Chapter 9

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I woke it was morning, I still didn't know how to tell time but the sun was up. I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom. The house was quiet I didn't like it, I didn't see Ethan and I panicked. I made my way downstairs and he was in the kitchen. "Morning buddy" he said drinking some coffee, at least that is what it smelled like. He placed a plate of food in front of me and I ate everything. I liked how there was always something to eat, he smiled at me and ate some food himself. "I need to make some calls Ryder, so if you want to play in the living room I will be right here I promise" he said. I nodded as I left the table and went to the living room, I was playing with my train set and I noticed a shadow outside. I stood up and went to the window and he was there outside our house. Tyler I didn't want him to notice me, but I needed to tell Ethan. I ran over to him and grabbed his hand he was still on the phone but he followed me. I took him to the window but when we were there he was gone again and I didn't know what it meant. He was near the truck so what did he do, "Ryder you okay?" Ethan asked me, I nodded but I still looked out the window. Ethan looked too but there was no one there, was it all in my head. Am I just being paranoid or was he really there I didn't know anymore and I started to cry, I didn't know if I should tell him.

"Riggs I'm going to need to call you back" Ethan said as he hung up and kneeled to my level. "Ryder buddy talk to me" Ethan said, he hugged me and I cried for a few seconds just trying to figure out what I was going to say. He never pushed he just hugged me but I needed to say something because if I did something I didn't want Ethan hurt. "I saw one" I said, "you saw one?" he questioned, "yes he was outside by your truck" I said, Ethan looked at me and ran outside he wasn't worried about his safety. I panicked what if he was still out there, and he came back in a few seconds later he was on the phone, "Riggs I need Wyatt and you at my house now, we will be packed and ready to leave" he said. "Ethan?" I said, "Ryder go upstairs and pack as many clothes and toys as you can I will bring you a suitcase, then we are leaving" he said. I nodded I didn't know where we were going but I felt like this needed to happen fast. 

I ran to my room and managed to pack everything I could fit into the suitcase, I dressed in some real clothes and grabbed my stuffie. Ethan came upstairs he was dressed too and he had his suitcase. "Have everything?" he asked me, "I think so" I said and he closed my suitcase and carried it downstairs. He put another suitcase down and packed all the toys in the living room then there was a knock on the door. Ethan opened it to Riggs and Wyatt, "what the hell?" Riggs said, "language dude there is a kid right there" Wyatt said, "sorry Ethan?" Riggs said, "Ryder told me he saw one of them outside the house, he was near my truck, I need you to check it for me Wyatt and Riggs we are going off the grid" he said. What did off the grid mean? Where were we going to go would we still get to see people. Wyatt went outside and Riggs looked at me and then back to Ethan.

"You going to get him to talk before going off the grid? We need a fighting chance man" Riggs said, "I know I will try but Riggs don't push it okay, you are here to make sure we both leave safely that is it. I am not telling anyone where we are going but you need to make sure I am not followed" Ethan said. Followed who was going to follow him, "are you driving?" Riggs asked, "just to the airport, I have somewhere in mind" Ethan said, we were going on a plane? I have never been on a plane. "Does he need a passport?" Riggs said, "yes he will but I don't have time for that. I am hoping the airport will understand" Ethan said, "hang on I can help" Riggs said as he snapped a picture of me and called someone, he gave them description of me and my date of birth and all that stuff. I wondered why he was doing that but I didn't want to ask, I was still super nervous and didn't trust him yet. 

Wyatt came back inside and handed something to Ethan, "Fuck" Ethan said and my eyes went wide, "Language" Wyatt said again getting me to giggle, "Sorry this was on my truck?" Ethan said, "yes it was and had you started it with the two of you inside boom" Wyatt said and this made me jump. "It is safe now?" Ethan asked, "yes there is nothing else I checked but dude they don't care if you are hurt either" Wyatt said. "I know Wyatt we are leaving" Ethan said and I was scared. I didn't want to leave but as long as I was with Ethan I would be okay I think. Riggs looked at me, "he will have a passport ready at the airport, let's go" Riggs said. Ethan nodded and he picked me up and Riggs turned the truck on first before Ethan put me into the car seat. "I guess this is goodbye then" Riggs said, "it is take care of my mom Riggs, and I will figure out a way to contact you if I know anything" Ethan said. "I will, and I will say goodbye to Zoey for you" Riggs said. Ethan's face fell when he said that name and I didn't know what it meant, he climbed into the truck and we drove away. Riggs in the car behind us and this was it we were leaving and going on a plane.

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