Eighteen [S]

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The sun beaming spotlights through the blinds shone down on us laying on top of the duvet, still within each other's grasps. However, that wasn't what woke me up.

A ringtone from my phone blasted through his room, making me groan and shuffle around thinking it were my alarm.

"Fuck...five more minutes." I whisper, snuggling myself back into the comfortable man behind me, feeling his breath tingle against my neck through his mask.

He squeezes me a little bit to signal that he's awake, but his breathing remains steady and his body shows no signs of moving away from me.

The phone stops ringing, then calls again.

"Man..." I groan, trying to get up but immediately getting pulled back down again.

"You aren't leaving this time, you know?" a raspy, sleepy voice murmurs down my neck, which makes my cheeks flare up like fire.

"But someone's ringing me..." I whine softly, rubbing his arm with my hand. "I promise I'll be back."

He groans, but loosens his grip on me allowing me to wriggle away. I sit up and out of his bed and go over to my phone, seeing thirteen missed calls from Riley.

Oh shit. Riley.

I answer the one that's coming now, putting the phone against my ear.

"Oh...hello there..."

"WHERE. THE FUCK. ARE YOU." they shout, enough so that Ghost perks up slightly, sleepy in the eyes and posture.

"At Ghost's."

"I swear, did you really just leave me for HIM? I TOLD YOU! YOU GUYS BETTER OF FUCKED OTHERWISE IT IS NOT WORTH-"

I groan and lean on one leg, switching ears.

"Stop yelling. I've just woken up. Plus, I can already hear you through the fucking apartment walls." I reply, in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry. But still...what happened? Why did you leave?"

I look back at Ghost who's now laying down, his arm laying on the bed missing my body within it. I pout and turn up my eyebrows, looking at him as I speak.

"You snore too loud. I'll ring you back later, you have a spare key."

I hang up the call and put my phone back down on the side, walking over to the bed again and practically falling into Ghost, him groaning as I do so, with a light chuckle to him.

"You, sir, are very needy." I whisper playfully, poking his arm now wrapped around my waist.

He hums in responce, pushing his body fully onto mine.

I chuckle and bury myself within him, softly sighing as I get comfortable again. I shuffle around within his grasp to get comfortable.

As I try to get as comfortable as I was before Riley rudely called, Ghost lets out a soft groan against my neck and grips on me gets tight, pulling me closer towards him. His thumb strokes my waist as I feel his chest rise and fall faster.

I don't notice his shift in demeanor as I continue to try get comfy, accidentally scooting back on him in the process, which earns another, louder groan followed by a tighter pull.

This time, I for sure noticed.

"Can you get your knee off of my back?" I whisper, "I'm trying to get comfortable."

"H-hun...that's not my knee." he groans in response, tracing his rough fingertips up and down my loose shirt which in this situation, outlines my curves. He traced across my front of my body as he buried his head further into my neck.

I furrow my eyebrows and bite my tongue, not completely understanding. "What do you mean?" I reply, shuffling slightly more, triggering another reaction.

"Stop...fuck..." he murmurs, finally realising what he has. I gasp softly and my cheeks glow a crimson red as I realise what I've given him.

"I- uh- fuck I'm so sorr-"

"Shhh..." he whispers, his fingers still tracing me. He then uses his free hand to hold onto my waist and pull me in further, digging his bulge further into my back. I groan softly and feel my knees getting weak, even laying down.

I chuckle softly, turning my head to look at him slightly. "What's wrong, hm?" I teasingly say, using one of my hands to trace my finger up and down his masked, tightened jaw. He sighs softly, humming to my actions. "Did I do something?"

He doesn't respond, but I feel his heartbeat increase against my upper back, his breathing starts to get faster and his grip around my waist and on my body tighten.

"Awhh, cat got your tongue?" I inquire teasingly, a hint of lust laced through my words, flowing through Ghost's ears.

He whimpers in my neck softly and manages to whisper breathlessly, "F-fuck..."

It ripples through my ears and sends a sly smirk across my now devillish lips.

He's in my control now.

"You know, I could just leave right now? You'd have to deal with your mess all by yourself." a teasing tone coming off of my cheeky lips, giggling as I say it. I roll over to face him, his arms still around me but he's now tracing up and down the small of my back. I cup his cheek and make him look at me, my eyes full of lust and passion and his weak.

He shakes his head and drops his head, I press my body closer to his, my legs almost wrapped around his slightly shaking waist. I tilt his head back up. "Use your words, sweetheart."

The words float off of my lips, causing Ghost to shut his eyes and groan softly, helpless weak breaths leaving his desperate mouth. "P-please..." he says, between stammers and breaths. "Don't go...p-please...fuck..."

I chuckle softly and squint my eyes, the same seductive look across my face. I playfully pout and tilt my head slightly, bringing my face closer to his.

"I'm sure a big strong man can handle himself, no?" I reply, raising my eyebrows and giving him an inquired yet playful look. He groans once more, the hand tracing the small of my back slowly going down, resting now on my ass.

"I-I can't...not with you..." he barely whispers, gulping between his sentences as his fingers trace up and down my body sending tingles throughout my skin. I chuckle softly again and run my fingers down to his bare chest, tracing across the lines of his abs and scars making him groan again, his bulge throbbing against my leg.

I run my fingers up to his neck and slide one of my fingers under the hem of his balaclava, looking at his eyes, him returning the gaze with a desperate weak look. I roll it up slightly, revealing his parted, pink lips gently breathing hot air with hums of groans in between.

He watches my fingers trace along his bottom lip, the same as he did to me, as I move in and softly plant a kiss on him. A short one, but a kiss at that.

His lips tasted amazing, like something I've been craving all my life. They had the taste of heaven embedded between them, soft and rough in all the right ways. I moan into his mouth and pull myself closer, pressing my body against him - along with my hips on his bulge which made him grip against my back and pull me in.

We both hungrily kiss, like we've been starved from each other. I take a breath break and kiss him again, him moaning into the kiss. I take the opportunity to slide my tongue in briefly and taste him fully, biting his bottom lip and watching him fall weak whilst doing so.

I'm the first to pull away, a string of saliva coming from both of our bottom lips as we let go. He looks at me breathing rapidly through his mouth, making me smile and lick my lips clean.

Two knocks echo throughout his apartment, snapping us into reality from our heavenly fantasy.

My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now