Chapter 50

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Someone seriously lit the school on fire and to top it all off Ryder was missing. I ran into the school to find him, he said he was in the bathroom but all of them were empty. Except the one on fire and I couldn't get in, my best friend was in trouble, and I was determined to help him. I ran out of the building and found the bathroom window. I just needed to figure out how to get in, the fire looked bad, and I didn't want to lose him. The smoke was so thick I couldn't see, I was able to get the window open but getting in was another story. I heard the firemen finally, but they were going to go in hose on it would burn Ryder alive I need to warn them. I didn't know what Ryder's situation was so I yelled into the window, "help, help me" as loud as I could. "Chief I think someone is in there" I heard a firefighter say, "perfect just what we need a lawsuit, find the kid and fast" Travis said, "I thought the principal said everyone was out" a firefighter said. "We don't know it's a kid we still don't know who set the fire. Maybe this guy did and is trapped" Travis said. Was he fucking nuts Ryder would never set a fire he was afraid of them. I of course didn't blame him; I would be scared too if I was trapped in 4 fires. It was like his fear was coming true and I wished so badly I could help him.


I couldn't believe we were getting a call that the high school was on fire. My son texted me thank goodness he and his sister were safe. I am not sure what was happening we tracked the fire to a bathroom on the main floor we were told all kids were accounted for.  Now we had a kid possibly burning to death and a parent who would most likely never see their child again. I felt for whoever it was I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. My guys were able to locate him and when I saw him my heart sank. I wish this wasn't true, but Ryder was stuck in yet another fire, now I wasn't jumping to conclusions, but this was attempted murder. I mean I couldn't be sure, but I knew he wouldn't have set this. Man, Ethan was going to be pissed and we were going to be here a while. This fire definitely smelled like arson and there were a lot of suspects to go through. I had a feeling the school would be closed for a bit, but we still had the old one so students will be redirected there for the time being. 

I looked to my paramedics, "he is alive chief barely, but we are taking him to the hospital they will be able to do more" Bryce said. "Good and get him there fast, he can't die understood" I said, "yes sir" Bryce said as they drove off. I shook my head this couldn't be happening not again; I was not looking forward to telling Ethan and speak of the devil here he comes. "What happened here?" he asked me, "first the bathroom was the cause of the fire, it looks and smells like arson, second there was one victim that we know of. Third whoever set this fire knew he was in there and I think it was deliberate" I said, "who was in there?" Ethan said, "well um I am so sorry Ethan, we managed to get him out but it's not good" I said, "Don't fucking say it" Ethan said, "Okay I won't but like I said it's not good" I said. "Fucking hell, RIGGS!" Ethan screamed, "yes sir?" Riggs said, "I want everyone questioned and I mean everyone, my kid was in that bathroom, and I need answers!" Ethan screamed and he took off. I had a feeling he was going to the hospital. Riggs looked at me and he had his work cut out for him, I of course would help him all I could. 


Fucking hell man how was this happening again like I just didn't understand how Ryder was in yet another fire. This town was bull shit man, how many people were going to try and kill this poor boy. I mean did we need to arrest the entire town this was beginning to get ridiculous, and I knew exactly who was behind this. Even though he was in jail Tyler's influence was still out there and I feel like with him dead Ryder stood a better chance. I started with all the teachers because they were the most to blame. They didn't even know he was missing, like how do you not know one of your students was missing. It took me a while, but I had it narrowed down to 5 people, the principal and his son were top on my suspect list though. The principal's son was quick to blame Ryder for the whole thing and then he blamed his best friend Joel because he was also missing. Joel told me everything and I believed him he knew Ryder better than anyone at this point. It sounded to me like someone was trying to set Ryder up for the whole thing, I found Collins he was with Travis. "Hey so the gasoline that was used was found in Ryder's locker and the lighter also. So far none of his fingerprints are on it but whoever was doing it wore a glove because there are no fingerprints. We don't have a lot to go on" Travis said, "Neither do I, Collins what can you tell me about the principal and his son?" I asked him, "both are idiots honestly, the principal doesn't do anything, and his son is a jock. He treats everyone like shit, and he especially hates Ryder" Collins said, "yeah he is high on my list but what do they have to gain from this?" I asked. "I don't know but from what I gathered the principal was associated with Drake at some point. Why the idiot brought his son into it I don't know but I think they are behind it" Collins said.

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