I went to shower I needed to get the feeling of this day off of me, it was Christmas even tomorrow and we had plans. I wanted to make this the most magical Christmas Ryder ever had. When he told me he didn't get presents I knew that he was going to be spoiled by everyone, we were having a big party tomorrow. I felt sad knowing that I was celebrating after my mom just died but she wouldn't want us to be sad for his first Christmas. I would have to be sad after the holidays, after my shower I lay on the bed. My girl beside me, I put my hand on her stomach, "we can cancel tomorrow" she said. "No my mom wouldn't want that, this is Ryder's first Christmas with us let's make it magical. My mom would want us too celebrate, she knows how much this meant to me" I said. "Are you sure?" Zoey asked me, "I am sure" I said and she kissed me as we both fell asleep.


I woke up it was still dark but I was underwater, Gloria was alive, "tell Ethan I love him and I am so sorry honey" she said to me. It scared me so I opened my eyes, I was in my bed and Axel was there I pet him. "Come on Axel let's go to bed with mom and dad" I said and he followed me, I crawled into bed with my parents. "Are you okay honey?" mom asked me, I cuddled into them. Zoey pulled me close and hugged me she smelled nice and I fell asleep again knowing I was safe. We all woke up together, and I could tell dad was sad but he tried not to show it, "daddy its okay to be sad" I said. "Thanks bud, I know we have lots to do for tonight" he said, "Grandma said she loved you" I said. "What?' he said looking at me, "I am not sure I saw her in my dream, she told me she loved you and she was sorry" I said. I still didn't know if it was real, he hugged me and we all went downstairs.

The morning was sad as we tried to get ready for the party, I could see moments were dad would break down. Grandma was supposed to be here helping instead she was with mommy but I knew they were both here. I could feel them, and I wasn't sure what that meant, I didn't know if I could see ghosts. Or if that was even what I saw in my dream, but I know I did see Drake once but Ethan told me it wasn't real. I wasn't sure if Gloria was real either, but I wanted daddy to know what she said. I think it surprised him but he hugged me and accepted it.

Everyone came over, Riggs, Wyatt, Travis and his family, even a few of mom's friends. It was a full house and they were all apologizing to Ethan. I know they were all just trying to make sure he had a good time. Christmas was amazing and I ended up getting so many things, my room was full of new toys and games. Ethan and I were able to finish painting the babies room, it was perfect. We did a few different shades of pink and her crib was white and it was really pretty. There was even a rainbow on one wall, it was a little girls dream. At least that is what I thought, I hoped she liked it. I was excited for her to come and she would be here soon, after the new year I was told, I had to wait till I was 5 first. 

We had a small funeral for grandma after Christmas was over, and it was really sad. I never did have a funeral for mommy I wondered where she went. Ethan said this was a way to say goodbye to her and that we could visit her all the time. We buried her in the ground it was weird but we did give her flowers, and I hoped she didn't mind being under all that dirt. I didn't know who I was going to stay with now but I am sure Ethan and Zoey would figure it out. I wished I was turning 5 now because I just wanted to meet my baby sister. 

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