33. {Battle of our Lives}

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IceFire POV (and yes, I decided to just call their fusion IceFire because my brain is too lazy to think of a name right now).

The evacuation of the Naiadras to the southern seas went much faster than we thought it would. The teleporters were really working and within an hour, we had all Naiadras evacuated down south. We also evacuated the towns and cities north of the Grand Palace to within the kingdom walls, where they would be safe until the war was over.

The last few minutes while we waited for Ambrose flew by and before we knew it, Emilie had confirmed their airships were entering the atmosphere. It was still a while longer before we could see them but, in the meantime, the air was crackling with the nerves of everyone as we stood on the deck of the small battleship overlooking the crystal seas below. There were no signs of life beneath the surface, all the colourful fishes and creatures fleeing to safety.

The horizon was a magical dance of the yellow and blue sun rays, shimmering on top of the water's surface. A picturesque scene that I would've loved to admire if the situation was different. White clouds against the azure sky provided a perfect backdrop to it but one that wasn't at all fitting for the darkness of battle that lay ahead.

Below us, the waters of the northern sea stretched out. A vast but calm expanse that would soon become our battlefield. My heart beat as one with the rest of my wives within my chest, a rhythmic drumming that matched the intensity of the moment. I could feel the heat of Willow's fire coursing through my veins, tempered by the cool resolve of August's ice. But all that seemed inconsequential against the distant sounds of the approaching army.

The plan was clear in our collective minds. We would use the sea to our advantage, drawing Ambrose's troops where we held the upper hand.

It's go time, babies! I thought, raising my hands. The waters responded, rising in towering pillars that danced to the rhythm of our will. The surface of the sea froze at our command, creating a labyrinth of ice that would disorient and slow the enemy. We were the storm they had not foreseen, a force of nature that would bend to no one's will but our own.

As Ambrose's ships came into view, dark silhouettes against the lightening sky, we steeled ourselves for the confrontation. I felt no fear, only a serene calm that came with the certainty of our purpose. We were protectors, defenders of a world that was home to those we loved.

The first volleys of fire arced through the sky, a rain of destruction aimed at our ship. "They didn't even say hi!" Oriane's fusion claimed in mock annoyance, jolting out a hand to stop the approaching attack and sending it back towards them. "How fucking rude!"

"Don't attack," Cyril ordered, walking the length of the deck, but her eyes were in the sky. She never took her eyes off our enemies. "On my count. For right now, we play keep off until they are close enough. Remember, we don't want to take this to the skies, we want to bring them to the seas."

"I don't think I'm going to be able to keep off all their attacks," Oriane added worryingly. "Drew, can you put up a forcefield? And then Rei, maybe you can fuck with their gravity or some shit so that anything they throw at us doesn't actually get here?"

"I've never done a forcefield that big," Drew worried. "but I can try."

"Same," Reilly said.

This time, it was two volleys of fire heading for us. Drew stepped forward, dressed in a dark grey and black full-body armour made of impenetrable fabric. She raised both her hands, building a forcefield between us and our enemies as if she were rising a mountain out of the sea. When Ambrose's troops realised none of their blows were hitting, they ceased attack and they approached us at even higher speed.

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