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Drea's POV

As the ramp descended, the tension was palpable. The gathered Egralites bowed, a sign of respect and acknowledgement, but my focus was on the woman at the centre of it all—Cyril. Her presence was a reminder of the unforeseen changes she had orchestrated in our lives. Grace was the first to descend the ramp, her posture poise and elegant, contrasting her more relaxed demeanour when she's back on Earth. 

"Your Majesty..." Everyone murmured, gently bowing again. 

The woman at the front did a slow curtsey before rising with her arms held out for a hug, a cheerful smile on her face. "Sister! Welcome ho--!"

Cyril's attempt at a warm greeting was met with a resounding slap from Grace, a physical manifestation of the collective frustration we all felt. The sound echoed, a stark contrast to the usual decorum expected in such royal encounters, and the weight of the hit had Cyril's head snapping the other direction as if to spin around in circles. Emilie's laughter was a brief moment of levity in an otherwise tense atmosphere, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at Cyril's shock.

Emilie teleported herself down the ramp to stand with her wife and that's when the rest of us followed. Willow's hand tightened in mine and I could feel that she was nervous. Imagine that. I could feel her as I felt my wife. I cared about her just as much and I care about August even more than I already cared about her as a friend.

I drew a deep breath and sighed. The air smelt different on this planet. There was a feeling of nostalgia with every breath that I took. It smelt like home. My true home.

"I guess you're still not happy with how I've done things," Cyril spoke, massaging out the spot where she had been hit.

"Hello Cyril," I spoke, walking up to her. "I've been eager to meet the woman who turned my life upside down."

She straightened up as her eyes fixed on me, perhaps already knowing I wanted her head. But she didn't seem bothered beyond that, and to my dismay, flashed me a smile. "Hello to you too, Adreanna. Lovely to see the relationship is going well. I had no doubts it would."

Her response stirred a rage inside me that made me forget about wanting to be civil and I stepped up to her. The two curved blades Emilie had specially crafted for me were already in my hands. They had the power to separate an Egralite's spirit from its body and I had swung it at her neck. She didn't bat an eye, completely unfazed. As if she knew she wouldn't be harmed but I swear, I was going to do it. Mere centimetres from her skin, my blade paused, a telepathic grip I knew all too well holding on to my hand.

I fumed on the inside. I wanted to kill her.

That's not going to make your life go back to the way it was! Calm down and stop reacting out of fear.

But it would make me feel better to kill her. I would feel at least a hint of satisfaction knowing that she took something from me so I did the same.

You are not that person. You're just scared and that's okay.

"You strangely remind me of someone," Cyril remarked, looking me up and down before throwing her gaze at Emilie. "I guess it runs in the family."

Sierra came to my side then, her hands massaging my shoulder as she forcefully lowered my hand. "I understand the rage but we're going to need her."

It was Sierra who made me stand down and take a step back. Willow found my hand again, giving it a comforting squeeze.

Cyril looked us over and sighed in defeat. "I played nicer, slower and got everyone to consent yet you're all still mad. I didn't even interfere that much. All I did was initiate the bond early on your behalves. Humans can't be pleased."

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