Watching ( part 3)

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Description: Thomas had grabbed captains wrist... what happens now

Requested by: NotBee_real

Oh my Christ, it has been AGES, I am so so sorry guys! I've got fuck loads going on to do with college and more personal shit that's unfair. So I do apologize, I hope this is still wanted ... lol.

Anyway, welcome to the final part of 'watching' :D

This is in third person now, cuz we've done Thomas' POV and Captains POV so you can all have both now :)


So instead, he backed away and bowed his head slightly before trying to leave, only for his wrist to be grabbed by Thomas

' I was... watching you... not spying! But watching...'


Captain faltered, staring at the hand round his wrist before up at Thomas, he snatched his wrist away, out of instinct more than anything else, before tilting his head slightly.

' I don't see a difference Thorne.'

' my god man you're impossible! I was not trying to spy! I was admiring you!' Thomas spelled out, frustrated, never having to do this before. Usually he could just be open with his feelings, but captain was scary... complicated.

Captain frowned, what on earth did he mean, 'admiring?'

Thomas nodded, ' merely admiring... if it is not too forward... you're rather... what is it Julian says...? Ah! You're rather easy on the eyes'

If he could blush, be assured, captain would be blushing, ' I- well...' he began fumbling over his words, struggling to even form a word nevermind a sentence.

Thomas sighed, and went to leave, but stopped when captain began speaking, ' I don't understand... surely if that were true, you would have said something'

' ... no, you're not like Anyone I've met before... I didn't even know how to  approach the subject'

' you manage with Alison.' Captain insisted, struggling to accept that Thomas could return his feelings.

' you... are different to Alison... she could leave... if she wished... you cannot... and to be honest I did not fancy a dressing down'

Captain took a step closer, grabbing Thomas' shoulder to have him turn to face him, upon seeing his face, captain realized Thomas looked    Ready to cry.

' dressing down? Thorne... I- I wouldn't do that...'

' yes you would! You can't even bring yourself to call me by my forename! Do not damage my pride more... just let me leave, I shall not burn up the matter again, it is clear that you do not feel the same.' Thomas said, before shrugging captains hand off his shoulder and spinning on his heal and storming out.

Captain stared after him, unsure what to do.

' well don't just stand there you numpty! Go after him!!!' Captain jumped and noticed Humphrey's head sat under a chair.

' what?'

' you heard, GO AFTER HIM! ... don't be angry at me for saying this but... don't make the same mistake twice' Humphrey said softly, he was right of course, captain had made this mistake before, just watching the man he loved walk away, not going after him.

Captain nodded, thanking Humphrey before rushing after Thomas, he found him walking towards his room.

' THOR-... Thomas! Wait.. I-'


' ... I- I apologize... but I had to tell you... your  feelings.. they're..' he took a deep breath before saying, ' they're returned... I don't know when it started but I started to feel things... horrible... illegal things towards you Thomas... I lost someone once, I don't plan on it again' captain muttered, roughly wiping the tear from his eye, because... men don't cry.

Thomas stood silent for a couple of minutes before saying, ' you mean it? Truly? This isn't some kind of sick joke? That you lot will have a good laugh about later?'

' no! Of course not... I wouldn't do that thor- Thomas' he corrected himself yet again.

Thomas' eyes lit up, finally he wasn't to be spurned!

'... but... if we do... make something of this... I ask it be slow... I... I am not ready for anything... quick'

' of course captain'


Again! I'm so so sorry this took so long! This is the final part, these idiots finally acknowledge each other! Yay!

I hope this was ok,
Have a good day!

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