Chapter 44

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I hated being in the hospital but I was hit by a car so I am stuck here. I know school is ending soon and I'm being called into court once again. This time though I'm not afraid anymore and I want Mikey to suffer. He deserves it I heard from Joel that he wanted to hurt Lacey and there is no way I would let that happen. I would do whatever I could to keep my sister safe. Ethan walked into my room he was talking to the doctor, I hope he was convincing them to let me go home. "How you feeling bud?" He asked " I want to go home dad" I said, " I know bud the doctor will come soon okay, your on her list this morning" Ethan said. "Is Lacey okay ?" I asked, "she is good she is with Stephanie" dad said, "you know that for sure you spoke to her?" I said, "Ryder your sister is fine, I promise" dad said. "Okay where is mom?" I asked, "she is working today" dad said. And the doctor walked into the room.

"Morning Ryder how are you this morning?" Dr. Finch asked. " I am good, ready to leave" I said, " I bet but first let's check everything okay, and we can see about getting you some crutches" Dr. Finch said. I nodded it was hard to remember my leg was even broken since I didn't have a cast. Then I remembered that if I moved it wrong it hurt so that is when I knew. No one ever did tell me about the car that hit me. Was the man who did it okay? or was it on purpose. " Dad the man that hit me is he okay?" I asked curious, "he's in jail but I'm sure he's fine" dad said, "why is he in jail? Did he hit me on purpose?" I asked, "no I don't know he was drunk Ryder" dad said. "Oh" I said I am not sure that changed anything it was still an accident regardless.

"Alright Ryder here are your crutches and you can go home, come back in 3 weeks so we can look at the leg of yours" Dr. Finch said, "thank you Dr. Finch" dad said and we headed home, I was glad. I was attacked as soon as I came in the door by my sister and my dog. Good thing dad was behind me otherwise I would have fallen on my butt. "Careful Lacey his leg is broken" dad said, "sorry Ry" Lacey said, "it's cool" I said, and I hugged her. I sat on the couch and dad left for work, Stephanie made me a sandwich, "I am glad you are okay" Stephanie said. "Thanks I am just glad Lacey wasn't hurt" I said, "she was hurt she hurt for you. The last week has been hard on her" Stephanie said. "I am sorry Lacey" I said, "no I am the one who hurt you, its is my fault" Lacey said and she cried. "Lacey this was not your fault and I am fine, had the car hit you there wouldn't be a you so I am glad I was there" I said. "I love you Ryder" Lacey said, "I love you too Lacey" I said hugging her tight and we watched a movie on the couch together.

The next day was the last day of school and I for one was just glad it was coming to an end, I was ready for summer. I mean not like I would be able to do much with a broken leg, and I didn't want to admit it but I still hurt everywhere. Dad dropped me off, at school, "you want me to go in with you?" he asked, "I got this detective" Joel said showing up right on time, "okay have a good day bud and no fighting" dad said as he drove off. "Alright so what is the plan for Mikey?" Joel asked, "I don't have one yet and he is going to jail I hope, I have to testify against him in a few days" I said. "Oh well that is good but what are we going to do about his minions?" Joel said, and I laughed, "I am not sure I mean I can't exactly do much with a broken leg" I said, "that is true, we have that stupid cooking class today" Joel said. "Oh yeah I forgot about that" I said really not even sure why we were doing it. The teacher was showing us how to bake something and I wasn't paying much attention. Then a girl sat next to me, "I guess you are my partner" she said. "Oh um I don't need a partner" I said, "well Mrs. Jenko assigned us together so you are stuck with me" she said. "Okay well um I don't really want to even do this" I said, "well too bad the least you can do is help" she said. I just looked at her no way was I going to help someone who was being mean to me. I did not take well to bullies and she could do it herself, "Ryder do something!" the girl said, "screw you" I said and immediately regretted it as the teacher walked by. "Problem here?" Mrs. Jenko said, "yes Ryder is not doing anything" the girl said and I glared at her, "Ryder you need to help Delilah in order to get the grade" she said. "Yes okay" I said and I added a few ingredients to the mixture. Once it was all mixed together, we added it to the oven, and waited. 

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