14. {Metamorphisis}

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⬆️ pic above is Wren 🙂 Also, trigger warning:  some dialogue ahead can be upsetting. 

Emilie's POV

"...my daughter is the most soft-spoken eleven-year-old to ever exist. So of course, some kid is going to try walking all over her." It only makes sense. Everyone can literally see the logic behind that except for this bearded toad sitting before me. 

He continued to stare at me with disinterest, not even listening to a word I said. "We do not tolerate bullying at this institution—"

"I don't care what you do or do not tolerate." I leaned forward, matching his stare with a steely one of my own. "My daughter didn't lie—"

"All kids lie, Mrs LaRue."

"We're not talking about anybody else's kids. We're talking about my kid. We're talking about Wren and Wren doesn't lie to me."

"You're going to sit here and tell me that Irelee doesn't--"

"What the fuck does this have to do with Irelee? Oh my God!" I felt like I was talking to a newborn. "Irelee is a different kid from Wren. The complete opposite. She will lie, she will test boundaries, she is dry-eyed and daring and bare-faced and doesn't give a shit! But Wren...." I pointed to her for emphasis. "Doesn't lie. If she said she didn't do something then she didn't do it."

Principal Webster's gaze shifted to Wren where she stood next to me before meeting mine again. I stared him down just as much as Sierra was. Sierra was standing by the door, arms folded and infuriated. I could feel her rage radiating through our bond but I was proud of her for keeping her cool. Grace would've lost her shit and started slitting throats already, and it was by sheer willpower that I didn't pull my gun out as yet. 

No, it was actually because of Wren. I didn't want to traumatise my baby.

The older man sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair. "She punched a student and I can't just overlook that. Violence is not tolerated—"

"She didn't punch him," Sierra pointed out again. "On top of that, he was the one provoking her. What happen to the no discrimination and bullying policy? Or are these only applicable for a select few students and not the others?"

"Saying my daughter is adopted is one thing," I added dryly. "It's a known fact that no one is trying to cover up. But when you're going to tell my baby that she would never be a part of her family because she's black and the rest of us are white and then further make fun of her by telling her we're raising her to be a slave, then we're going to have a problem. That is what we're not going to do."

"Honestly, I wonder who is raising these kids." Sierra remarked. "And on top of all that bullshit she had to hear you want to suspend her for it. It's not going to happen."

"She's being punished for hitting a student."

"I didn't hit him," she said again.

"Declan has a broken nose, Ms LaRue. Surely he didn't do that to himself."

"Mr Webster, do you mind telling me what Declan's punishment is in all of this? Is he being punished for bullying her? Discrimination? Anything?" I continued to probe. "Because if the answer is no then you are not suspending my daughter."

"Declan is out for a few days because of his injuries. We can not punish a student who currently isn't—"

"Unbelievable!" I pushed my chair back and got up,  taking Wren's hand and turning towards the door. "My daughter is going to class and I will be heading back to work. You see the next time someone makes a comment like that to any of my children, student or otherwise, it will be the last time they speak."

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