7. {Always and Forever}

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*Impression of Julia's dress for the Masquerade party*

"I still can't believe that of the 675 women you've slept with, only 5 have ever touched your vagina," I said as I exited our ensuite bathroom. Wrapped in a bathrobe and drying my hair with a towel, I approached her. She was lying in bed on her phone, wrapped in a yellow bathrobe, identical to mine. But as soon as she saw me, she forgot the device to reach for me.

"First of all," she said, pulling me down on top of her. "It's 36 women and only 4, other than you, have ever touched me."

"But that cute chocolate skin girl with the fade was all up in there trying to eat sushi on Valentine's Day last year." I frowned at the memory, still feeling as if I could kill a bear with my bare hands.

Drea cringed at the thought. "First of all, that was a very unwise, very rare deviation of my usual rules--"


"Yes, I had standards you know. I was never reckless with my body and my health."

"Okay. Go on,"

"Well, I needed the distraction from you and what better way to have distracted myself than allowing someone else to leave their mark on me. But of course, you had to ruin it by barging into my room and reminding me of who I truly wanted to be touching instead." She rolled her eyes. 

I smirked devilishly. "So, she never actually got to lay a finger on you. Like, at all?"


I grinned. "Wonderful! So, then...it was Reilly, August, Samaria and who else?"

"Doesn't matter."

"It does," I disagreed. "Or, I mean, I'm just curious because in LA that last night, you didn't even allow me to touch you so, if she touched you, that meant she was somewhat special to you. She was somewhat more than just a hook-up. But you never talk about her."

She sighed heavily, chewing on her bottom lip. I waited for her. I could see the wheels turning in her head, the emotions flashing across her eyes. I could feel them as if they were my own. "Janice Barrett." She said with a wavering voice and I could tell from the sudden chill of the room that these were not pleasant memories.

"If it's too painful," I spoke again, wanting to spare her the pain. Spare her ever reliving something that would make her unhappy in any way at all. "You don't have to talk about her. I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine." She assured, gently laying my head against her chest. The moment it was laid against her chest, her fingers started combing through my hair. I listened to the sound of her heart beating, my favourite sound in the world. "Uhm, she died. So, there's not much to talk about."

"I'm so sorry," I said, feeling all her sadness weighing down my heart. "I know you don't just let anyone touch you. You would touch them all but you're very picky about who touches you and who you put your mouth on. So, that is why I asked. I'm sorry."

"There is nothing to be sorry about." She assured. "You're right. She was the first girl I was interested in dating, so she was somewhat special."

"Just out of curiosity, she was number...?"


I nodded in understanding and embraced her tightly, comforting her and it worked. Her body relaxed into my hold and her heartbeat picked up to sync with mine again. I sigh, relieved at the discovery. "Is it time for Emilie to take our Squishy to us yet?" I asked, quickly changing the topic. "I miss him."

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