21. {Problematic}

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Guess who! Image above is __________?


Julia's POV

Whether it was the chill of the fall breeze, the rain or the absence of my wife's sleeping chest that woke me, I didn't know. I just knew that I was alone in bed and I missed my everything. The gentle hum of her voice came to me from the living room, mixed with muffled giggles and the sound of another voice. An older voice that reminded me that we had a guest.

Her mother.

The thought made me frown. For the past two days, she has disturbed our lives. My wife is even more stressed than she typically gets and it worried me. She hasn't slept properly since the first night Antoinette showed up announcing her illness and I know it's because it's a lot for my wife. It's a lot for all of us.

After getting out of bed and freshening up, I made my way out to the living area to join everyone. The thoughts and questions still swam around in my head, but I tried my best to ignore them. Whatever it is that my wife decided to do, I'd be backing her on it wholeheartedly.

Both women were in the kitchen. Drea was monitoring Alex as he ate. On his plate, he had tiny pieces of strawberries, scrambled eggs and what looked like toast. They were all whole pieces, tiny pieces but not mushy. He had made it clear that he did not want us to mush his food. At first, I was concerned that he was going to choke but since he got his two bottom incisors, he's been biting and biting at his food, letting us know that he's a man.

I smiled and internally rolled my eyes at the thought, happy to see him sitting calmly and enjoying his breakfast. I could tell he loved it just by the look on his face and the sounds he made while eating. His hand-eye coordination was very good.

Antoinette was by the island counter, sitting on one of the bar stools and watching them with a small smile on her face. She had a small cup of tea before her, stirring absentmindedly, and a plate of what looked like a freshly made deli sandwich. The scent of coffee was prominent too as well as the smell of pancakes and maple syrup. My stomach immediately let me know it wanted some of that.

"Good morning, ladies," I greeted cheerfully as I walked right up to my wife. All eyes shifted to me. Antoinette responded with a very fragile good morning. Drea responded with a kiss on my lips. It was very soft, very fleeting yet it was everything I needed to start the day right.

"Mamamam!" Alex reached his hand out for me, doing what I registered as a wave? But maybe he hasn't really figured out how to do the movements properly yet. Either way, he was cute and he was my super smart baby that I loved so so so much.

I swooped in, covering his cheek in kisses and earning the most infectious giggles from him! "Good morning, Squishy!"

"Ah!" I heard and before I could react his fingers were being stuck into my mouth, carrying a small portion of scrambled eggs with them.

Antoinette and Drea snickered. Alex grinned. I smiled at him through my shock, eating the eggs I was just fed. It was a little too bland for my taste. I required a bit more spice. Maybe a sprinkle of black pepper. "Yummy!" I chimed with way too much enthusiasm. "Thank you for that."

"Ah!" He said again, coming back with more.

"Yes! That is it." His mother praised him. "We feed mommy. Always."

"Mommy is okay," I told him gently, caressing his head as I straightened again. My eyes scrutinised the kitchen, searching for the pancakes. I could smell them. Blueberry pancakes. "Where are they?"

"I thought you were okay?"

I squinted at Drea, heading further into the kitchen to investigate. The microwave was empty when I pulled it open. There was nothing on the stovetop or the counters. "Baby—?"

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