Chapter 30

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I woke up to the smoke detector blaring in the house, this was bad really bad I could see the flames in the hallway. I was trapped in my room, I could hear Ethan and Zoey I think they were trapped too. I needed to get out, I looked to my window, and saw the trellis, if I didn't leave now I would die. I climbed down out my window and carefully down the trellis, I could hear the fire trucks coming. I ran to the other side of the house. I threw a rock at Ethan's window, I needed him to know I was safe. Then I saw him Mikey he was staring at me, I flinched a little. Then he started walking towards me and I panicked so I ran, I ran away from my house. I had no idea where I was going but my gut was telling me run. I also had no shoes on so I was running barefoot.

I could see him and his friends chasing me but I was fast I was not going to let him hurt me again. I had enough of this in my life, I thought about stopping to fight but I was only 4 not like I could do a lot. I hoped my parents would get out of that fire, I knew Travis would save them. I ran towards the park and they were still far enough away that I could probably hide. I didn't know where then I saw it the perfect spot. I just hoped they wouldn't think to look for me here and that I would be safe. I mean I would eventually need to go back to whatever was left of my house and find Ethan. A part of me was hoping they would give up soon, because I was done with all of this and him. I thought about it and if I said something if I didn't cry like a little baby would he be here right now. Would he have set my house on fire, I knew it was him I could hear him talking to his friend. The one who pushed me off the jungle gym, I don't know why they want to hurt me and I was scared. I knew I needed to be brave though, because I have a family who loves me, then it hit me. I left Axel in my room and he could die, I wanted to cry but I couldn't, I didn't want them to find me.

"We know you are hiding Ryder! we will find you little shit, and you will get what is coming to you" Mikey said. "Yeah your lucky last time all you broke was your arm" the other kid with hi  said. I didn't know his name and I tried to make myself smaller, I wasn't going to let them get to me. "Where the hell are you!" Mikey yelled and I knew they couldn't see me, I was in a very tight space but my size made it easy to fit in there. I was wedged in between the sandbox and the lid that covered it. The space was very small and not exactly ideal for anyone to fit behind but I fit perfectly. I mean I couldn't move much but I was hidden perfectly and my dark pajamas made it perfect. 


The fire alarm blaring the hallway completely engulfed in flames, fuck why is this happening! Ryder was across the hall and I couldn't see him, I could hear Axel barking. "Travis will come Ethan just hang in there" Zoey said, "Fuck, why is this happening?" I said, "I don't know but we will figure it out" Zoey said. "I bet that little shit did this and I am going to make sure he pays for it. If anything happens to Ryder I will rip him apart!" Ethan said. "You will not he is just a kid, and you are not a murderer" Zoey said. "According to him I am, I did kill his father so this is his way of enacting revenge" I said. "Only after he hurt your child! Ethan you are a good man" Zoey said as she kissed me. Fuck this was not the time for this, I heard the fire department here and Travis was standing in front of me. "You good?" he said, "yeah where is Ryder?" I asked, "I don't know, I was hoping he was in here. The only one we found in his room was Axel, and the fire is out, only the hallway has been damaged" Travis said. "What do you mean he is not in there?" I said running to is room. He was in fact not in there but I did notice the window was open and he must have climbed down the trellis.

I ran outside and looked around for him, Axel was behind me and he took of running, I knew he probably had something. Damn he was fast, I jumped into my truck and followed Ryder's dog for a puppy he was fast. We made it to the park and at first I didn't see anything, but then I heard it, "Come on you can't hide in there forever you little twerp!" Mikey said and Axel booked it towards them and bit his leg. "OW!" Mikey said as he tried to kick Axel off and his friend tried to help him, I stepped in and pulled Axel off. "Well I think you two have some explaining to do" I said. "What do you mean?" Mikey said, "I mean you broke into my house and set my hallway on fire, hoping to what kill us? Then you chase my son here and planned to do what exactly?" I said. "You have no proof of anything" Mikey said. "Actually I do, you see I have a camera outside me door and not only did I catch you walking in but I caught you leaving and tossing a match onto the carpet before doing so. In other words you Mikey are now being charged for attempted murder and arson. You also screwed your friend here so I hope it was all worth it" I said as two officers came to arrest them both. 

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