Bonus Chapter 6 - {Finally a Grandma!}

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Julia's POV
West Hollywood, CA

June 7th

The sound of Willow throwing up in the bathroom woke me. Ever since August's tour ended almost a week ago, we've practically all been living in LA. I wish I could say life has been peaceful, but I guess we couldn't have really expected better after that announcement we made at the Grammy's.

It's been a week, and we're still trending everywhere. All four of us. I was trying to stay away from social media at this time and have let everyone know to not share any social media posts with me. I just didn't want to see it and Phyllis would take care of anything that needed taking care of.

My peace of mind was my top priority. Sometimes, the effort felt futile, though. Or, maybe the algorithm was trying to get me to give in with every article and video suggestion it made to me being related to us. At this point, I've seen our red carpet pictures so much they are stained in my mind.

The one they highlighted the most was the picture of us leaving. Drea and Willow were a step before us, walking hand in hand. Ms Problematic had her arm around my waist and with the other, she was pointing to me, mouthing 'mine'. Ugh. I hate her.

Since then, we've only been out together twice. Once to the premier of Whiskers and the other to the beach. Alex loves it here because we can go to the beach whenever we want. He's fascinated with the sand, although scared of the sea itself. When we were on Egralon, he wasn't scared of the sea and he even allowed one of the Naiadras to hold him.

But kids are so strange.

Since we've been in LA, Drea had let her dad know he could stay at the house in Virginia. They talk on the phone every day and during that time, my wife was the happiest and most relaxed she could ever be. I loved that for her.

The moment I opened my eyes, I noticed that Drea was also not in bed. August's grip around my waist tightened as I tried to move away and she let out a protestant groan. "Where are you going? Do you want to throw up, too?"

I shook my head. "No. Just worried and also want to pee. I'll be back."

"Okay," she glided her hand over my stomach and caressed it a bit before she let me go.

I flung the sheets away and climbed over her to get off, delivering a kiss to her face as I did. Since Drea and Willow weren't in bed, I could have got off without climbing on her, but I wanted the extra contact and she didn't mind either. "I love you,"

She smiled. "Love you too. Go and hurry back."

With a smile, I left for the bathroom. The door was opened and I could see Willow sitting on the covered toilet, her arm outstretched as Grace tried getting an IV line in. "Good morning sissy!" Grace greeted, not looking up once.

Willow looked up then, smiling at me. The complete look of misery on her face seconds ago was replaced by something brighter, a bit of excitement. It made my stomach warm. "Hi, baby," she greeted.

Drea's eyes found me then and she pushed herself off the wall she was leaning against to approach me. Her eyes were full of concern and portrayed her exhaustion. Just how long has she been up?

"Are you okay?" She inquired, a palm finding my stomach. She has been obsessed with these babies the same way she had been obsessed with Alex. She sings to them every night and every morning she talks to them and reads to them. August is no better. Every time she saw me, she caressed my stomach and whispered My love. It was the same whenever she saw Willow too.

I swear, one of these days I was going to melt into a puddle and it would be all her fault.

"I'm fine," I told Drea with a reassuring smile. "She was throwing up."

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