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"Is August sending you the questions?" Willow asked as she came back into her art studio. It was beautiful in there and gorgeously messy. I felt in my element. While she went to pour us some wine, I set up our canvases on her desktop, propped up by two small easels.

My phone buzzed again on the desk, making a loud vibrating sound. I pointed to it as Willow came to a stop next to me. "That's them coming in. Are you sure 25 questions isn't a bit much?" I asked turning to face her.

She shook her head and lowered the wine cooler to the desk too. There was one already in there chilling and another unopened one next to it. She laid the glasses down before grabbing her own phone from her jumper's pocket. "Drea sent me like 30."

"Always extra," I said rolling my eyes.

Currently, it was just Willow and I. After we got back from six flags, we had dinner then the other two left to attend their monthly cult hang-out ritual whatever the fuck at Emilie's. Alex was already in bed upstairs with his night nurse, leaving Willow and me to our own devices. In our peaceful solitude, Willow and I will be indulging in a wine-and-sip session with a twist. Our wives will decide what we paint, the colours we use and what we talk about.

I must admit, I'm a bit scared. I can just feel all the mischief radiating off my phone into the air already. Willow poured a glass of red wine and offered it to me.

"Thank you," I told her, taking a sip right away. "Shall we begin?"

She hummed and finally settled on the stool next to mine.  I grabbed my phone to look over all the things August sent me. Her first message was:

Okay, let her pick a number every time it's her turn and then whatever number she picks, that's the question you ask or the task she gets to do. I've grouped them too and assigned the colors to them. Like 1-5 is red. If she picks number 3 she has to use only red on her painting until she picks a number from another color bracket. Have fun!                                  ~A.

I read it out to Willow and she scowled. "This is going to be a pain. Your wife did the same thing."

"Ugh. Fine. What do I get to paint?" I asked, getting my pallet board ready.

"A forest." 

"A forest," I repeated. "Why am I not surprised? You should paint the mountains."

She nodded and started reaching for her brushes. "Okay, so who is going first?"

"You're older," I said sheepishly.

She gasped at me. "And?"

"You go first."

"No. Rock paper scissors. The winner goes last."

"Fine!" I gave in and did the rock, paper scissors with her. I won. Smirking, I picked my phone up again. "Pick a number?"


"Alright so your color is red--"

"What??? I thought red was 1-5?"

"That was just an example," I laughed. Willow grumbled. "So red and your question...what irritates you?"

"Right now the color red is irritating me to wrath."

I giggled. "I'm sorry."

"Sure you are. You're over there laughing. Pick a number."

"2. And what do you want me to do, cry?"

"Yes," She deadpanned. "Number 2...uh, orange. Is it easier to forgive or to forget?"

"Orange? Are you sure? Let me see that!" I leaned over to see her phone screen but she quickly turned it over.

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