He Who Suffers In Silence

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A heavy silence shot through the space at the arrival of the silver haired kid as both Hikari and Shadow stared blankly with absolute shock.

The agent seemed even more surprised though, blinking as he vaguely recalled this kid from not too long ago. But didn't he die? He saw his chest get struck by an arrow. Was that a lie? Did Valkyrie know? He had a million questions.

Although his thoughts were interrupted when a soft laugh sounded next to him, the tone filled with so much relief as Hikari shook her head in response. "Of course. I swear, I was just about to bring you back from the dead and kill you myself for pulling that kinda stunt."

And although everyone knew the woman couldn't kill, Alpha only smiled in response, almost like he could already read between the lines of her empty threat. "Missed you too, boss."

The silver haired boy then snapped his fingers as the men next to him undid Hikari's bindings as she lifted her arms in a stretch. "Yeah yeah, don't get all mushy. I don't need another Keigo."

Alpha didn't seem to mind though, simply stepping aside in order to give his boss the spotlight. And even though Hikari would never admit it, she was glad he wasn't dead because of her.

The fact was, whether she liked it or not, this stupid little kid had been beside her in the darkest times and seeing him die in front of her eyes like that had truly shaken something within her. Thank god that wasn't the case after all.

Breaking out of her thoughts, the silver haired boy then turned to the agent before his void filled eyes stared with pure intent. "Now what would you like to do with the dog? I brought him also for you. I figured you would like to do the honors."

At the words, Shadow's eyes narrowed with annoyance. Ah, so that's why he was dragged here along with that villain. He was a present for her sick twisted revenge, Just great.

Although that's when Hikari said something that surprised both of them. "Untie him."

Almost immediately, the agent felt a mixture of emotions course through him. The first was relief, knowing that Valkyrie hadn't decided to torture him, and the second was annoyance for the very same reason.

Because if she had done something villainous then it would've strengthened his case of her being evil. But the fact that she had wished for his freedom instead pissed him off. It was just like the evidence locker all over again. She was turning down another open shot.

But why?

Why was she doing this?

Alpha also seemed confused as well, the silver haired boy immediately snapping out of his villainous appearance before turning to the villain before shaking his head in disbelief for her outrageous request.

And when he spoke, it was softer, more unsure. "B-But boss, isn't he a commission agent? Just like the ones that took your feathers and brother.."

Yet that's when the woman cut him off, her voice full of warning. "Alpha. I won't ask again."

And that was enough for the boy to stop, his lips screwing shut with conflict before turning to face the commission agent with balled fists. Almost like the last thing he wanted to do was release Shadow.

But after a moment of silence, Alpha obeyed his boss, leaning forward in order to untie the agent's restraints with a glare of distaste for the action. "Yes, boss."

Once his wrists were freed, Shadow then lifted them forward only for the boy to immediately take a step back to Hikari's side with a protective stance. Well that was odd. What did he think he was gonna hurt his boss or something? Didn't he know the two were partners?

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