12. {Back to Life}

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Soft kisses against my forehead made me stir on top of my wife. The sudden realisation that I was no longer laying on my favourite pair of booby pillows made me pout. Instead, I was cuddled against her side, my face nuzzled in her neck. It was comfortable, don't get me wrong. All of her was comfortable but her chest was my favourite spot to lay on her. So soft and plush and breasts. I swung my legs back over her waist and manoeuvred myself back to where I belonged. The moment my face rested against the plush and soft mounts of her breast, I smiled. Boobies!

I can sleep now.

"Princess," I heard in a soft voice before I could drift off into dreamland. Her finger traced the bridge of my nose slowly, creating a tickling sensation in my body. I opened my eyes, tilting my face back to gaze up at her. She smiled softly. I pouted even more. "It's time to get up. It's past seven and we have work."

On queue, Alex's voice echoed through the baby monitor. He was used to being up by seven so his displeasure wasn't surprising. But, I didn't want to get out of bed yet. I glance at the time. It read fifteen past seven. I had to clock in at 8. I whined at the thought and pulled myself up. She followed, kissed my forehead and rolled out of bed. Her naked back was facing me as she left for the bathroom and I enjoyed the view of her ass as she went. When she was gone, I finally flung the sheets aside and got up, heading for my closet.

"I take it we aren't going jogging this morning?" I said as I started scanning for something to wear with my eyes.

"I'm late. Can we go to the gym later?"

"If we can be home by Alex's bedtime then sure."

"We can." The shower started running then and a second later, I smelt the sweet fragrance of her body wash. "I'm going to try and be home by three so we can go and come back early."

"Perfect!" I pulled out a geometric pattern black and white blouse along with black pants to wear for the day. Then, I moved to the bathroom to freshen up. First, I washed the sleep off my face before brushing my teeth and slipping into my chosen clothes.

It took me under five minutes, still, when I got to Alex's room, he was behaving as if I had left him waiting for five hours. I found him in a position I was not at all expecting. He was sitting in his crib, his little tiny hands tightly gripping the bars as if he were in a jail cell. His tiny cute face was pressed up to them as if he were trying to escape through the cracks.

"Aww, my baby." I reached in to pick him up and felt him lean into my arms. He continued to babble his complaints incoherently, a few streams of tears soaking his adorable face and his lips jotting out in a pout. I wiped his tears with a delicate finger as I carried him over to his changing table, bouncing him gently. "Good morning. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

He buried his face into my chest, his hands grabbing and pulling at my shirt. "Hey!" I gasped as I felt him dive in to suck at my chest through my clothes. When he didn't find my breast, he started wailing. "Baby, give me a minute to change this dirty diaper first. I will feed you."

He was not having it. He flailed and hollered the whole time until Adreanna came to investigate. "God, you'd think he was getting murdered," she mused, fixing the collar of her shirt. She had her hair down in a sleek messy bun with her edges laid and everything. I swear, she's most gorgeous when she embraces her natural hair. She wore very little makeup, a stark contrast to when I'd first met her yet, it didn't make her any less perfect looking.

To her statement, I hummed. I was done cleaning his filthy butt and had a fresh diaper on and everything. Drea came over, grabbed a washcloth as I picked him up, wearing nothing but his diaper, and disappeared into the bathroom with it. I carried him over to the glider, sitting down and cradling him all in the same movement. The moment I pulled my shirt up, he latched onto my nipple. The silence at that moment was an immediate relief.

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