10. {Revelation}

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An// I did say I would include it and since it's not entirely a new chapter, it would feel like cheating for you all to wait alllllllllllll the way until next Friday for it and then allllllllllllll the way until the other Friday for chapter 11. This is also just to help with the flow of the story in case anyone is confused with the timeline. It is also an extended version of the bonus chapter. I went into further details about Drea's 'royal' status here. But ultimately, if you already read it as a bonus chapter in DREA, feel free to skip ahead. All you will be missing are a few internal monologues. No important key points.


Drea's POV

It was early morning the day after we returned from our honeymoon cruise. The hours before all the kids were awake, and the world was still dark and quiet. A week after the interview, we were finally getting to this. We were down in the LaRue's basement, still dressed in PJs and trying to wake ourselves up with coffee. Emilie had come to snatch us from our beds before the cock put on his drawers, and she was definitely not sorry about it.

"Good morning," she greeted as she crossed the basement threshold towards us. It is the largest room in the house and indestructible, according to what she said. A preparation she had made for when she and her wives had practice sessions to sharpen their abilities. Therefore, it made the most sense to do the transformations here. It was big and open, but lining the walls there were panels made out of some type of shiny greyish metal. Metal beams were running across the ceiling that I guessed were not structural and to the far end of the room, in a floor-to-ceiling wall display stored lines of weapons like nothing I've ever seen, even in the movies.

I felt as if I was in an FBI secret facility and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous about it. This whole transformation thing was a bit daunting. It was the uncertainty that scared me the most. I wondered how dangerous I would get -if I would get dangerous- and what that meant for my wife and son. Would I hurt them unintentionally? I couldn't bear the thought of that.

It was okay, though. The  LaRue's were prepared for all the possibilities. Emilie had let me know they already had some containment boxes built for when the metamorphosis phase started. I was very nervous about being put in a box. I didn't do well with being caged up or backed into a corner. I didn't like the feeling, but, I trusted Emilie and if that meant my wife and son would be safe from accidental harm, then I wouldn't mind. She assured us it was a precaution in case our abilities were too intense for us to control and that way, they could help us learn to control it in a safe environment. Not only for ourselves but for the larger population and people around us. That made me less anxious about this.

"Morning," I mumbled in response to her greeting.

Julia didn't bother responding. I cuddled her on Irelee's favourite panda bean bag sofa bed. It was soft and plush beneath us and although we could both fit side by side, she was on top of me. We were beneath a light blue knitted blanket and she was on the borderline of falling back asleep. I let her be, knowing too well she didn't get the best night's rest and the blame was mine. The morning was still very cold since it was this early and she typically needed the additional warmth of my body on hers. I smiled as I glanced down at her resting figure. Her head lay comfortably against my breast, one of her hands cupping one of them beneath the blanket while her other arm was wrapped around my waist. I had both my arms around her as they rested against her hip. Beneath her palm, my heart was pounding in my chest but that is a sound she's grown accustomed to by now. It was like white noise for her.

The scent of her fruity shampoo wafts into my nose as my fingers combed through her hair in that slow soothing way I knew she loved. I took another sip of my coffee and hummed in contentment. It was a perfect balance of coffee and creamer, steaming hot, just the way I like it. My gaze flickered across the room at my son for the fifteenth time since we arrived five minutes ago, seeing him still lying on a lounger on a folded blanket, sleeping. Sierra sat next to him, making sure he wouldn't roll himself off to the ground. My heart would fail if that ever happened. The other wives were all hanging out close by her, cuddled together in a loveseat and all dressed in PJs too.

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