Twenty Seven

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As I arrive through the backdoor of the coffee shop, I put my bag in my small locker and tie my apron around me, walking over to the main work station area. It's 06:44 and I see Riley making two cups of tea, tutting as I come into view.

"Missing work yesterday from a stomach bug?" they scold, laughing through their sentence.

I laugh alongside of them. "From the Ghost bug." I joke, with them raising their eyebrows in surprise.

"I'm sorry, you took a day off work to spend time with your boyfriend?"

"He is not my boyfriend, Riley." I reply, scoffing.

"Damn hell he isn't! You snuck off with him when we went clubbing!"

I ignore the comment, taking the cup of tea that they had finished and sipping on it. It's a comfortable silence and as we finish up our drinks, we clean the stations and get prepared for the day. The clock hits seven and I flip the closed sign to open.

As per usual, the regulars come in, order their drinks, get settled down or leave and it's just as routine as any other work day. But my mind lingers elsewhere, to Ghost. I think about our relationship and our current "situation" if I can even call it that. We act like a honeymoon couple, even kissing each other when the other has to go to work. I touch my neck subtly every few minutes or so to remind me of his lovebite, covered with makeup, he had planted, making me flare up every single time.

The day progresses, but as the hours pass and the customers manouver around - in and out, sitting or standing, going or coming - I don't see Ghost. I don't hear him come in(as if I ever would) nor do I see his tall silhouette walk past the window. He just doesn't appear.

The ambience of the coffee shop feels empty without him, his musky scent. He's grown on me like a parasite, a piece of moss on a tree bark engulfing all the wood, like he has with my mind, heart and soul.

The bell dings through the door, yet another customer. I take a look up from the coffee machines and see a face so familiar that I can't put my tongue on it.

Blonde, curly hair that reflects from the sunlight, pretty face with mesmerising crystal blue eyes, dimples when she smiles and perfectly sized and shaped lips even without a face of makeup. 

A small body and figure but curvy in every way that can satisfy any man. Wearing a blue, denim, designer miniskirt and a white baby-tee, a denim jacket that matches the skirt and a white, bedazzled by rhinestones purse and a matching, denim rhinestone cap. A fashionable, gorgeous girl. 

It has to be no other than

Lola, my old college best friend.

I have to admit, to see her in these parts of town was shocking. She got a scholarship at a fashion university to be a model and designer for various companies, she was basically perfect. But, in college, I was just like her. I was beautiful, curled hair, bedazzled. Looks like I changed and... she didn't.

"Hold on, y/n?!" she says, her jaw dropping slightly and her turning off her phone to which she was answering a call on. Her pace increases and she walks over to the till, putting her hands on the counter and smiling whist jaw agape.

"Oh! Hello Lola, long time no see!" I greet, walking over behind the till with a similar smile. Despite her girly appearence, her personality was enough to be able to tolerate her.

"This job is so cute, oh my gosh! A lil' coffee worker thingy?" she gushes, dramatically fanning her face with her glossy long nails.

"A barista, yeah." I correct, laughing softly. I look behind me at Riley already staring at Lola with a hint of disgust on their face. "What brings you to town?" I turn my focus back to Lola, trying to continue the conversation.

"Ah! I needed a field-y area to shoot for a magazine, so I knew just where to go! Only here for a week though!"

"Exciting! You still have my number right?"

"Yuh huh!"

"Great, just message me if you want to hangout. I'm free most nights." I offer with a smile, trying to be polite.

"Tonight is so perf for me. I'll let you know!"

She excitedly walks off before walking back in.

"Can I get a vanilla and strawberry frappuchino with two shots of caramel and one of chocolate, topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings please?" she confidently says, not even feeling a slight bit of embarrassment for forgetting the main reason she came into the cafe.

"Sure, £4.30 please whenever you're ready." I reply, turning on the card machine. I hear the beep from the payment and I also hear coins being put into our tip jar, her tipping us five pounds in coins. "Thank you!" I exclaim, turning my head.

She slightly leans over the counter in excitement and watches her drink get made by me, the blender whirring and the sounds of the whipped cream, the shots going in and every other addition she requested. I bring the drink over topped with a pink and white spiral straw and give it to her.

Lola takes one sip and her eyes widen. "Oh my gosh. This is delish! WTF?" she exclaims, sounding still like the teenage girl she was in college. Guess she really hasn't changed.

"I'm happy-" I begin to say, before Lola cuts me off. "I'll call you later yeah? Alright, buh bye now! Ta!" she states before waving like a mum and walking out, sipping her drink. She bumped into the door and exclaimed, then shakes her head, opening the door and then walking out as if that never happened.

My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now