Chapter 36

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I couldn't believe how fast time was going by and I was going to be turning 5 soon and this meant my sister was coming. I knew it would be after my birthday and I was very excited, I wanted to meet her so badly. My parents wanted to throw me a birthday party but I didn't want that. I didn't exactly have friends at school. I mean no one talked to me and I kept to myself it was the way I liked it. I could hear them all talking about me behind my back and most of the time I didn't let it bother me. They all thought I was weird and that I would somehow bring chaos or drama into their lives. I even heard some of them say that I would light them on fire if they came to close. Like all the fires I had been in had been my choice and I just didn't need the disappoint of a friend. I convinced them to just have the 3 of us and they said they would keep it them and people I knew. Which I am assuming meant Riggs, Wyatt and Travis as well, I wasn't sure about Travis's kids though. I mean at school they never said anything to me and when they were here or I was with them I felt like they were forced to be my friend. They really Axel though but he was my dog and not there's I just didn't know anymore.


Tomorrow was Ryder's 5th birthday, he didn't want a party and I felt bad for him. He has been in that school now for 7 months and he had no friends. He never once asked to go hang out with them or have anyone come over. I wasn't sure if it was something I needed to worry about, he kept telling me he was fine. I so badly wanted to believe that but no child wants to go through life with no friends, I get it he is still really young. I just felt like I could do more but forcing kids to come to his birthday party would not work either. I was going to respect his wishes and just do something small. I did however feel like as a father I would need to find him some friends, I needed to take to parks. I needed to do more as a father but I was so preoccupied with work and baby stuff that I was neglecting my duty to him. I told myself I would never do that and here I am doing it. The next few weeks I was going to dedicate myself to helping him and getting to the bottom of it. I would need to leave the finding friends to him but I could help coax things along if I needed.

"How is he?" Zoey asked me, "he seems fine, but I am worried Zoey, like why does he not have friends?" I asked her. "Maybe he does we just don't know, and we can't force kids to be friends with him" she said. "I know that but like why he is such a sweet boy, and I just feel like there is more to the story" I said. "Ethan you always tell me not to push, so don't push. If it was bothering him he would tell us" Zoey said. "Would he though? I mean he bottles things up and I don't blame him. He has been through so much, and even though he says he is fine I just never truly believe that" I said. "He has Clementine helping him though" Zoey said, "yeah but she can only do so much and I do see a change. I just don't know if I see the one that I want to see. Zoey there has to be a reason he has no friends" I said. "I do find it out, he has been at school for 7 months and he never talks about anyone. I don't know what to tell you babe but don't make things worse for him he doesn't need that" Zoey said. "I know and I hate to pry into his life I mean he is only 5 but he can't keep going like this. I just feel like its not healthy" I said. "Ethan we need to just take this one day at a time, maybe there is a reason for it. Let's not jump to conclusions we don't know what is happening at school" Zoey said. "I know and it bugs the hell out of me, I need to know what my son is going through" I said. "I know you want to but you are the one who said don't push. He seems happy, and he is so excited for his sister to come let's just focus on that for right now. Then you can worry about his lack of friends, just let him figure it out. The kids are all older than him maybe its harder for him to warm up" she said, "that principal told me it would be good. I just wish I could be there for him 24/7" I said, "you can't be and he needs to learn to figure it out. He is a smart kid and when the right friend comes along he will know" Zoey said. 

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