27. {Connected}

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Drea's POV

It's unexplainable.

The compellation feels nothing short of instinct. A call to which we have to respond to. Though she left the table without uttering a single sound, her cry for us was very loud and distinctive. It was unexplainable. You would have to feel it to know.

The decision to follow her was not ours, but hers. She wanted us, needed us and so we had to be there. We followed her to one of the upstairs bedrooms and discovered her in tears. Drew had her in a tight embrace, comforting her and though it was working, Reilly was still visibly shaking.

"...that maybe I shouldn't be a mother. Maybe this is karma for talking shit about mine? For questioning her choices and being resentful instead of appreciative of her," She sobbed into her wife's shoulder. "It's all my fault why it's not happening for you and I'm sorry, Drew."

"It has nothing to do with you," Drew consoled. It hardly made a difference.

I'd never seen Reilly cry in the seven years I've known her, so seeing her breaking down like that was heart-wrenching. It went on for a few minutes and we could feel every moment of it. I went up to them and embraced both her and Drew. For the first few seconds, it was strange but it was exactly what they both needed. I could tell.

Everyone else joined us one by one. None of us spoke. Words weren't needed, just the support of family.

"Rei," Emilie was the one brave enough to break the silence. Though her voice was soft and tender, it echoed in the room.

"I'm so sorry," Reilly responded, her voice still broken and weak. "I ruined dinner and I didn't mean to do what I just did either...I don't know-"

"You're in distress," Molly said reassuringly. "It's oka-"

"Uh, no," Emilie disagreed. "Because Reilly just mentally reached out to all of us as if we have a mental link or something and I have no knowledge of that being a thing."

"Wait... you mean like wolves?" Drew wondered.

"We're not wolves," Emilie stated firmly, giving her a pointed gaze. "But yes, like that."

"So, she's a telepath," Molly mumbled.

"Who's alpha?" I found myself asking. Because if it's like wolves then there's an alpha right? There's a hierarchy. My gaze stayed on Emilie, demanding and answer and everyone else did the same.

She sputtered at the centre of our attention and for the very first time since I met her, she looked really nervous, unsure. "Stop looking at me. I am no alpha. I will lead you all astray."

"But aren't you the Queen?" August reasoned.

"I am-was and looked how that turned out. It's an undeserving title," she reasoned. "My world is at war and where am I? Vacationing on earth-"

"You are the alpha." The words slipped right out of my mouth. "And you are our Queen and your title is not undeserving. Even Queens need a vacation sometimes."

"I don't think you will lead us astray," Molly said too. "You never have."

"And even if you do, I'd still follow you," Reilly added with a snicker. "Anywhere. Everywhere. Is that bad?"

"Yes!" Emilie looked taken aback. "You're all fools. I don't get why any of you would have this much fate in me. I abandoned my own people when they needed me the most--"

Emilie didn't get to finish before all the nobility marks in the room started glowing. Simultaneously, we raised our arms, concern etched clearly on our faces. Goosebumps rose on my skin, the hairs on my back standing up as if a cold wind had whisked past me. Suddenly, that feeling was back again. The feeling as if I was being followed, watched. My senses heightened. I removed my contacts and blocked everything else out. With a slow keenness, my eyes scanned the room. Emilie too was on guard and listening for anything but I didn't have the time to pay attention to her. The discovery of an army of people hidden in the bushes surrounding the house made my heart still.

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