13. {Questions and Answers}

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*impression of Julia's new hair makeover.

Thank God it was Saturday. Though I survived it, the week was hectic. By Friday, Drea had finally given up trying to come home every hour. Instead, she settled for getting home by 2 pm and I stopped fighting her about it. It was useless. She argued that it felt unnatural for her to leave me here working, taking care of the baby, taking care of the house and preparing dinner while she did nothing. She needed to be doing something. As if she wasn't out there working and providing for us. She pledged to always be home by 2 and take over once Alex woke up from his afternoon nap. That way, I can have some me time. And while he's down for his last nap in the evening, she'll make dinner so I can have some time to get work done.

She wouldn't have it any other way so I gave in.  And I'm grateful for it.

Today, neither of us worked. It was as good a day as any to finally get the Q&A done. We were doing it after Alex's bedtime in the late evening, the time most of her followers chose. Especially since we didn't particularly want him exposed. Drea has not been the most active on social media in months. Therefore, her sudden recent notice of a potential Q&A had everyone all stirred up. Over the last week, she went from inactive to trending on Instagram. August Skye highlighted Drea's post on her Instagram story too and brought even more attention to her and in turn, to me.

It was all very daunting and for the past few days, all I've felt was pure anxiety. I didn't like crowds, didn't like attention and didn't like too many eyes on me. So to say the thought of going live for all her two million followers to see was terrifying was an understatement. Despite my reservations and how badly I would rather not, I wouldn't back out now. 

I gave her my word and pledged my support and this meant so much to her. No, I would not back out, even if it kills me. 

To make it less nerve-wracking for me, Drea suggested that she'd dye my hair during the live so that I would have something else to focus on. Therefore, we will be doing the live in our bathroom to prevent messing up anywhere else. Despite the brightness of the bathroom from the wall lamps above our vanity, she brought her light ring. It along with the camera was set up on the standing tripod next to the dressing table and stool. 

While she tried to get everything to work the way she needed it to, I unboxed the dye and everything else we would need to get my hair coloured. We had at least three towels on standby, a salon apron and a few hair ties to help keep my hair contained.

"Alright, we're up and running." I shifted my gaze to the side, noticing her still bent over with her hands on her knees. She took slow steps back from the camera, creating a bit of distance. My eyes shifted to the screen, where I could see myself standing somewhat awkwardly by the vanity behind her. She grinned at me. "Say hi to both Instagram and TikTok."

With a blush already brightening my cheeks, I gave a small, awkward wave. She straightened up, wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pressed a soft kiss to the side of my neck. "Do you still want to do this? You can still back out."

I shook my head. "No. Are we already live?"

"Nope," Her hands travelled slowly down my side, painting a flaming path towards my hips. Her grip was firm, pressing me firmly against her in a way that was nothing short of arousing. "We commence when you say so." 

She knows just how to stir me up, what buttons to push and how hard to push them. I know she needs some intimacy. It's been over a week but I can't bring myself to go there. What if I do it and I get pregnant? I know I'm being stupid because it won't happen unless we want it but...what if? And to make matters worse, Emilie said there was a delay with the inhibitor so we're still vulnerable. 

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