Chapter 22

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We weren't on the plane long before 3 men with guns came out and said the plane was being hijacked. I didn't know what that meant but I knew it wasn't good if they had guns, they also kept looking at me. I knew I was the youngest on the plane, which meant I would be a target. I wasn't just scared I was terrified, we were in the sky with no way out. There was nothing we could do either unless these men were to get what they wanted. Ethan also looked scared because they took me him and Zoey into another part of the plane. There was another man there too but he was older. I kept staring at the guns they were what scared me the most, the men were pacing with them. I could tell Ethan was trying to figure out what to do, he wanted to keep me safe. We had so much fun in Disney world now we had to deal with this, why was I always so unlucky.

The biggest of the 3 men was staring at me, "you come here" he said to me, "back off" Ethan replied. "The boy comes with me or the women dies" the man said while one of the others held a gun to Zoey. I knew Ethan didn't want me to go but I didn't want Zoey to get hurt, I stood up from behind Ethan. He grabbed me and said, "no" holding me to him, as the man walked over to us. He didn't look happy and I didn't know what was going to happen but I felt like Ethan was making it worse. "You want to die?" He asked Ethan, "no but take me instead please don't hurt my son" Ethan said. "The boy will not be harmed if we get what we want, don't try and play the hero" the man said grabbing me. I was pulled away from Ethan and I started to cry I was scared, he took me back to the other part of the plane. He held the gun to me as he spoke, "now everyone will listen very carefully or the boy dies. There will be a device being passed around shortly everyone will put there banking information onto it. Regardless of your financial status you will enter it, and if anyone refuses the boy dies" the man said.  I ended up peeing my pants I was so scared, "fucking kid just pissed on me, why I hate dealing with children. You little piece of shit" the man said pushing me to the ground and pointing the gun at my head. A few second later Ethan was there he had a gun, "put it down or I will make you eat it" he said. Eat what I was so confused but also terrified as heck.

The man dropped the gun and Ethan had him tied up with the other 2. I wondered his he did that but I mean he was a cop so I shouldn't be surprised. All the people on the plane cheered and Ethan went to talk to the pilot. Zoey helped me change I had extra clothes in my backpack but I was still crying. The men although they were tied up kept looking at me. "You little piece of shit this is all your fault, you mark my words kid you will suffer" the men says. Ethan came back in and punched him in the face. It made me smile I knew he would always protect me, "speak to him again and you won't get off this plane alive" Ethan said. "Ethan" Zoey said, "no I've had it with all these threats Ryder didn't do anything to deserve this" Ethan said. "I get it but he doesn't need to hear that from you either" Zoey said. "It's okay Zoey, I'm glad he is protecting me" I said surprising them both. Mostly because I spoke to a group of people. "Zoey I am a cop it's my job to protect" Ethan said. The pilot announced the plane was landing and once we were in the ground more cops came in. Riggs was one of them and Collins too, they took the 3 men off the plane. 


I lost it when they grabbed Ryder from me, I wasn't going to just sit there while he had a gun to my son. One of the men was distracted so I took advantage and kicked his legs out making him drop his gun. Then I punched him in the jaw knocking him out the other guy at this point came at me but Zoey hit him with the other guys gun. She knocked him out I was proud of her then I tied them both up and grabbed a gun and went to get my son back. I noticed he peed himself which sucked but I could deal with that I gave Zoey his bag and she changed him. I spoke to the pilot and told him it was safe to land in Detroit and I would have officers waiting to escort them off the property. He nodded and was able to land us safely.

From what I could tell Ryder was ok he was doing so much better. I had no idea what that man did or said but Ryder was still talking and was even taking to Zoey. Riggs and Collins came onto the plane and escorted the men off. "You took on three of them by yourself?" Riggs asked me. "I had too they threatened Ryder and I wasn't going to let them keep him hostage" I said.  "Exactly why you should be captain and not me" Riggs said causing me to laugh, I might be better at the physical stuff but the paperwork bores me to death. I just didn't feel like paperwork would ever get me any answers, I liked to do the physical stuff. I took Ryder home after we dropped off Zoey, "dad, is Zoey going to come stay with us?" he asked me, that was unexpected. "I am not sure bud we haven't talked about it" I said. "Oh okay" he said, "I knew we needed to talk about everything that happened on the plane but I was going to give him some time in order to cope. I was still trying to figure it out myself. I sort of left Riggs and Collins there to clean up the mess, and I felt bad. I knew in order for me to take over as Captain which I had no problem doing I would need to figure out what to do with Ryder. The summer was coming up soon and I know he would start preschool in the fall. I just had no idea if he would be comfortable staying with someone, god only knows my mother would love to take him. I just didn't want to inflict my mother's pushiness onto him he has been through enough.

Ryder was playing nicely and I was making us some dinner it would be something we could discuss while we ate. I just hoped he was okay I hated seeing him hurting, to be honest I still had no idea what happened when I was in a coma. He never wanted to talk about it of course I also didn't blame him. I know Drake is dead now Riggs told me the execution happened but something still didn't sit right with me. Tyler as another story but would he strike without his King I had no idea. Regardless now that Ryder was mine I would always keep him safe, I didn't care if it meant never going back to work. I had food made I decided on spaghetti is was the easiest for tonight. "Ryder bud dinner is ready go wash your hands" I said and he ran to the bathroom, Travis would be dropping of Axel soon as well. Ryder ate happily and I hated to have to ruin that. "Ryder we need to talk about a few things" I said, "Why?" he asked, "because I need to know how you are feeling" I asked. "I feel okay, I am just glad things worked out" he said, "I am too but I can't help you if you aren't honest with me" I said. "Okay when you told the man to drop the gun and you said he would eat it what did you mean?" Ryder asked, "oh um the bullet from the gun, I would have shot him before he even had a chance to hurt you" I said. "I don't like guns, they hurt people" Ryder said, "yes they do you are right. I use a gun as a cop to protect people not hurt them" I said. "Okay, I am good I promise" he said, "okay if you weren't you would tell me right?" I asked. "I would yes, I feel safe with you so I know that I am good" he said. I hugged him, "one more thing how would you feel if I went back to work?" I asked. "Its okay with me" he said. "Okay but you would need to stay with someone else, most likely my mom because she is free" I said. "Its okay with me dad, I mean as long as you come back and get me" he said. "Always" I said as I laughed knowing all too well that my mom could be a little to much. 

After dinner I cleaned up the kitchen, and then hung out with Ryder. I have to admit having him in the house was nice and knowing he was actually mine now was great. He was such a smart kid and I loved how he problems solved while playing. It was just after 8 pm and there was a knock on the door, I opened it and Axel ran inside and showered Ryder with licks. "Sorry I ended up having to deal with something" Travis said, "no problem thanks for watching him" I said, "anytime the kids love him and it saves me from having to get a dog. I heard about the plane" he said. "Oh yeah from who?" I asked, "Riggs he said you took on 3 people" he said, "I had help, Zoey threw a gun at one of them, and I was pissed it sort of was the adrenaline" I said, "regardless Riggs is waiting for you to come back" Travis said. "I am planning too just need to talk to my mom about taking Ryder" I said. "Oh man poor Ryder" Travis said, and I laughed my mom really wasn't that bad. Travis left and I took Ryder upstairs and tucked him in, Axel laying at his feet. 

I thought about what he said and I would love nothing more than for Zoey to move in, I mean it was totally up to her. I decided to ask her the next time she was here, spending all that time with her in Disneyworld made me want to be with her more than anything. Ryder was comfortable with her too so I knew this decision would be right for both of us. I also decided to call my mother despite how much I didn't want Ryder to overwhelmed. "Ethan thank goodness you are alright" Gloria said. "Thanks mom, listen I have a favor to ask" I said, "yes" she said, "you don't even know what it is" I said. "Doesn't matter yes" she said, "okay well thanks, I want to go back to work. I need someone to watch Ryder" I said. "Oh yes! I would love to get to know him" she said. "Good but mom don't push him please, he has been through enough. He doesn't need you to pry" I said. "I won't I promise I will see you in the morning" she said, "wait mom" I said as she hung up. I didn't mean I was going back tomorrow but I guess now I had no choice. Let's just hope Ryder was okay with it because I knew my mom would not listen to me. 

I decided to go to bed knowing my mom would be here early and I could hopefully get to work, I would only leave it Ryder was alright. I had no idea what being back here or what he experience on the plane was going to affect him or if it would. I shot up it was 2 am and ran to his room, I expected the nightmares but that scream was terrifying. I grabbed him in a hug, "talk to me bud" I said. "He was here, I saw him" he said, "who was?" I asked, "Drake" he said, "that is not possible bud he is dead" I said. "Dad he was here I heard him even" he said, "Ryder I know you are scared but I promise you he is dead and he can't hurt you anymore" I said. Ryder just cried in my arms, I couldn't exactly tell him ghosts weren't real. I mean I didn't exactly believe that myself but I did know Drake would never hurt him again. I would see if he was actually dead tomorrow I mean it wouldn't surprise me at all if he somehow faked it. I would be surprised if he did pull that off though seeing as he was executed but I needed too be sure. Ryder fell back asleep and I went back to bed myself I felt like it was going to be a busy day tomorrow. 

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