9. {Homecoming}

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I woke up at 5 am.

It was dark and cold and clammy and every part of my body was throbbing to the beat of my heart. Within the first ten seconds, I had come to the harsh realisation that this hangover was the absolute worst I've had in a while. Despite that, I had to get up and start packing my shit. Something I should've done the night before instead of opting for my wife to punish me. But, I didn't. Therefore, not only did I have to do it while my brain was hungover and half asleep, but while my vagina was hungover too.

On top of that, my breasts were leaking. It was actually the coldness from the milk that woke me. It was wet and clammy and cold and the pain followed closely behind. In conclusion—

"You look like shit."

I glared at my oh-so-beautiful wife, feigning annoyance at her witty comment. She stood in all her majestic glory at the side of my bed. A smile graced her lips as she leaned in to kiss me. I welcomed it. "I got you a large coffee, some aspirin and some water." She revealed, pulling back to offer me the coffee and uncurling her palm to reveal the dose of aspirin.

I stared at her for a moment, unable to speak but I shouldn't have expected anything different. This was Adreanna and if there's one thing she's going to do, it's take care of me and Alex. No matter what.

With a sense of appreciation swelling inside me, I lousily took the tablets, swallowing them with a sip of the water from my bedside table before looking back at her. She offered the coffee again and I took it with a smile, pressing it to my lips. "Thank you so much," I mumbled, my voice hoarse, unlike anything it typically sounds like. Whether it was an after-effect of the alcohol or screaming, I did not know. I didn't even care. I just had to let her know that I was grateful.

"Until my last breath, Julia, I got you." She gave me a sincere smile and kissed my forehead before pulling back.

I tried not to blush or cry as her words hit me square in my heart and wrapped around it like a blanket. A quick and firm reminder that I was no longer in this world all by myself. That someone was there and always will be there to soothe me in the most uncomfortable of times and make it all better. I couldn't have married a more imperfectly perfect woman.

"Are you done packing?" I inquired, taking a sip of coffee and reaching for my phone to tell Drew happy birthday. It was finally September 5th and I had wanted to wish her a happy birthday the second it struck midnight. Butttttt..... I was busy with other things. I texted her Happy Birthday!!! with lots of emojis and let her know I sent her something and she should have a rockstar day amongst other stuff. I don't know. The message was just sent but already, I was having trouble remembering what I even wrote. I think my brain is still buzzing. 

My eyes found Drea again as I threw the phone down. She's been out of bed long before me so she probably got all her packing out the way already. But she shook her head, surprising me. "Have you started?" I asked again.


I lowered the mug, concerned now because if neither of us has started then when are we going to finish? She's not the most productive when I'm around and vice versa. We distract each other more often than not. "Adreanna—"

"I'm going to start now." She defended, holding her hands up in surrender as she retreated. "I just wanted to get your stuff out of the way first and have coffee on hand for when you wake up."

My heart stuttered in my chest as her words made it through my hazy thoughts into my brain. She packed for me? "You packed for me?"


"Like..." My eyes travelled around the room to see my luggage packed and waiting by the door. My matie bag was sitting atop it, waiting for me, and my outfit was picked out and thrown over the chair back. My grip tightened as a wave of emotion bubbles in my chest. My eyes found her again, watering. "I was going to do it."

Mrs Jones (GxG)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя