Bonus Chapter 2 - {Daddy Dearest}

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Drea's POV

I blame August. I blame August for everything. For the reason I feel so sad and lonely and moody. For the reason I have one, potentially even two babies on the way and even for the reason why it just rained.

I don't know.

Then I blame my mom for the reason my dad was alive, and I didn't know. But that...that I am trying not to do. Instead, I am trying to tell myself that what she did was out of love. I grimaced at the thought. It made me nauseous. Why would she possibly leave with me and hide me from my dad out of love? In a time when love was non-existent between us?

A part of me is angry about it but another part of me, the part that has been growing and healing from the pains and trauma of my past, has been telling me that maybe she did what she did out of love. Maybe she just didn't want to lose me forever. I'm a mother now, surely I can relate.  What would I have done if forever reason Julia and I weren't together anymore and she was trying to take Alex and go someplace? I know I wouldn't just let her take my son without me knowing whether I would see him again, but I wouldn't turn around and do that very same thing to her either. I'd most likely go wherever they went if they needed to go that badly.

Or, maybe if it really did come to it, I'd let them go. If it was the only way to keep them safe.

With a sigh, I rinsed Alex's breakfast bowl before stocking it into the dishwasher and did the same for all the utensils Julia and I used as well. I wonder what August is dreaming about? I know she's just sleeping having the fucking time of her life on cloud 9 while I'm on the ground, missing—miserable. Ugh. I hate her.

I slammed the dishwasher shut and teleported myself to my cousin's office. I was met with the barrel of her pistol, aimed directly between my eyes and still smoking. Her arm held it firmly, not one finger faltering beneath its weight. I was unable to see anything else but the bullet in the barrel a few inches away from my eyes or her finger that was a mere millimetre away from giving me a forehead piercing. I gulped. "Uhm..."

"What do you want?" She said and the sound of her voice made me pull my eyes away from her red-hot smoking pistol to look at her face. Her eyes were red, her lashes soaked and I could see tear tracks on her cheeks that hadn't dried yet.

"I just came to thank you. But are you okay?"

She dropped her aim with a heavy breath and turned her back to me, gripping the edges of her desk tightly. "I want to kill somebody."

"Clearly. But why?" I made the stupid choice of getting closer, circling her desk and sitting in her chair.

She shook her head, blinking back a new set of tears. "Do you think I'm a bad mother?"

"The opposite," I told her truthfully. "What happened?

"Irelee told me she wants to have sex with somebody." My eyes widened. "Yeah, I'm very close to ending the world right now."

"Whoa! Well, uhm, have you talked to her about it?"

"Look at me, Adreanna," she scowled, pointing to herself with her gun. I was afraid she would accidentally shoot herself but then again, she wouldn't die so... "Do I look like I'm in the talking fucking mood right now?"

She really didn't. Why was I here again? "Perhaps you could start there before you panic. Sit and talk with her and find out why she wants to do this and with whom and whatever."

"I will," she assured, ejecting the clip from her pistol and replacing it with a fully loaded one I hadn't seen on her desktop. "But first, I need to blow off some steam and go through my motions of feeling like an absolutely terrible parent or I will be killing people. And breaking Lee's neck. Grace is going to lose her shit."

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