20. {Reconcilation}

104 4 43

Drea's POV

"What are you doing here?" I asked firmly, letting her know she was still unwelcomed. We haven't spoken in months. I'll admit it. There was still contact between us. Just because of my brother's assets that upon until recently, we still were trading. I made it clear all communications would either be through Drew and Reilly, as they are my lawyers, or via a text message or email....something like that. I didn't want to see her, and I didn't want her to call me.

Therefore, I don't understand why she's at my front door, staring at me with tenderness in her eyes. The way loving mothers look at their children. It made me so mad that all I wanted to do was slam the door shut again. I didn't even know why I fucking opened it to begin with. I knew she was the one standing out here. I could hear her heartbeat loud and clear as well as see her figure on the porch. I guess I just wanted her to quit ringing my doorbell every two seconds as to not wake Alex. Oh, all hell would've broken loose tonight.

At her silence, I raised a questioning brow. Antoinette perched her lips at me and shifted her weight from one leg to the next. An uncomfortable gesture she didn't display often. "I need to talk to you." She finally said. As if she had every right to be there, to see me, to talk to me. But she lost that privilege nearly two years ago. The last time she disowned me. The last time she blatantly told me she wanted me dead. That I was dead to her. I still hear the words as if she had just spoken them seconds ago, but I was sure of one thing, I would never hear them again because that last time will remain so. The last. I will not give her another chance to worm her way back into my life and turn it upside down. I didn't want her around me. I didn't want her around my wife and I certainly didn't want her around my son.

"It's after ten at night," I pointed out. Despite everything, I still chose to take the polite route. The most respectful one. Even when she didn't deserve it. Ugh. "My wife and I were about to sleep."

"Your brother's wife—"

I stiffened, my jaw clenching. Next to me, my wife did the same then she pivoted on her heels and walked away. Her hand lingered on my waist, a silent offer of support despite her retreat. A retreat that was well understood. We've already had a rough night— she already had a rough night. We didn't need to go to war with my mother right now. It was too much. She was always too much and she hasn't changed one bit. But that is good for her. I'm not going to stand here and entertain this shit. I'm way too exhausted to be dealing with her right now.

"Whatever you need to say, send it in a text between the hours of 9 am and 6 pm. If it's important, I'll respond." I flung the door shut.

"Wait..." Antoinette shoved her foot between the small crack, making the wood collide with her feet before opening again. I involuntarily cringed at the sight. That must've hurt. It annoyed me as much as it caused a spring of guilt inside my chest. I don't know why, because it's not like I was trying to cause her pain. It's just—

"What is it?" I asked impatiently.

"I didn't come here to fight with you or your....wife."

Yeah? I almost laughed. It's funny because the second thing out of her mouth was her picking a fight. But, whatever. Humour me. "Why did you come?" I asked in a calm, steady voice.

"I have cancer."

The world seemed to stop after that. My brain seemed to have frozen, then thrown years back into the past before returning to the present. For a flat minute, I couldn't breathe or seem to process her words. Then it hit me, she had cancer. She was dying. Honestly, seems like she got her karma. 

Wow! You didn't just say— think that that. She is your mother. 

A mother who has mentally, sometimes physically, abused me all my life. The same mother who wished I died in that car accident instead of my brother. The same mother who has told me more than once that I was dead to her. She wished death for me and it came right back at her, so yes, perhaps this is her karma and perhaps she wouldn't have even come here if she was well. She's probably just seeking pity, using this as a golden opportunity to hit one final blow before she is gone forever. Would she have even come otherwise? If she was still healthy? And why did she? Okay, yes, you have cancer....and??? 

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