Thirty Six | Good Ending 1

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ill do the good endings first so you guys dont have to read the bad endings if you dont want to!

thank you so much for the support on this story its my first ever story and im so appreciative of the development that has happened and the amount of votes, reads and comments it has gotten

for my next story im debating on doing a character not a y/n or a half and half so maybe first person pov but a character? im not sure yet. we'll have to see!

but still though, thank you guys so much for everything you've done and i hope to see as much support on further stories! ill do a thank you note at the end <3

now, on with the endings. enjoy!

That day, I took Ghost to a hill that I went to when I was younger. A hill where me and parents, friends, previous lovers all had picnics.

Some in a large group, some just me and them. But this time, it was me and Ghost.

We had bought sandwiches and crisps, cupcakes and doughnuts, eclairs and tarts. We made sure that it was an amazing picnic, staying till the sun was slowly going down and the sky turned brilliant hues of pinks, oranges and reds.

The clouds were sparsely spread out showing off the glistening sky, a full moon shining through just enough to highlight us laughing away as we sat on a blanket, eating and sharing moments together.

We're sitting across from eachother, our legs both sitting crossed. He had just told a story of his coworker trying to prank him, which I was laughing heavily. Ghost checked his watch subtly, clearing his throat.


"Ah," I say, wiping a tear from my eye with a smile. "yeah Simon?"

I look up at him and I see his fingertips going under his already half rolled balaclava. He fully takes it off, slipping it up from his face and putting it to his side. I watch the mask before lingering my eyes up to his half smiling face.

His eyes are like perfect brown gemstones, glistening from the evening sun, several scars mark his face but they get repented by his now flushed cheeks. His skin is slightly rough but it doesn't repent me at all, he looks brave yet kind. His hair is a dirty blonde, short on top of his head, it slightly messy from having the balaclava on all the time. He's...

He's beautiful.

My jaw agape, I look at all of his face, his chest vibrating slightly as he sees my reaction as a positive one. His lips open slightly to laugh and the corners of his eyes squint as he smiles. It's him. With the mask, he's Ghost. But without? He's Simon. A smile forms on my lips and I softly chuckle with him.

"Wow...Simon I-" I say softly, feeling like I have to say something. "you're so handsome..."

He softly chuckles once more and he licks his lips before speaking.

"Y/n, I treasure you enough for you to see my face. Can I please call you mine..?" he asks, keeping the eye contact as my eyebrows raise at his confession to me.

I nod and get up from opposite him and leap into his arms, burying my head in his neck, smelling him and smiling. A tear shed down my face onto his neck and he pats my back, cooing me.

"Awh, come on. It's okay." he mutters laughing slightly.

"I have waited so long for you to say those words, Simon." I whisper under my breath, but he managed to hear it. He smiled at my embrace.

"Now, I have every reason to come back." he says playfully, I dig him in the chest as he laughs.

I release my grip and look up at him. "What, so if you never asked you wouldn't come back?"

He pouts his lip and shrugs. I shove his shoulder, giggling, him unexpectedly losing his balance and leaning back. He used his arm to support himself, shocked by the force I had and laughing with me.

"Dickhead, you better come back." I murmur with a rosy smile across my face.

He chuckles softly and nods. "'Course I will."


The week was long, dull and lonely without Ghost's presence. Riley tried their best to make it all better, encouraging me that he will come back and that he won't disappear, but the thought was always in the back of my mind lingering and stopping me from feeling anything but nervousness. I had a lump in my throat that I could not swallow, a bug floating around my body making me tired and nervous. The days were long, it felt like an eternity.

I walked home from work, putting my hood up as it was raining. It had been six days since Ghost had left and I was feeling dreadful. I knew I had to pull myself through tomorrow to see him again, but there was always the what if? in the back of my mind.

However, I overcame it as I unlocked the complex door and groaned as I shut it, feeling tired from today. I trudged up the stairs and got my door key's out. I opened the door and saw that my apartment was now...tidy? My attention perked up as I straightened my back slightly and shut the door behind me, walking cautiously into my bedroom and kicking my shoes off by the front door beforehand.

It smelt different, everything seemed different. Did I walk into the wrong apartment? I look behind me and pout. No, my posters and pictures are on the wall. Then...what was it?

I turned back around and suddenly, I felt a hand go over my mouth and one around my lower waist. My eyes opened and I screamed, it muffled by the hand. Then, laughter that I recognised within an instant erupted from behind me.


I turned around, shoving his hands off of me only to have them cradled around me as I hugged him, pressing my face into his military gear he still wore. As uncomfortable as it was, I held onto him tightly and smiled.

"Told you I would be back, eh?" he muttered, squeezing me slightly. I smiled more and nodded, humming in approval and in comfort and happiness.

The sun now beamed through my window onto us, you wouldn't have guessed it were raining five minutes prior, and my soul lifted, fluttering around my body and holding hands with his. It felt like the world was spinning faster now, it felt normal again.

I looked up at him, him already looking down at me with a big smile. His balaclava was off and I could see his beaming face, it were as if rays were coming from it. He bent down and embraced me in a long, passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up, grappling my legs around his torso. He caressed the back of my head and it all fell together like a jigsaw puzzle.

He's back and I'm happy again. We're happy again.

My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now