Thirty Eight | Bad Ending 1

903 17 16

On the very day that he would depart, I knew that I would have to confess to him. It was a "now or never" situation, so I built up all my courage and I figured that the best place to do it was where I confessed to my first boyfriend. After all, Ghost would be my last, so why not continue the tradition?

I took him to the playground that Lola, him and me went to before and take him behind a tree. That tree was special as it had engravings of me and the ex boyfriend's name, which I showed him. It said:

S & (Y/N's first initial)

"Huh, I mean it still works out. What was his name?" he asked, curiously.

"His name was Stanley...oh yeah. You're Simon and I'm still y/n so it does work!" I reply cheerfully, which we both blush and chuckle softly.

We sit at the trunk of the tree, next to eachother, and just talk about anything we can. There were a couple of silent moments but in them, I leaned my head on his shoulder and embraced the moment with him. It didn't go to waste, we were together and that was all that matters.

I then looked up at him and in sync, he looked down at me.


"Mhm?" he replied, wanting to know what I was about to ask.

"I've..." I begin my sentence, then clear my throat softly. "I've got something to ask you."

His eyebrow raises through his balaclava and he nods, gesturing me to go on.

I swallow every single lump in my throat and hold my breath slightly before deeply exhaling and finally asking the long desired question.

"Will you go out with me?"

His eyes light up with surprise and then they slowly wrinkle in the corners.

"Oh you, I was going to ask the same thing today."

A smile breaks through my face and I laugh softly. " it a-"

My sentence gets cut short with a quick "Yes. Yes it is." and he opened his arms, taking me into his grasp and hugging me tightly. He softly chuckles and rolls up his mask just about enough to kiss my forehead and rock me within his embrace.

I smile, taking my phone out. "Can we take a photo? I need a new lock screen..."

He nods and takes my phone, putting it at the appropriate angle and taking a photo of both of us, me in his arms with a big smile and himself, his lips showing a loving grin towards the camera. He sends the photo to himself and puts it as my lock and home screen.

He then sees the time on my phone. "Hey, y/n. I think it's time I should get going now, alright?" 

I nod and smile. "Alright. Where are you going? I'll walk with you."

He shakes his head. "Darling, if you walked back, whoever would be picking me up would catcall you and question me like I was in a police interrogation. It's best if we depart here."

He smiles down at me and I grin at him, understandingly. "Okay. I love you, Simon."

"I love you too." he replies, taking me into a passionate kiss and holding me close before his fingertips leave my waist and he walks to the opposite direction.

He waves goodbye behind himself and I wave back with a smile.


A couple hours later, we exchanged a text conversation as he was on his way to the base. Then, I heard nothing from him. I knew that he was probably busy with the mission and I knew it wasn't best to distract him, so I stayed silent. I made sure to look at the photo and I even got it printed at my local photo store, placing it into a picture frame beside my bed. After all, it was the only photo I had of us together.

Eventually, it had been a week from Simon's departure and I was estatic to see him again. He had texted me on his travels that he would knock on my door - knocking three times to signify it was him.

I laid on my bed and held the picture frame close to my chest, buzzing from excitement to see him again. To smell him and to kiss him once more.

I got three knocks on the door, they echoed around the room.

I jumped up, putting the photo frame on my bed carefully and, trying to stay calm, walked over to the door. I opened it only to see a man in military uniform...who wasn't who I wanted to see.

"Ah hello. Why are you here?" I ask, leaning on my doorframe as the man looks down at me with a dark expression. He looks solemn yet upset, sighing softly before he speaks.

"Are you y/n l/n?" he simply asks, holding his hands in front of him formally.

I nod slowly. "Is everything alright? I was waiting for someone, the name of Ghost-"

He cuts me off, looking down slightly. "I am here to inform you that he's been declared MIA, possibly KIA."

" those mean?"

"He was missing in action, most likely...killed in action." he blankly says.

My heart drops. My world shatters and I felt my body shut down. My mind couldn't detect anything anymore except for the fact I couldn't ever see the man I loved so dearly again.

I couldn't speak. No words would form as my eyes opened fully, shellshocked by the information. Like a grenade has just exploded and I couldn't hear or speak or react to anything anymore.

"What..." I whisper as the soldier looks down, raising his head to look at my distraught eyes, seeking an answer. Seeking any responce that it was a joke or it was only a prank and Ghost would be right around the corner, waiting to surprise me.

"I'm sorry ma'am. Do you need a...?" he asks, gesturing a hug, just trying to make me feel better. He opens his arms fully and I wrap mine around him, yet it won't ever feel the same as Ghost. Nothing will. Now that he's gone, I can't imagine my life without him. I can't imagine how I will be able to live that he's now gone. I couldn't. He's gone. He's actually gone.

Tears stained the soldier's shirt as he patted my back caringly. I slowly let go and nodded, swallowing away a huge sob that was forming in my throat.

"Thank you for telling me." I mutter and he nods, walking away. I shut my front door and run to my bed, picking up the photo frame that was on the bed moments before and hugging it to my chest, my heart beating fast and sobs leaving me.

My desperate cries echo through the room as I pour my heart and soul out onto my pillow, grasping the photo frame hard and wishing that Simon's arms were around me once more, that I could feel him for the last time.

My New Neighbour - Y/N x Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now