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We went to the cafeteria to get breakfast before heading back to our bunker. Now thinking about it, it would be suspicious for all four of us to be MIA. Something we hadn't thought about. But it was too late now. The others were already gone, and I was in the process of making a bottle for Alex.

Drew appeared behind me, her arms wrapping around my neck in that oh-so-familiar way. "Hey, babe."

My heart pounded rapidly in my chest, knowing that a couple of other people were calling me that and it wasn't as platonic as this is intended to be. I tried not to dwell too much on it, mustering a smile. "Hey. What's up?"

"Nothing much." She said, releasing me to stand to the side. "I'm a little worried about the meeting just now, if I'm being honest. I don't like surprises."

"I feel you," I said, chuckling nervously. Man, have we got the surprise of our lives? I closed the lid on the bottle again and shook it gently to dissolve all the formula. "Emilie and Grace said, the chosen ones know themselves. So if you aren't aware of you being bonded to three other people....or whatever the case may be, then I don't think you should worry."

"True," she said, chewing her lip. "But I want to know how she chose the quad though. Grace and Emilie had said this woman does nothing at random. So I'm wondering. Did she bond two couples together? Or did she hand-pick four people regardless of their spouses?"

"That would be a mess!" I blurted, my heart almost stopping at the thought. "Imagine ruining multiple marriages."

"This is scary," Drew said again. She was worried. Why was she worried? I felt so bad. Should I tell her? That would ease her worry, wouldn't it? "How do the chosen ones know they are the chosen ones?" She wondered again.

Fuck it.

I turned to face her, my mouth opened to dispel the words I was still trying to comprehend and accept within my own heart. I wonder if she could tell how nervous I was, because I was on the verge of shitting myself. "Because it's something we've been pursuing even before we learned about the compulsion," I started carefully. "I can look at them too and feel the love I have for them." I paused for a moment to let that settle. Then I added. "If you know you haven't been pursuing a relationship with anyone else and Reilly is the only person you look at and feel that way, then I'd say you have nothing to worry about."

Drew stared at me, speechless. Her lips parted a few times to say something but nothing came out. After a couple of long seconds, she closed her mouth and nodded. "We? We as in. Does Drea know?"


"Is she one of them?"


"So..." She thought about her next words. "Then it's two couples that were merged?"


Her expression reflected a few things. Compassion, worry, relief. "I mean, it's relieving knowing that my marriage is in the clear," she said sympathetically. "but...how are you feeling about this arrangement?"

How was I feeling? There were so many emotions. Anger for one, confusion and uncertainty. Because just after coming to terms with the fact that I had feelings for these women and wanted a relationship with them, I found out that it was all planned. I'm questioning if any of my feelings are true or if they were just inflicted upon me to achieve Cyril's goal. A quad.

Then another side of me was still excited about it. Still believed that despite what Grace and Emilie had said about Cyril's compulsion, I had genuine feelings for them all and I was still excited about our new relationship. There was a thrill about it that was addicting. A thrill that no amount of compulsion could steal. It was complicated. Hard to voice.

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