Chapter 20

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I was glad to be home, I know I still had to take it easy but being at home made it easier for me to relax. Travis dropped Axel off and he was now with us, Ryder was getting tormented with licks and he was giggling. It was a nice sound, I know he had been through something awful while I was in that damn coma and I wanted to make sure he knew I was here for him. I didn't know whether he would be able to talk even if it was just to a judge. From what I was told he stayed silent for 2 days after it happened and refused to eat. I can only imagine what is going through his head. I know Riggs and Collins would both testify too but I was hoping Judge Henderson would take pity on him. He is only 4 years old and has now almost been killed by his father 3 times. I can't imagine what is going through his head but it couldn't be anything good, there was a knock on our door. Ryder literally jumped 3 feet and ran to hide, "its okay bud" I said as he ran upstairs. I sighed I really needed to start all over it was like all the progress we made was gone. I opened the door, it was Zoey, "hey" she said, "hi, what are you doing here?" I asked, "you are hurt I felt bad, so I came to make dinner" Zoey said. "That is sweet" I said pulling her in for a kiss. She accepted it and kissed me back, "where is Ryder?" she asked as I helped her bring the groceries in. "He ran upstairs when he heard you knock, you scared him" I said, "oh I am sorry, I didn't think" she said. "It's fine not your fault, he has been through a lot, and I am pretty sure we are back at square one" I said. "I am sorry Ethan; I know if anyone can help him it's you. I mean look what you have done for him already" Zoey said. "Yes, and he is mine now" I said, "really the paperwork went through?" Zoey said, "yes and I couldn't be happier that boy has changed my life and in a good way" I said. "Yes, you were all tough and intimidating before now you are soft and cuddly" she said. "Soft and cuddly? Awe man did I lose all my cop rep?" I said, "well maybe not all of it you are still tough but also sexy" she said. "Hmm okay I will take that I guess. You are beautiful and brave" I said kissing her again as we heard a little cough. 

"Sorry bud, need something?" I asked him, he nodded, and I looked at him. I had a feeling he wasn't going to talk with Zoey in the room. I followed him into the living room, "Axel needs a walk" Ryder said, "okay give me 2 minutes okay" I said, and he nodded getting his shoes on. "Zoey we are just going to take Axel around the block you good?" I said, "yes take your time" she said and I smiled as I followed Ryder out the door, he had Axel on a leash, but he was getting dragged around I had to take over. "Dad is Zoey going to be my mom?" he asked me, "not anytime soon, I am not even sure what we are so I can't answer that" I said. "Ok" he said, "would you like her to be?" I asked, "I like her she is nice; I am not sure if I would be able to talk to her yet though. She seems to like you a lot and she makes you smile so I like her for that" he said. "Alright thanks bud, I promise if anything changes with us you will be the first to know" I said. "Okay" he said as we finished our walk and went back into the house. It smelled amazing, Ryder ran upstairs again, and I knew him, and I would need to talk at some point. "Everything good?" Zoey asked, "yes and it smells amazing in here" I said, "good because I am trying really hard, Ryder isn't allergic to anything is he?" she asked, "we are not sure, I have been trying everything but so far he seems good" I said. "Okay I am making lobster so if he has an allergy to shellfish we will know" she said. "I have no way to stop it if he does" I said, "Ethan I am a paramedic, it will be okay I promise" she said. I smiled at her and kissed her again as she dropped a lobster in the water. She squeaked it was a cute sound and I felt like her and I were going to be just fine, and I was curious what we were now.

"Zoey where is this going?" I asked her, "what?" she asked me with those sexy green eyes, "this relationship, I mean are we something?" I asked her, "I'd like to think so Ethan, I have liked you a long time. That first night you kissed me was amazing, and I haven't stopped thinking about it, then when you came back it was like nothing changed. I think when you were hurt, I probably drove Travis insane, and he might think I am a little nuts" Zoey said. "Really? I am curious now I might have to ask him" I said, "Oh god please don't, maybe just let it go" she said, and I laughed. She took the lobsters out and Ryder was in front of us again he was watching Zoey, "Hey bud would you be okay if Zoey were to be my girlfriend? It would mean she would be here a lot more and, in our lives," I said. Ryder nodded and smiled, "I guess that is all we are going to get" Zoey said, "he talks to me so I will see how he feels later. Zoey he is scared and confused, and I have no idea what happened in that bunker, and I probably never will. He is only 4 and has been through hell and I want nothing more than to make his memories amazing from now on" I said. "I am all for it and I feel for him too" Zoey said. "Good because I want to take him on a little trip, and I was hoping you could come with us" I said. "I would need to look into getting time off, but I would love too but only if you don't mind Ryder" Zoey said. He shook his head and gave her a thumbs up. I would need to see where his head was when I tucked him in because all I wanted was for him to be comfortable with everything.


Ethan just asked me if I was okay with Zoey being in our lives, I like her. I am not sure how I feel about her being more often but I guess its okay. She makes Ethan happy and Ethan makes me happy so in the end everyone wins. I watched as Zoey took something red out of water, it had lots of legs. "Its a lobster, we are going to try something new. I do caution you to eat it slowly though just in case you are allergic" Ethan said. I didn't know what being allergic would mean but it smelled interesting and I was excited to try it. Once dinner was ready we all sat down to eat, and Ethan gave me a small piece of lobster to try. I put it in my mouth it was interesting I didn't know if I liked it. Both Ethan and Zoey were watching me closely and it was making me nervous. "I think he might be good" Zoey said as Ethan gave me more, I tried another piece and then I felt it. It felt as if everything stopped for a second, and I couldn't breathe, I felt my face get red and I panicked. "Zoey" Ethan said, "it's okay" Zoey said as she stabbed me in the leg with something and I felt my life come back to me, "you have an epi pen?" Ethan asked, I didn't know what that was. "Yes, I always have one with me you never know when you will need it. Ryder how do you feel?" Zoey asked, I looked at them both, I didn't want to talk but I was okay I think, "Ryder I know you only talk for me, but this is serious, we need to know if you are okay" Ethan said. "I feel weird" I said, "let's take him to the ER just to be sure" Zoey said, "okay" Ethan said as he picked me up and put me in my car seat. 

I didn't want to go back to the hospital I hated it there, but I guess Zoey had some pull there because I was taken in right away. "What is going on?" Dr. Finch asked she seemed too always be here it was weird. "He had an allergic reaction to shellfish, and I gave him a shot epi, but he said he felt weird" Zoey said. Right after she said that I puked all over the floor, and I cried that was awful. I only did that a few times before but this time it hurt a lot, and I didn't like it. "Oh man well I guess he puked up the one piece he ate" Zoey said. "Do you feel a bit better?" Dr. Finch asked and I nodded despite it feeling awful I did feel better. "Alright Ethan, keep an eye on him and no more shellfish, I would suggest always having an epi pen with you" Dr. Finch said. "Yes, thank you, is he going to be, okay?" Ethan asked, "yes I think so, I am not seeing any swelling and he is alert and aware. Zoey giving him the epi shot straight away prevented anything from happening" Dr. Finch said. Zoey just saved my life, now I had 3 people who have saved me, Ethan, Riggs and now Zoey. I couldn't figure out what made my life so special, why was everyone saving me. 

We said our goodbyes to Zoey and Ethan drove me home, I helped him clean the kitchen while I waited for Axel who was outside. He wouldn't let me touch the lobster and he threw it all out and took it outside right away. After the kitchen was clean and Axel was inside, he gave me a bath, "Ryder I know a lot happened, but I want you to talk to me. Tell me what is going through your head" Ethan said. "Why does everyone keep saving me?" I asked, "What do you mean?" Ethan asked me, "I should have died several times now, I mean I don't know why god wants me to die but I feel like I keep coming back" I said. "Ryder you are one of a kind, and the reason you keep getting saved is because god doesn't want you dead. He sees how amazing you are and knows you will do great things in your lifetime. People keep saving you because you bring happiness to our lives, and you are loved very much by a lot of people. Ryder you are incredible and are destined for greatness" Ethan said. I didn't know that and that made me feel good, "thanks, I love you dad" I said, "I love you too" Ethan said as he hugged me and pulled me out of the tub. He wrapped me in a towel and dried me off before helping me to my pj's and tucking me into bed. 

Axel was lying at my feet, and I asked him before he left the room, "you said we were going on at trip where are we going?" I asked. "That is a surprise my little dude, goodnight, Ryder sweet dreams" Ethan said. I wished he would tell me I wanted to know being 4 and not knowing something was hard. We never did talk about what happened, but I wanted to tell him he did deserve to know. I just didn't know how to bring it up or if I would be able to tell a judge I just didn't want to. Riggs and Collins were both there too and they saw most of it I was hoping that would be enough. I just didn't want to see him again and if I had to stay silent forever, I would be, Ethan was the only one I could talk too. He was the only one I felt safe with, and he was my dad and I liked saying it. He made me feel loved and I never felt that before not even from mommy. She did try and I wish she did more but if she did than I would not be with Ethan and I think that this is where I was always meant to be. Ethan was my forever home and I never wanted that to change. I fell asleep thinking about where we could go for a trip, and I was very excited to think about all the possibilities. 

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