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Julia's POV

Daniel cried when we told him.

The sight broke my heart. I felt like it was really shitty to do it over the phone so we had Emilie teleport us to Amsterdam to deliver the news. He didn't believe it at first, we had to show him all three DNA test results and then explain to him how my wife could get me pregnant before he believed it.

And then he cried.

I felt really shitty. Drea said I shouldn't feel bad, but I did. She was ecstatic and very smug about it. She never liked him, so this was the ultimate victory for her. I was ecstatic too. But after the initial joy from discovering Drea was Alex's fath—mother and Daniel wasn't his dad, the panic set in. That discovery had proved two things. One, she wasn't human all this time and her psychic abilities/ intuition was precognition which explains why she just knows things beforehand and she would always be right. Two, she could procreate with the same gender. She got me pregnant once and I— I'm happy it was her and not Daniel, I'm relieved, trust me, but I'm also terrified because, in the back of my mind, Arden lingered.

Just this morning, I had another dream... nightmare? Whatever. I had another one. We had taken baby Arden home from the hospital. Drea was out of sight but me and Alex and Arden were in the living room. She was peacefully napping in her bassinet while Alex was on the floor playing with toys. I felt the urge to pee so I stood to use the bathroom, encouraging Alex to come with me. There was a fear of leaving him with the baby, especially after my last dream. Hesitantly and with a lot of complaints, he accompanied me but just when I was caught midstream, he opened the door and ran out. I had to finish, I couldn't stop. When I finally did and rushed out of the bathroom, I stumbled upon a staggering sight. Alex pulled the baby from the bassinet. I swore my heart had stopped in both my dream and in reality.

I tried to swallow the lingering panic as Grace picked up the phone. Her face came into view, making my pulse rise from anticipation. "Hey Gracie, do you have a minute?"

"Yup. Lexi is down for a nap. What's up?" She asked, giving me her undivided attention.

"Do you want to talk here?"

I glance at Drea, uncertain and receive a reassuring squeeze on my thigh. I found her hand to lace our fingers together. "Can you read my mind like this?"

"Nope. You're not within a hundred feet. Do you need me to?"

"I don't know," I told her truthfully. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to explain all this craziness."

"Okay. Give me a second. Em!" She got up and started moving around, making her camera go all over the place.

I looked at Drea with sorrowful eyes but she just smiled and kissed my forehead. "I know you're stressed and worried but we'll be fine."

I nodded. Emilie and Grace popped up a second later, Leia hanging off the blond's hips. Gosh, I swear the more this child grew, the less she looked like Steph and the more she looked like Emilie's triplets. Actually, she has a striking resemblance to Isabelle's daughter, Klai.

"Hey, sister," Drea teased.

Emilie scoffed, side-eyeing Drea. "Hello COUSIN."

I chuckled at the dramatics in her voice. Grace came over to give me a hug and I welcomed it with open arms. Instantly, I felt better. So so much better. "Yikes!" She exclaimed, but she didn't retreat. "A lot of strong emotions going on here."

"Yeah," I admitted

"Baby, when you're ready just holler for me okay?" Emilie told the blonde.

"I want to stay with Mommy!" Leia quickly chimed, forcing herself out of the blonde arms.

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