Chapter 49

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I knew something was wrong as soon as I made it home from school. I didn't exactly know what but I could tell it had to do with Lacey. Henry came up to me and hugged me like he always did. "Ry Lacey sad" he said, "where is she?" I asked him, "in her room" Henry said, "thanks bud I'll back and we can play okay?" I said as I usually played with him after school. "Okay" he replied with a smile. I loved my siblings so much they were the best I knew if I grew up with my mom I probably would have never had this. Getting adopted by Ethan changed my life for the better. Now to figure out what was bothering my sister and I headed upstairs. As soon as I entered her room she was hugging me and crying. "What's wrong Lace?" I said, "I just missed you" she said, "yeah I don't buy that, something happen at school?" I asked her.

"I just had a bad day" she said, "Lacey I want to make it better something bad clearly happened talk to me" I said. She doesn't normally keep secrets from me so this was new. "Something the kids were saying I don't understand" Lacey said "what were they saying?" I asked hoping she would keep going. "They kept calling me plague girl and that we should give you back. They said you aren't my brother and I should put you back so you can burn like you were meant too" Lacey said. "Kids said that to you? I'm sorry Lacey that my past is coming back to bite you" I said. "Most of it doesn't bother me, just that you aren't my brother like you are aren't you?" She asked me new tears in her eyes. "Yes Lacey I am really your brother I always will be. I was adopted by mom and dad when I was 4 but that doesn't make me any less your brother then Henry. I love you so much and I don't care what anyone says I'm your brother always and forever"I said.

"You were adopted?" She said, "yup and it was the best thing that ever happened to me, mom and dad are the best and it allowed me to meet you" I said. "Thanks Ryder I love you, and I'm glad your my brother even if it's not by blood" she said. I laughed, "I'm glad too and I hope you don't let the bullies bother you Lace I never did, I still deal with it. I'm sorry my problems are becoming yours" I said. "It's okay I'm not worried about them it's more what they said that hurt me. I just didn't understand it but I get it now. The bullies don't bother me" Lacey says, "good now let's go downstairs I promised Henry I'd play with him" I said. Lacey agreed and we went to play with our little brother.

"Ry, Ace!" Henry said he was excited to see us, and we sat with him on the floor and played cars. Dad came home just as Stephanie finished making dinner. "Daddy" Henry said running to him giving him a hug, " I always love seeing you all so close, it's the best thing to come home too" dad said. "That and dinner right dad" I said giving him a wink, "well yeah that helps. How was school?" He asked Lacey and me as we sat down to dinner. "My day was alright nothing exciting happened" I said, "mine was okay too it was not that good but Ryder made it better" Lacey said smiling at me. "I'm glad your brother takes good care of you guys it makes my job easier" dad said. "Ryder is the best even if he's not really our brother by blood" Lacey said. "You told her?" Dad said to me, "I had too kids are making fun of her at school and they are bringing me into it. They made her cry" I said. Lacey gave me a look but dad needed to know what was happening. "Honestly this bullying needs to stop I'm going to drop you off tomorrow Lacey I am going to have a serious talk with your principal enough is enough" dad said, Lacey rolled her eyes but she knew dad would make a difference.

"You still being bullied bud?" He asked me, "not so much but if I am Joel helps so it's not so bad. Even met a new friend today" I said. "That is good I'm glad you have Joel" dad said, "me too he's the best" I agreed as I helped clear the table and then I worked on my homework. Lacey doing hers as well while dad gave Henry a bath. He hated it when mom wasn't home, Henry was a mommy's boy and days without her were so much longer. Bedtime was the worst when he cried for her but he would eventually fall asleep. Dad chased him around trying to wear him out before bed. It wasn't working he knew mom wasn't coming home snd he stated to freak out early. Stephanie stayed to help rather then head to her suite she knew moms shifts were hard on him.

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