Chapter 31

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Ryder was crying in his room and I know I couldn't blame him we are just lucky we didn't lose our entire house. I walked into his room and sat with him on the bed, and he looked at me, "Ryder bud talk to me please" I said. I wanted to know what was going through his head, he just hugged me and didn't speak. The doorbell rang and I heard voices, I just wanted to be sure that he was going to be okay. I looked up to see Riggs standing at the door, "hey, how is he doing?" he asked, "as you can tell not good" I said. "Yeah well I came to give you and update, since you had the video we know that he set your house on fire. So he is being charged with arson, he is also being charged with assault, and his friend talked  threw Mikey under the bus hard. Told us everything he wants you and Ryder both dead so bad but he is being charged. The judge didn't see it necessary to have you testify since he saw it on tape and his friend ratted him out. Ryder is off the hook and hopefully safe now" Riggs said. "That is great news, here that bud" I said and he looked at me but he was still sad.

"Thanks Riggs" I said and he nodded and left, I had a lot of work to do with Ryder. I sighed and hugged him tighter just trying to calm him down. He sobbed until he fell asleep, and I lay him down in his bed. I went back downstairs and Zoey was making dinner, "how is he?" she asked me. "Not good, Zoey he has been through way to much and I am not sure I know how to help him. I don't know if a stranger will help but I am willing to try" I said. "Good I can get it arranged, Ethan he needs this even if he doesn't know it yet. I think it will be better for him in the long run I really do" Zoey said. "I am willing to try, but Zoey if this makes it worse I am not doing it again, he has a hard time with trust" I said. "I know but we are not even sure where to start with dealing with his trauma" she said. I walked up to her and kissed her, she was right but was he ready for that. I mean if he didn't talk to me would he talk to a stranger I had no idea, I was worried for him.


I woke up in my bed, I smelled food, I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep but I didn't think it was long. I heard what Riggs said and Mikey was going to jail but what did that mean for me, he said I was off the hook. Off the hook for what, I had no answers, I know Ethan wanted me to talk but did him going to jail mean I could. I had to use the bathroom so I walked out of my room and I could hear Ethan and Zoey talking. They wanted to take me to some stranger to talk, I didn't want that. No one was going to make me talk to them, I just wanted to be left alone, I didn't want this. I had to figure out a way to stop them from doing this, and I would need to do it fast.

Ethan saw me, "hey bud" he said as I walked downstairs, "Ryder I wish you would talk to us, all we want is to help you" he said. I knew that I did he has done so much for me already but every time I thought I could be happy something bad happened. I didn't want Ethan to get hurt on my account, I think he and Zoey were better off without me and I know he knew it too. I mean I am not even really his kid, maybe I could see mommy again, I still didn't know where she was. Then I knew Ethan was better to me then mommy ever was and I really didn't want to leave. Would he be sad if I left, maybe I should tell him he is better off without me. I know that would require me to talk but it would be worth it right then maybe he wouldn't make me talk to strangers. There were to many things going through my head. "Dinner is ready" Zoey said, okay good maybe some food will help me think. We all sat down and ate, Ethan and Zoey making small talk I just ate and listened. I knew I didn't want to leave I really did love them and they were my parents no matter what, I knew I could trust them.

"Dad" I said, and they both looked at me shocked, "yes" he said, "I don't want to go away" I said. "What? you aren't going away Ryder we love you and we don't want you to go anywhere" he said. "You were saying I needed to go talk to strangers I don't want too" I said, Ethan looked to Zoey, "not forever Ryder just to get some help with your trauma" Ethan said, "NO!" I said and ran upstairs. I didn't want to talk to new people, Ethan followed me and sat down, "Talk to me then bud let me help you" he said. "I am scared" I said, "I know and that is okay and very understandable. I want to help you figure it out, I know bad things keep happening but I promise I will always be here. There are no more threats out there to you, and we can make new memories together" he said. "What if something happens again and he comes for me" I said, "who are you scared of?" he asked, "Drake! and Mikey" I said, "Drake is dead Ryder he can't hurt you I promise. Mikey is in jail now and he can't hurt you either I won't let him, plus Axel here is getting better and he is going to help me protect you" he said. "Really?" I said, "yes and man is it good to hear your voice again" Ethan said as he hugged me. "I just didn't want to be given away" I said. "Ryder I would never ever give you away. You are my son and Zoey's son you are ours now forever" he said, I smiled. "Thank you" I said and hugged him tighter.

"I know you are scared to talk to me but I promise no one is going to hurt you" he said. "Okay daddy but I am not ready yet" I said. "I won't push it but Zoey and I will always be here for you Ryder always" he said. "Okay, um dad is Zoey going to be my mom?" I asked him, "yes she is already" he said. "No I mean like is she going to be my mom forever?" I asked, "I am not sure what you mean?" he said, "do you love her?" I asked, "of course I do" he said, "then tell her that, make her yours forever" I said. "She is mine forever but I think I know what you mean, you want me to ask her to marry me" he said. "Yeah" I said that was the word I was looking for marry, he laughed, "well buddy we just might have to come up with something then" he said and I cheered. I was hoping there weren't anymore threats but if there was I know my parents would protect me.

The summer went by way to fast and Ethan and Zoey were talking about taking me to school, what was that? Would I like it, they said I would make friends and learn things, I was so scared. What if no one liked me? What if someone tried to hurt me? I didn't like this at all and I didn't know what to do about it. The summer was the best, we did lots of stuff together as a family, Ethan even asked Zoey to marry him and she said yes! We went and whole 3 months with no threats and no one came after me, it was the best summer ever.

It was the night before this school thing was happening and Ethan was tucking me in, "Dad" I said, "yeah bud" he said looking at me. "I don't want to meet another Mikey" I said, "you won't all the kids in your school will be the same age as you, to start out and then as you get older you will go to a new school" he said. "What if no one likes me?" I said, "everyone will love you Ryder you are a great kid, I promise you are going to love it" he said. "Dad, I want to tell you" I said, "tell me?" he questioned, "yeah what Mikey said and did to me" I said, "Ryder you don't have too" he told me. "I know but dad I want too" I said, he nodded, "okay bud I am listening" he said.

"After I left you in that fire, I was so scared, Travis told me I couldn't help then he gave me to another firefighter. He didn't know what to do and then he saw a police officer but he wasn't really one. He grabbed me and laughed and then shoved me into a car, he didn't even put a seatbelt on me. Then we were at his house and Mikey was there, at first I thought I needed to be scared of the man but Mikey was scarier. He would push me and hit me a lot, then they locked me in this room. I was to scared at first to do anything but I needed to get out and find you, I was able to get out of the room and find a phone but when I did that Mikey was talking to someone and he caught me. He hurt me and shoved me in the closet and locked me in there for a while, I wanted to get help. I thought of the window but even that didn't work because it was like Mikey was always there. He told me if I ever talked he would cut out my tongue and make me suffer, I was so afraid he would, he seemed so mean. Then his dad came back and he was going to hurt me he had that knife and I heard you so I screamed then he pushed me down the stairs that is all I remember. I felt like if I ever talked Mikey would get me and take my tongue" I said.

"Awe buddy I am sorry you went through all that, I promise though I will never let anything like that happen. If someone is ever mean to you or does anything you don't like you tell me or Zoey okay" he said. "Okay" I said, "night bud first day of preschool tomorrow" he said kissing my head as he tucked me. I was nervous for school but after telling my dad everything I think for the first time I was actually excited. I fell asleep thinking of what new adventures would await me in school.


I was shocked that he finally told me everything, I mean it made me hate Mikey even more and I didn't think a child could be so cruel. I know his father paid for what he did but Mikey was not suffering enough and I planned to do something about that. I couldn't have anything go wrong now that he was going to start school. I would be going to work and he would be starting new adventures. He really was growing up so fast, his silence was no more and that was something to be celebrated.

Zoey and I would be getting married soon and we haven't told Ryder this yet but we were planning a big surprise for him. Ryder was going to be a big brother soon and we were very excited to tell him. I just wanted to see how the first day of school went for him I felt like he was smart and he would be just fine. He was growing up so fast and he was finally coming out of his shell I just hoped it stayed that way. Zoey and I have big plans for him and we want nothing but the best for him. Ryder's past life might have been awful but his future is looking brighter than ever and we were hoping he would be excited for a sibling. Of course with Ryder you would never know because he has a hard time opening up. He has changed my life in more ways that one and I know we have changed his. 

Silent WitnessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora